Re: Theos-World RE: The role of the Teacher or moderator ???
Oct 03, 2004 09:15 AM
by samblo
After posting a reply I went through my regular website checks and lo and
behold! Tonight a Radio show I have listened to since the mid-1970's will have
Cleve Backster as it's guest. It is syndicated and also International, people
in Europe can listen to it on stations that carry it there. Cleve Backster
will comments on his 37 years of research findings on this Radio show tonight.
It begins in my time zone Pacific standard Time (PST) USA at 10 PM Sunday
October 3rd, the show runs 4 hours. here is the website for the Radio show:
tonight's Host for the show is Art Bell.
Many if interested in this subject can hear the researcher in real time, even
call in and ask question during the "Call-in" portion of the show. I'm not
very good at converting Time zones so those in other countries will have to
figure it out themselves. maybe some Theosophists we know will call.
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