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Re: Theos-World Re: Alice L. Cleather Writes about Mr. Judge and Mrs. Tingley

Oct 03, 2004 02:10 AM
by ringding777

Yes. I really believe that. You not? I am surprized as all 
what KT was doing was what HPB and Judge beginning but 
hindered by ill-health to fulfill. For that reason GdeP 
regarded KT as the highest theosophist (cp. KTMG Dialogues).
I believe the Rajah was the Master K.H. in the same sense as 
H.P.B. or KT or GdeP were the Master K.H.

The quote proves that Mrs. Cleather obviously did not 
understand that higher occult knowledge, even after someone 
explained it to her as she reports for herself.
She was taught it by KT, but she did not grasp it. Therefore 
she believed KT was a dugpa, because it cannot be, cannot, 
that there is someone in the world who has MY knowledge, as 
I was a pupil of HPB and know ALL of occultism, or, more 
stupid, someone who has a superior knowledge. Anyone who 
claims to have higher knowledge than I is a dugpa!

That reminds me of a listener who attended my study group 
meeting in in the mid-90'ies. After two or three meetings we 
had a quarrel on a special topic. I gave all and explained 
and explained, giving examples and examples but he did not 
grasp it. Then he claimed: I was two or three times in your 
theosophical meeting and now I know all!

Another time there were two ladies, one in her 20ies, the 
other in her 40ies. We spoke about the VOS and to become a 
chela. The two ladies protested after a while, shouting out: 
We do not want to become chelas, we want to be MASTERS!!! 
One is reminded to teh tragic person of A.P. Sinnett...
They laughed about Theosophy as childdren play because they 
were connected with a Master in Siberia who taught them to 
draw occult signs. They never came again. Years after it I 
have heard that the younger lady has become an alcoholic, 
because of the many monsters they had to fight during her 
astral flights.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 5:40 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Alice L. Cleather Writes about Mr. 
Judge and Mrs. Tingley


It was Mrs. Cleather who wrote:

"Mrs. Tingley then told me, among other things,
that Mr. Judge was really the Master K.H.; and
Mr. Judge did not discourage this idea when I
gave him my report of the interview. . . ."

Do you believe "Mr. Judge was really the
Master K.H."?


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