Red hat= Nyingmapa
Oct 02, 2004 07:22 AM
by kpauljohnson
Dear Nigel,
I thought I recalled seeing both these sects ID'd as red hats but this
site has three rather than two hat colors:
calling the Kargyutpa black hats.
No, neither the HPB writings nor the MLs say who the red hats are, but
that is a matter of historical record, no? I have heard it speculated
at a Theosophical History conference that she/they really meant the
Bonpa and not the red hats.
--- In, "nhcareyta" <nhcareyta@y...> wrote:
> Paul
> You recently wrote "The Nyingmapa and Kargyutpa sects of Tibetan
> Buddhism are not the evil monsters portrayed by HPB's ill-informed
> comments on them."
> Would you have any specific references where HPB mentions these two
> sects by name rather than her and the Mahatmas'general comments on
> Red Caps and the apparent implications therefrom?
> Kind regards
> Nigel
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