Re: "Golden Stairs" by H.P. Blavatsky [??????]
Sep 06, 2004 12:00 PM
by Anand Gholap
She was copying from scriptures. Anyway I will not put name of the
--- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell"
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:
> H.P. Blavatsky did NOT credit
> herself as writing the "Golden Stairs."
> See below quote extracted from H.P.B.'s
> Esoteric Instruction, No. III:
> =============================================
> And now hoping that no misunderstanding
> is any longer possible, I resume in this
> hope the Rules, quoting a few more remarks
> upon them from the said letter [from Master
> Morya]. They come as a comment on art. 5,
> and I quote them verbatim.
> ". . . And if the limbs have to defend the
> head and heart of their body, then why not
> so, also, the Disciples their Teachers as
> representing the SCIENCE of Theosophy which
> contains and includes the 'head' of their
> privilege, the 'heart' of their spiritual
> growth?
> Saith the Scripture:
> "He who wipeth not away the filth with
> which the parent's body may have been
> defiled by an enemy, neither loves the
> parent nor honors himself. He who defendeth
> not the persecuted and the helpless, who giveth
> not of his food to the starving, nor draweth
> water from his well for the thirsty, hath been
> born too soon in human shape.
> "Behold the truth before you: a clean life, an open mind, a pure
> heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual perception, a
> brotherliness for one's co-disciple, a readiness to give and
> receive advice and instruction, a loyal sense of duty to the
> a willing obedience to the behests of TRUTH, once we have placed
> confidence in, and believe that Teacher to be in possession of it;
> courageous endurance of personal injustice, a brave declaration of
> principles, a valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked,
> a constant eye to the ideal of human progression and perfection
> the secret science (Gupta-Vidya) depicts––these are the golden
> stairs up the steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of
> Divine Wisdom. Say this to those who have volunteered to be taught
> you."
> These are the words of great Teachers, and I but do the bidding of
> one of these in repeating them to you. What is found in the letter,
> I, H.P.B., now say to you in the authentic words, which are:
> "THINK; and thinking, TRY: the goal is indeed worth all the possible
> effort."
> Much of what the Book of Discipline contains you may find in the
> fragments just translated by me from The Book of the Golden
> and published for the benefit of the "Few." These rules are
> as old as the world. . . .
> ===============================================
> Daniel
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