RE: Theos-World A few questions to Dallas
Aug 29, 2004 04:28 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Dear Pedro:
Received your questions.
Please see answers inserted in your text. (below)
1 I do not recall HPB ever attacking any one as a "person." In cases
where grave errors that involved the well being of others she gave warnings
and explanations. Their actions and statements were commented on and this
was done impersonally.
2 ORIGINAL TEACHINGS refers to the first published teachings of
THEOSOPHY as can be found in the 1st editions of HPB, Judge's, Sinnett's
books (also MAHATMA LETTERS) where the MASTERS are quoted.
The reason that I repeat ORIGINAL TEACHINGS is that subsequent reprints of
those books (by the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY and others) and articles are found
on proof-rereading to have faults and changes from the ORIGINALS. Some
publishers have wisely reprinted PHOTOGRAPHIC copies of the ORIGINALS.
3 Starting with ISIS UNVEILED (1877) and continuing to her last
article MY BOOKS 1891, HPB produced and published in various ways the
"Message " of the Mahatmas. That is what I mean by ORIGINAL TEACHINGS. It
is a restatement of the ancient teachings. Evidence of antiquity is
frequently adduced in evidence of continuity.
There is certainly a "Wisdom Tradition." Anyone who is able to grasp the
FUNDAMENTALS of THEOSOPHY and of the MESSAGE of HPB is able to discern this.
But any one who makes a claim is not automatically to be trusted.
People who make claims need to be scrutinized for accuracy. No one need take
anything on trust or faith or blind belief.
Can you find a reference where HPB spoke of, and used the term the "Wisdom
Tradition ?" I can't recall one.
No. I would neither accept nor endorse anyone saying "Theosophy according
to HPB." As far as I can determine she was unique. If you' read what the
Mahatmas say about HPB you will understand. (see below). And yes. I am
very "dogmatic" about this one fact.
The reason should be plain: There has been a systematic attack on HPB
conducted since her death -- on her character and the value of her original
writings. Certain persons have taken pains to insert their views and
opinions after she wrote. They dared not do it when she was alive.
If you want "pucka (true) THEOSOPHY" then study her works.
If you' want pseudo-Theosophy, then take your pick -- there are many who
have presumed to re-write or abridge her books.
In this way enormous value has been lost and students (even those who have a
warm feeling for THEOSOPHY ) who wanted "short-cuts," have been lead astray.
Now they don't know what THEOSOPHY is. There is a lot to un-learn.
THEOSOPHY has not two answers for any question. Study alone lays bear the
common facts, laws and history of its presence and development.
The study of THEOSOPHY leads the student to discover for himself. It teaches
us to think, To reason, To be logical. Few of us have had this mind of
training in our youth. But it is never too late to begin.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro O
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:03 AM
Subject: A few questions to Dallas
Dear Dallas,
P O Because you are such a resourceful student of HPB's writings I would
like, respectfully, to put some questions to you as a student of Theosophy.
1) Have you ever come accross, in HPB's editorials in "Lucifer", any example
of personal attacks on the character of any person, dead or alive, either by
herself or tolerated by her as editor?
DTB I do not recall HPB ever attacking any one as a "person."
In cases where grave errors that involved the well being of others she gave
warnings and explanations. Their actions and statements were commented on
and this was done impersonally.
P O 2 In your postings on this list you have used frequently the
expression "ORIGINAL TEACHINGS", and linked the expression specifically to
the writings of HPB, the Mahatmas and W. Q. Judge.
To a newcomer such usage may indicate that the original teachings of
Theosophy are limited to the three sources just mentioned. Did HPB or the
Mahatmas or William Judge include in their writings a caveat to the effect
theirs were the original teachings or was this done by subsequent
generations of students of their works?
DTB 2 ORIGINAL TEACHINGS refers to the first published teachings
of THEOSOPHY as can be found in the 1st editions of HPB, Judge, Sinnett's
books (also MAHATMA LETTERS) where the MASTERS are quoted.
The reason that I repeat ORIGINAL TEACHINGS is that subsequent reprints of
those books (by the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY and others) and articles, are
found, on proof-rereading to have faults and changes from the ORIGINALS.
Some publishers have wisely reprinted PHOTOGRAPHIC copies of the ORIGINALS.
Starting with ISIS UNVEILED (1877) and continuing to her last article MY
BOOKS, 1891, HPB produced and published in various ways the "Message " of
the Mahatmas.
That is what I mean by ORIGINAL TEACHINGS. It is a restatement of the
ancient teachings. Evidence of antiquity is frequently adduced in evidence
of continuity.
The facts of the Universe and its Laws are continuous and never vary. Nor
are they whimsical or designed to satisfy anyone's personal likes or
It (original THEOSOPHY) teaches the LAWS of the Universe and does not
contradict itself. It is coherent, complete and self-proving.
Later writers are full of their opinions and tend to denigrate HPB -- trying
to impose on the ignorance and credulity of newcomers they tend to say:
"HPB is too difficult." That is bosh - nonsense.
Show me any line of study or any science that does not require serious
P O The dictionary meaning of the word "original" includes
"that has served as a pattern, of which copy or translation has been made,
not derivative or dependent, first-hand, not imitative, novel in character
and style, inventive, creative". It is doubtful that HPB would have
considered her teaching "first hand" since she called it the Wisdom
The reason for this question is that in the eastern traditions important
texts are identified by their authors, like "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali",
Madhyamikakarika" by Nagarjuna, "Vivekachudamani" by Shankaracharya, "Tao Te
Ching" by Lao Tsu, etc.
P O Theosophy being a broad subject and teaching, and considering that
the word was used much before HPB, perhaps an alternative form of words
could be "Theosophy according to H.P. Blavatsky". Didn't she herself teach
that Theosophy existed since the ancient times?
DTB The direct line of similar teachings can be traced as you seem to
But you have to remember that there are 2 lines of teaching.
1 There is the "Eye" doctrine -- that which is written translated and
argued about.
And, there is
2 the HEART DOCTRINE -- it is concealed within the "exoteric
writings." It is that which invokes a wisdom of the pure moral universe and
its immutable laws and actions. It is a study of Karma as law and as a
harmonious balancing response to the actions and motives of every
free-willed being in the world and the universe.
It also takes for granted that the MONAD (EGO) is an Immortal, and
Karma the ONE ANCIENT TRUE LAW (that urges all beings and the worlds and
universes -- to progress towards spirituality) is immutable and adjusts all
actins according to their motives and the impacts they may make on others.
Selfishness is punished and readjusted. Brotherhood is constructive and is
nurtured and furthered, always. Wisdom is continually recommended and --
thus study is expected of all men who desire to attain the SUPREME
Here are some important points to remember
1 Essential Unity is of the Spiritual nature -- Atma-Buddhi - the
2 Universal Unity is simply put: the ONE SPIRIT -- and that is ALL,
and indivisible.
3 If we all share in this One Spirit [Every faith in the world says we
do, and yet they seem in the next breath to try and divide us -- at least
the priests, teach that, and add: do not question, trust me!] then we are
brothers in fact and that is not wishful thinking nor a myth.
4 Ironing out difficulties and misunderstandings does not entail
violence or war. The curious and unanswerable question is: Why should I or
anyone else, try to kill a perfectly unknown person or persons? Who
benefits by death or the maiming of others?
5 On the face of it, war is inexcusable, as also tyranny, terrorism,
and every kind of selfishness.
6 "Mine own shall return to me." Is a teaching of fairness and justice
-- something that Nature (employing the universal Law of KARMA) enforces it.
It says, briefly, that everything good or bad we do to others eventually
returns to us and assists or makes our lives more painful. Who wants to
encourage future pain for themselves?
It is evident that HPB was an Adept herself, and she made the effort
(free-will) to use and embody a very special kind of personality, one able
to act as a bridge between the moral plane of the Mahatmas and the plane of
practical ethics chosen by an average person of our Humanity. [see M L p.
In this capacity we are to understand the Mahatmas [also called the Elder
Brothers, Adepts, Masters of Wisdom, Lha, Chohans, Rishis, etc.] in several
ways and places (the Masters) made it plain HPB was highly regarded, and
They said she was / is Their "colleague." [this can be deduced from what
they say concerning her in MAHATMA LETTERS].
She took on for Them and humanity several tasks :
1. To contact and inspire individuals to self-reform, and to set
themselves on the "Path" to achieve their own Adeptship, in this or future
lives. She always attracted and formed a select group, that individually
and voluntarily assisted and learned from her wherever she worked.
2. To establish the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY as a general group of free and
inquiring students in search of ultimate TRUTHS. It has three objects [ see
This includes:
1. The Immortality of the Spirit / Soul of Man and of all other beings.
[In other words, what is called by many "God" is universally ONE FOR ALL,
and, is innate to all beings, and in Mankind, because of the presence of an
independent and active mind, IT is cognizable. This establishes
"free-will" as an individual power or faculty of every "Mind-being." It also
hints at a "Moment of Choice," a kind of graduation time for the plurality
of mankind.]
2, This makes reincarnation of the Spirit-Soul a necessity.
3. The chain of evolutionary effort embraces the Universe, but, for us,
as it is localized on our Earth; and more specifically, as copied from the
secret library of the ADEPTS: it is to be seen as the history of its
(Earth's) origin in the Cosmos, and of mankind as a group of "monads of
mind." [read carefully the stanzas of the "Book of Dzyan" S D, Vols. I
and II]
This human Group (which includes us), is progressing towards their own
individual and self-chosen work (free-will) -- the Individualization of
their Lower Manas, and the final union (of the purified - of selfishness --
Lower Manas) with their own inner divine HIGHER MANAS. And in each of them,
if successful, their eventual full union with the MONAD which is their Inner
4. The seven-fold nature of Man and our Universe [S D I 157, II 596
5. The immutable and totally inclusive, UNIVERSAL LAW OF KARMA-a law
that includes the least and also and equally, the greatest of things. This
one of the limit of "free-will." It is established out of regard for
universal brotherhood.
7. Consciousness or awareness is a universal phenomenon. It is to be
observed in the smallest individual of units as well as in the largest
aggregations of UNITS, such as a solar system, a galaxy, and certainly it is
the basis for the living and Whole Universe. [It is the "free will" of the
virtuous that serves as the 'cement' of the worlds.]
8. Increments of individual Intelligence mark the progressive stages of
any unit's (Monad) advance in the scheme of a harmonious, universal
evolution. "Harmony in diversity" is its hallmark. [Humanity has reached
the stage in the development of Mind, whereby the whole panorama of
evolution and all the laws and forces in Nature may be secured and used. It
is the final development of the "Microcosm." -- "The Universe made I." --
Man, because of the individualization of his mind faculties, is considered
to be a microcosm of the universal Macrocosm. This establishes the potential
of his "free-will."]
"It is the Spiritual evolution of the Inner, immortal man, that forms the
fundamental tenet in the Occult Sciences." S D I 634
6. To write and expose to the public some of the lore and wisdom of the
World we live in, and of its unity with the Universe. To this purpose she
wrote ISIS UNVEILED, the SECRET DOCTRINE and many articles and letters.
7. To assist certain special individuals who had attained some degree
of advance on the "Path," and especially, of certain personalities known to
us by their works and their writings like Sinnett, Judge, Olcott, Subba Row,
Damodar Mavalankar, Djual Khool, Bhawani Shankar, and others. To some of
these letters were sent by the Mahatmas. To all of us - we are given Their
teachings. [see S D I 272-3]
8. The existence of successful Men was exposed. It is They who assist
all who strive to benefit mankind, They form The Ancient Lodge of the
MASTERS OF WISDOM. This "college" is to some extent exposed as an actual
benevolent fact. These "graduated Men" form a "Guardian Wall" that protects
humanity, and educates it with proofs of its innate immortality, and its
continuous progress as individuals seeking for Perfection. ( see Voice, p.
9. The common element of free-will that is present at all levels of
individual evolution makes this scheme possible.
10. We may see free-will (within boundaries) active everywhere and in
all relationships that involve units. [For instance, at the molecular
level, where the many laws of mass action allow for individualism as well as
the community and generality of actions -- in the laws of chemistry and
physics. In biology, it is seen as an individual intelligence that leads to
the formation of basic structures and organs, and in cells, to find the
place where they are most needed in any living body -- each living body is
found to be a harmony of diversity.]
We may then say that free will is the essential nature of "Spirit," as
individuality. The limits of that "free-will" reside in the temporary and
ever changing "forms of matter."
Man, using his mind powers can "see" this seeming paradox.
The Adepts, as Graduated Men, using "free-will," selects voluntarily and
without any coercion their future areas of work. Some are Nirmanakayas who
assist mankind invisibly-
More ideas:
1. the PERMANENT "I" is the MONAD -- the "Inner God" of all men.
2. There is the logical and thinking "I" (Manas - mind now active in us
when we are meditating, thinking of logical discoveries, moral improvement
-- it is Buddhi-Manas the Higher Mind)
3. There is the third "I" and as I define it, it is the emotional,
desire and impassioned 'Lower-Mind -- (Or Kama-Manas the ratiocinating
Personal brain-mind) or perhaps, it is a part of the mind that is
entrapped temporarily in the shifting vistas of desire, wants, urges, yens,
schemes, passions, and other such short-termed objectives. That would set
the "desires and passions" as some items separate from the mind per se.
Also, as I see it, this 3rd "passion and desire-mind" lacks the ability to
see the damage it can do to itself and the pain and suffering it might
inflict on others.
Also, I wonder if the Universe (Nature) as a total, tolerates such
misdirected individual activity? Does it have some method of rectification?
Is that "Karma?"
It also cannot anticipate the finality of its own death, and consider this
as a vital factor in its considerations. For such is the area where Mind 1
and Mind 2 work.
Now how to balance these? And how to study them?
Something in me can "see" all three. Is this (Mind 1) ?
Theosophy calls I (Mind 1) a "ray of the Universal Spirit." It adds that
the whole proces of life is a succession of many lives and advocated
reincarnation as a reasonable fact.
(Mind 2) does the work of logical arranging of data and deriving
conclusions, regardless of the desires and inclinations of (Mind 3.)
In that case what causes us to be "born upon the cross?" Cross of what?
Is this actual or a symbolical cross :
(Vertical line = "Spirit"--- and "Horizontal line = "Matter")
In the PROEM, S D pages 16/17 2nd Fundamental Proposition footnote:
" "Pilgrim" is the appellation given to our Monad (the two in one) during
its cycle of incarnations. It is the only immortal and eternal principle in
us, being an indivisible part of the integral whole -- the Universal Spirit,
from which
it emanates, and into which it is absorbed at the end of the cycle. When it
is said to emanate from the one spirit, an awkward and incorrect expression
has to be used, for lack of appropriate words in English. The Vedantins call
it Sutratma (Thread-Soul), but their explanation, too, differs somewhat from
that of the occultists; to explain which difference, however, is left to the
Vedantins themselves."
Above this at the end of the 1st Fundamental Proposition:
"The following summary will afford a clearer idea to the reader. . .
(3.) Spirit-matter, LIFE; the "Spirit of the Universe," the Purusha and
Prakriti, or the second Logos.
(4.) Cosmic Ideation, MAHAT or Intelligence, the Universal World-Soul; the
Cosmic Noumenon of Matter, the basis of the intelligent operations in and of
Nature, also called MAHA-BUDDHI.
The ONE REALITY; its dual aspects in the conditioned Universe."
Now that is a lot to consider
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