"Free discussion...is...the most efficacious means of getting rid of error...."
Aug 21, 2004 05:02 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
>From H.P. Blavatsky's LUCIFER magazine:
Free discussion, temperate, candid, undefiled
by personalities and animosity, is, we think,
the most efficacious means of getting rid of
error and bringing out the underlying truth;
and this applies to publications as well as
to persons. It is open to a magazine to be
tolerant or intolerant; it is open to it to
err in almost every way in which an individual
can err; and since every publication of the
kind has a responsibility such as falls to
the lot of few individuals, it behooves it
to be ever on its guard, so that it may
advance without fear and without reproach.
All this is true in a special degree in
the case of a theosophical publication,
and Lucifer feels that it would be unworthy
of that designation were it not true to
the profession of the broadest tolerance
and catholicity, even while pointing out
to its brothers and neighbours the errors
which they indulge in and follow. While
thus keeping strictly, in its editorials,
and in articles by its individual editors, to the spirit and
teachings of pure theosophy, it nevertheless frequently gives room to
articles and letters which diverge widely from the esoteric teachings
accepted by the editors, as also by the majority of theosophists.
Readers, therefore, who are accustomed to find in magazines and party
publications only such opinions and arguments as the editor believes
to be unmistakably orthodox--from his peculiar standpoint-must not
condemn any article in Lucifer with which they are not entirely in
accord, or in which expressions are used that may be offensive from a
sectarian or a prudish point of view, on the ground that such are
unfitted for a theosophical magazine. They should remember that
precisely because Lucifer is a theosophical magazine, it opens its
columns to writers whose views of life and things may not only
slightly differ from its own, but even be diametrically opposed to
the opinion of the editors. The object of the latter is to elicit
truth, not to advance the interest of any particular ism, or to
pander to any hobbies, likes or dislikes, of any class of readers. It
is only snobs and prigs who, disregarding the truth or error of the
idea, cavil and strain merely over the expressions and words it is
couched in.
Theosophy, if meaning anything, means truth; and truth has to deal
indiscriminately and in the same spirit of impartiality with vessels
of honour and of dishonour alike. . . .
Justice demands that when the reader comes across an article in this
magazine which does not immediately approve itself to his mind by
chiming in with his own peculiar ideas, he should regard it as a
problem to solve rather than as a mere subject of criticism. Let him
endeavour to learn the lesson which only opinions differing from his
own can teach him. Let him be tolerant, if not actually charitable,
and postpone his judgment till he extracts from the article the truth
it must contain, adding this new acquisition to his store. One ever
learns more from one's enemies than from one's friends; and it is
only when the reader has credited this hidden truth to Lucifer, that
he can fairly presume to put what he believes to be the efforts of
the article he does not like to the debit account.
LUCFIER, January 1888, pp. 342-343
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