Re: Theos-World The average theosophist going to bed...
Aug 16, 2004 01:37 PM
by Rosabellhh
I say read Theosophy for yourself. If you find something that helps , great,
if not read something else. What helps me may not help you and the same in
reverse. I think that there is a lot of very interesting material in Theosophy.
I do not claim to know the mysteries of the universe but when I dealt with
Theosophist and instructors I found them to be wonderful people. I did take some
of their correspondence courses and I enjoyed the whole experience. As a
spiritual path of choice I find Kriya Yoga to be for me, but their many paths up
the mountain, at least I believe that.
I don't see the need to put Theosophy down , perhaps someone can explain the
reason to me. Norm Bigelow
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