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Re: TO: Katinka

Aug 11, 2004 02:18 PM
by Katinka Hesselink

Hi Andrew,

It does matter to present yourself other than you are. That is a lie,
quite simply. There are people out there reading that who may become
muslim because of it. And that would be based on a lie if they did. I
don't mind Bush (in the Netherlands he is too far off), but I do think
it is wise to be honest with your readers. That people don't know it's
you doesn't change the fact that you are responsible for that story. 

--- In, "Andrew Smith" <aupanishad@m...> wrote:
> It doesn't make any difference at this point whether or not I am a 
> Muslim or not, or a Sufi or not. Under Mr. Bush we are all under 
> suspicion--or am I too paranoid? There are a million "Andrew Smiths"-
> -it's the 4th most popular name in Scotland, and there are at least 
> 40 around here. I'm probably still on the FBI list for being in the 
> Students for a Democratic Society (SDS "Weathermen") and the 
> Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and other Marxist groups when I was 
> young, and also when I was in college getting my Master's Degree. 
> Radical Islam took the place of Radical Communism, unfortunately, and 
> I either make all the wrong choices or all the right ones, whichever 
> way you look at it. Anyway, I'm too damned old to be radical about 
> much of anything, so let the "Man" do his damndest. "Any day is a 
> good day to die," as the Roman Gladiators said.

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