Re: religions as avidya
Aug 09, 2004 04:32 AM
by Katinka Hesselink
Believing and worshipping the deva further blinds them to the truth,
is what the Mahatmas wrote (to my understanding)
--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> krishtar wrote:
> > Aren´t the religions in general a factory, a plant for producing
> > personal images of God and then promulgating to the people who´ll
> > become its followers? With a few exceptions such as the true
> > buddhism, all the attempts of Man to understand the great mistery of
> > creation and existence of God fall inevitably in the construction of
> > a limited, distorted, God.
> Or, as Blavatsky implies, sometimes a deva comes to a group, and the
> people confuse the deva with the message.
> Bart
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