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From: Carlo Suares' "Cipher of Genesis"

Aug 04, 2004 06:58 PM
by Andrew Smith

Bayt (0r Vayt) [Beth], no. 2, is the archetype of all "dwellings", of all containers: the physical support with out which nothing is.
Ghimel, no. 3, is the organic movement of every Bayt animated by Aleph.
Dallet, no. 4, is physical existence, as response to life, of all that, in nature, is organically active with Ghimel. Where the structure is inorganic Dallet is its own resistance to destruction.
Hay, no. 5, is the archetype of universal life. When it is conferred upon Dallet, it allows it to play the game of existence, in partnership with the intermittent life-death process.
Vav (or Waw), no. 6, expresses the fertilizing agent, that which impregnates. It is the direct result of Hay upon Dallet.
Zayn, no. 7, is the achievement of every vital impregnation: this number opens the field of every possibility.
Hhayt, no. 8 is the sphere of storage of all undifferentiated energy, or unstructured substance. It expresses the most unevolved state of energy, as opposed to its achieved freedom in Zayn.
Tayt, no. 9, as archetype of the primeval female energy, draws its life from Hhayt and builds it gradually into structures.

Such is the fundamental equation set and developed in Genesis.
Andrew W. Smith
Master Sergeant, USA/USAF (Ret.)

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