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RE: [bn-study] RE: Atlantis - the Culprit

Aug 03, 2004 05:44 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Aug 2 2004

Dear Reed:

May I break in and offer the following for consideration? 

Re: Atlantis engulfment -- purely mechanical ?


Can you show me any physical plane effect that does not have some cause that
is other than "physical?"  

That which directs our fingers when we type is muscular control. What is
that control? Direction, emotion, thought -- all non physical - yet, most
powerful. For this reason we create our own Karma. And as a group or race
we create the cycles. The astronomical signs and events only serve as an
impersonal "clock," on which the return of Karmic cycles, for either an Ego,
or a Race-group of Egos, is marked by themselves. 

Are "we" not, for our own physical bodies and their actions, like the Karmic
and supervising "planetary Spirits?"  

The physical body has its own karmic cycles and cohesiveness is the result
of aeons of continued trial and effort -- producing in it an innate
intelligence (some may call this its 'heredity') whereby it maintains (by
dealing with the assistance provided in its environment by food, air, water,
shelter, health, etc..) its unity and usefulness.  

We, (as Monadic and immortal Units showing capacity in individualism,
self-determination, motion, mind, etc...) as ruling "tenants," help or
hinder (by our creative or destructive decisions) the purely material side
of bodily life. It is (to me) as though a superior force modified those
lesser powers, as I review, in my self our conjoined life memories.

[ Let's set aside any possible correlation with an astral, or a pranic, or a
Karmic CAUSE ? If these mean nothing to you, then the question is moot.
However the literature of Theosophy provides adequate argument showing mater
and its forms are incomplete unless the non-physical "directors" decide on
all or any action.

So too with geological processes and the progress of "races." 

No "Planetary Spirit" can do more than supervise the processes of Karma in
the realms of physical substance and matter, and the 7 areas of study are at
least valid hypotheses to consider.  

To me, after 50 years of study, of our modern Science, I find it is full of
holes that remain unexplained. Theosophy on the contrary explains
everything as a coherent whole -- so why not test and trust it?

Does Science know of these? Is Theosophy out in 'left field?' Or does our
modern Science lack the perceptive links that can be obtained -- as shown in
ISIS UNVEILED and the SECRET DOCTRINE from the past observation and vision
of the Great Lodge (S D I 272-3) as couched in the SECRET DOCTRINE ?  

Need we always try to equate Theosophy with the superficial gropings of
Science? There is too much evidence of its fallacies and dead-ends. But
those are well covered up, and most people don't think deeply enough to
uncover those things for themselves -- or they decide to be skeptics. 

Is our 'scientific' investigation and discovery of ancient relics and
artifacts totally honest? [ see the books of Charles Fort, E. Velikovsky,
Von Danigen, Cremo & Johnson, J A West, etc...] 

The Karma of the so-called (Theosophical "races") of mankind in general is a
type made up of many physical "colors" and heredities. It is made of a
general and temporarily common set of emotional impulses (selfishness and
vice limited to the present "personality") and higher aspirations
(brotherhood and virtue -- products of its innate immortality).  

The Human mind sees both these, individually and more vaguely: collectively.
Of course, The SECRET DOCTRINE teaches these "generalities" will alter from
place to place on the Earth's surface, and from racial and tribal groups to
others, as the ever emigrating immortal Egoic Monads come and go from the
scene according to their individual and joint Karma. 


- Karma - Periodical Builders

"the "four Maharajahs" or great Kings of the Dhyan-Chohans, the Devas who
preside, each over one of the four cardinal points. They are the Regents or
Angels who rule over the Cosmical Forces of North, South, East and West,
Forces having each a distinct occult property. These BEINGS are also
connected with Karma, as the latter needs physical and material agents to
carry out her decrees,.." S D I 122-3 

"It is not the "Rector" or "Maharajah" who punishes or rewards...but man
himself - his deeds or Karma, attracting individually and collectively (as
in the case of whole nations sometimes), every kind of evil and calamity. We
produce CAUSES, and these awaken the corresponding powers in the sidereal
world; which powers are magnetically and irresistibly attracted to - and
react upon - those who produced these causes; whether such persons are
practically the evil-doers, or simply Thinkers who brood mischief. Thought
is matter, we are taught by modern Science; and "every particle of the
existing matter must be a register of all that has happened..." [Babbage]
S D I 124

"Each leads an army of spiritual beings to protect... the four celestial
beings are precisely this. They are the protectors of mankind and also the
Agents of Karma on Earth, whereas the Lipika are concerned with Humanity's
S D I 126

"There are three chief groups of Builders and as many of the Planetary
Spirits and the Lipika, each group being again divided into Seven
sub-groups... The "Builders" are the representatives of the first
"Mind-Born" Entities, therefore of the primeval Rishi-Prajapati..." S D
I 127

"They build or rather rebuild every "System" after the "Night." The Second
group of the Builders is the Architect of our planetary chain exclusively;
and the third, the progenitor of our Humanity - the Macrocosmic prototype of
the microcosm. 

The Planetary Spirits are the informing spirits of the Stars in general, and
of the Planets especially. They rule the destinies of men who are all born
under one or other of their constellations; the second and third groups
pertaining to other systems have the same functions, and all rule various
departments in Nature... they are the guardian deities who preside over the
eight points of the compass - the four cardinal and the four intermediate
points - and are called Loka-Palas, "Supporters or guardians of the World"
(in our visible Kosmos)...

The Lipika... are the Spirits of the Universe, whereas the Builders are only
our own planetary deities. 

The former belong to the most occult portion of Cosmogenesis, which cannot
be given here. Whether the Adepts (even the highest) know this angelic order
in the completeness of its triple degrees, or only the lower one connected
with the records of our world, is something which the writer is unprepared
to say, and she would incline rather to the latter supposition. Of its
highest grade one thing only is taught: the Lipika are connected with Karma
- being its direct Recorders." 
S D I 128

A Universal Phenomena & Necessity

"In sober truth...every "Spirit" so-called is either a disembodied or a
future man. As from the highest Archangel (Dhyan Chohan) down to the last
conscious "Builder" (the inferior class of Spiritual Entities), all such are
men, having lived aeons ago, in other Manvantaras, on this or other Spheres;
so the inferior, semi-intelligent and non-intelligent Elementals-are all
future men. 

That fact alone-that a Spirit is endowed with intelligence-is a proof to the
Occultist that that Being must have been a man, and acquired his knowledge
and intelligence throughout the human cycle. 

There is but one indivisible and absolute Omniscience and Intelligence in
the Universe, and this thrills throughout every atom and infinitesimal point
of the whole finite Kosmos which hath no bounds, and which people call
SPACE, considered independently of anything contained in it. 

But the first differentiation of its reflection in the manifested World is
purely Spiritual, and the Beings generated in it are not endowed with a
consciousness that has any relation to the one we conceive of. They can have
no human consciousness or Intelligence before they have acquired such,
personally and individually. This may be a mystery, yet it is a fact, in
Esoteric philosophy, and a very apparent one too. 

The whole order of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher life.
There is design in the action of the seemingly blindest forces. The whole
process of evolution with its endless adaptations is a proof of this. 

The immutable laws that weed out the weak and feeble species, to make room
for the strong, and which ensure the "survival of the fittest," though so
cruel in their immediate action-all are working toward the grand end. The
very fact that adaptations do occur, that the fittest do survive in the
struggle for existence, shows that what is called "unconscious Nature"* is
in reality an aggregate of forces manipulated by semi-intelligent beings
(Elementals) guided by High Planetary Spirits, (Dhyan Chohans), whose
collective aggregate forms the manifested verbum of the unmanifested LOGOS,
and constitutes at one and the same time the MIND of the Universe and its
immutable LAW. 

[Nature taken in its abstract sense, cannot be "unconscious," as it is the
emanation from, and thus an aspect (on the manifested plane) of the ABSOLUTE
consciousness. Where is that daring man who would presume to deny to
vegetation and even to minerals a consciousness of their own. All he can say
is, that this consciousness is beyond his comprehension.]

Three distinct representations of the Universe in its three distinct aspects
are impressed upon our thought by the esoteric philosophy: 

[1]	the PRE-EXISTING (evolved from) 

[2]	the EVER-EXISTING; and 

[3] the PHENOMENAL-the world of illusion, the reflection, and shadow
thereof. During the great mystery and drama of life known as the Manvantara,
real Kosmos is like the object placed behind the white screen upon which are
thrown the Chinese shadows... 

The actual figures and things remain invisible, while the wires of evolution
are pulled by the unseen hands; and men and things are thus but the
reflections, on the white field, of the realities behind the snares of
Mahamaya, or the great Illusion. This was taught in every philosophy, in
every religion, ante as well as post diluvian, in India and Chaldea, by the
Chinese as by the Grecian Sages. In the former countries these three
Universes were allegorized, in exoteric teachings, by the three trinities
emanating from the Central eternal germ and forming with it a Supreme Unity:
the initial, the manifested, and the Creative Triad, or the three in One.
The last is but the symbol, in its concrete expression, of the first ideal

Hence Esoteric philosophy passes over the necessarianism of this purely
metaphysical conception, and calls the first one, only, the Ever Existing.
This is the view of every one of the six great schools of Indian
philosophy-the six principles of that unit body of WISDOM of which the
"gnosis," the hidden knowledge, is the seventh."	S D I 277-8


"Alone the adepts, i.e. the embodied spirits -- are forbidden by our wise
and intransgressible laws to completely subject to themselves another and a
weaker will, -- that of free born man. The latter mode of proceeding is the
favourite one resorted to by the "Brothers of the Shadow," the Sorcerers,
the Elementary Spooks, and, as an isolated exception -- by the highest
Planetary Spirits, those, who can no longer err. 

But these [the highest Planetary Spirits] appear on Earth but at the origin
of every new human kind; at the junction of, and close of the two ends of
the great cycle. And, they remain with man no longer than the time required
for the eternal truths they teach to impress themselves so forcibly upon the
plastic minds of the new races as to warrant them from being lost or
entirely forgotten in ages hereafter, by the forthcoming generations. 

The mission of the planetary Spirit is but to strike the KEY NOTE OF TRUTH.
Once he has directed the vibration of the latter to run its course
uninterruptedly along the catenation of that race and to the end of the
cycle -- the denizen of the highest inhabited sphere disappears from the
surface of our planet -- till the following "resurrection of flesh." The
vibrations of the Primitive Truth are what your philosophers name "innate
ideas." M L pp. 40-1 ..."the primeval one Truth, taught humanity in the
infancy of its races by every First Messenger -- the Planetary Spirit
mentioned on the reverse of page the third -- and whose remembrance lingered
in the memory of man as Elu of the Chaldees, Osiris the Egyptian, Vishnu,
the first Buddhas and so on."	M L p. 48-9

GEOLOGICAL TRACES and ancient continents

"Let us leave modern Science aside for a moment and turn to ancient
knowledge. As we are assured by Archaic Scientists that all such geological
cataclysms - from the upheaval of oceans, deluges, and shifting of
continents, down to the present year's cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and even the extraordinary weather and
seeming shifting of seasons which perplexes all European and American
meteorologists - are due to, and depend on the moon and planets; aye, that
even modest and neglected constellations have the greatest influence on the
meteorological and cosmical changes, over, and within our earth, let us give
one moment's attention to our sidereal despots and rulers of our globe and
men. Modern Science denies any such influence; archaic Science affirms it.
We may see what both say with regard to this question."	S D II 699  


[see reference to the cyclic (Karmic ?) 'floods' that prepared the new
lands for the "fifth Race" and engulfed the 'old lands' -- S D II
145-6, 329, 338-9, 785 ]

"No more striking confirmation of our position could be given, than the fact
that the ELEVATED RIDGE in the Atlantic basin, 9,000 feet in height, which
runs for some two or three thousand miles southwards from a point near the
British Islands, first slopes towards South America, then shifts almost at
right angles to proceed in a SOUTH-EASTERLY line toward the African coast,
whence it runs on southward to Tristan d'Acunha. This ridge is a remnant of
an Atlantic continent, and, could it be traced further, would establish the
reality of a submarine horse-shoe junction with a former continent in the
Indian Ocean. (Cf. chart adapted from the "Challenger" and "Dolphin"
soundings in Mr. Donnelly's, "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World," p. 47.) 

The Atlantic portion of Lemuria was the geological basis of what is
generally known as Atlantis. The latter, indeed, must be regarded rather as
a development of the Atlantic prolongation of Lemuria, than as an entirely
new mass of land upheaved to meet the special requirements of the Fourth
Root-Race. Just as in the case of Race-evolution, so in that of the shifting
and re-shifting of continental masses, no hard and fast line can be drawn
where a new order ends and another begins. Continuity in natural processes
is never broken. Thus the Fourth Race

Atlanteans were developed from a nucleus of Northern Lemurian Third Race
Men, centred, roughly speaking, toward a point of land in what is now the
mid-Atlantic Ocean. Their continent was formed by the coalescence of many
islands and peninsulas which were upheaved in the ordinary course of time
and became ultimately the true home of the great Race known as the
Atlanteans. After this consummation was once attained it follows, as stated
on the highest "occult" authority, that "Lemuria should no more be
confounded with the Atlantis Continent, than Europe with America." ...
The above, coming from quarters so discredited by orthodox Science, will, of
course, be regarded by it as a more or less happy fiction. Even the clever
work of Donnelly, already mentioned, is put aside, notwithstanding that its
statements are all confined within a frame of strictly scientific proofs.
But we write for the future. Discoveries in this direction will vindicate
the claims of the Asiatic philosophers, who maintain that Sciences -
Geology, Ethnology, and History included -were pursued by the Antediluvian
nations who lived an untold number of ages ago. Future finds will justify
the correctness of the present observations of such acute minds as H. A.
Taine and Renan." S D II 333-4


"Since the beginning of the Atlantean Race many million years have passed,
yet we find the last of the Atlanteans, still mixed up with the Aryan
element, 11,000 years ago. This shows the enormous overlapping of one race
over the race which succeeds it, though in character and external type the
elder loses its characteristics, and assumes the new features of the younger
race. This is proved in all the formations of mixed human races. Now, Occult
philosophy teaches that even now, under our very eyes, the new Race and
Races are preparing to be formed, and that it is in America that the
transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced. 

Pure Anglo-Saxons hardly three hundred years ago, the Americans of the
United States have already become a nation apart, and, owing to a strong
admixture of various nationalities and inter-marriage, almost a race sui
generis, not only mentally, but also physically... 

Thus the Americans have become in only three centuries a "primary race," pro
tem., before becoming a race apart, and strongly separated from all other
now existing races. They are, in short, the germs of the Sixth sub-race, and
in some few hundred years more, will become most decidedly the pioneers of
that race which must succeed to the present European or fifth sub-race, in
all its new characteristics. 

After this, in about 25,000 years, they will launch into preparations for
the seventh sub-race; until, in consequence of cataclysms - the first series
of those which must one day destroy Europe, and still later the whole Aryan
race (and thus affect both Americas), as also most of the lands directly
connected with the confines of our continent and isles - the Sixth Root-Race
will have appeared on the stage of our Round...Then, as they increase, and
their numbers become with every age greater, one day they will awake to find
themselves in a majority. It is the present men who will then begin to be
regarded as exceptional mongrels, until these die out in their turn in
civilised lands; surviving only in small groups on islands - the mountain
peaks of to-day - where they will vegetate, degenerate, and finally die out,
perhaps millions of years hence...

The Fifth will overlap the Sixth Race for many hundreds of millenniums,
changing with it slower than its new successor, still changing in stature,
general physique, and mentality, just as the Fourth overlapped our Aryan
race, and the Third had overlapped the Atlanteans...But the last remnants of
the Fifth Continent will not disappear until some time after the birth of
the new Race; when another and new dwelling, the sixth continent, will have
appeared above the new waters on the face of the globe, so as to receive the
new stranger." 	

To it also will emigrate and settle all those who shall be fortunate enough
to escape the general disaster. When this shall be - as just said - it is
not for the writer to know."	S D II 444 	


"Only, as nature no more proceeds by sudden jumps and starts, than man
changes suddenly from a child into a mature man, the final cataclysm will be
preceded by many smaller submersions and destructions both by wave and
volcanic fires... Yet the Fifth will not die, but survive for a while:
overlapping the new Race for many hundred thousands of years to come, it
will become transformed with it - slower than its new successor - still
getting entirely altered in mentality, general physique, and stature. 

Mankind will not grow again into giant bodies as in the case of the
Lemurians and the Atlanteans; because while the evolution of the Fourth race
led the latter down to the very bottom of materiality in its physical
development, the present Race is on its ascending arc; and the Sixth will be
rapidly growing out of its bonds of matter, and even of flesh. 

Thus it is the mankind of the New world... whose mission and Karma it is, to
sow the seeds for a forthcoming, grander, and far more glorious Race than
any of those we know of at present. 

The Cycles of Matter will be succeeded by Cycles of Spirituality and a fully
developed mind. On the law of parallel history and races, the majority of
the future mankind will be composed of glorious Adepts. 

Humanity is the child of cyclic Destiny, and not one of its Units can escape
its unconscious mission, or get rid of the burden of its co-operative work
with nature. Thus will mankind, race after race, perform its appointed
cycle-pilgrimage. Climates will, and have already begun, to change, each
tropical year after the other dropping one sub-race, but only to beget
another higher race on the ascending cycle; while a series of other less
favoured groups - the failures of nature - will, like some individual men,
vanish from the human family without even leaving a trace behind. 

Such is the course of Nature under the sway of KARMIC LAW: of the ever
present and the ever-becoming Nature. For, in the words of a Sage, known
only to a few Occultists:- "The present is the child of the past; the
future, the begotten of the present. and yet, O present moment! Knowest
thou not that thou hast no parent, nor canst thou have a child; that thou
art ever begetting but thyself? Before thou hast even begun to say 'I am the
progeny of the departed moment, the child of the past,' thou hast become
that past itself. Before thou utterest the last syllable, behold! thou art
no more the present but verily that future. thus, are the past, the present,
and the future, the ever-living trinity in one - the mahamaya of the
absolute is." S D II 444-6


I hope this may help.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Reed Carson [] 
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 9:30 AM
Subject: [bn-study] RE: Atlantis - the Culprit


I would say that the point you are getting at is of considerable importance 
to Theosophists. But I would not draw the line where you appear to be 
considering for its drawing.

HPB will constantly refer to karma as the cause of the Atlantean 
disaster. Effectively Plato does the same. Yet I have portrayed a very 
physical explanation.

Interestingly Cataclysm has pointedly made a very brief statement once 
maybe twice to indicate there was no metaphysical causation, just purely 
mechanical laws at work. (Jerome has pointed this out in AT years 
ago. Don't know if he remembers.) Obviously the authors included this 
statement just to contradict the many sources from the spiritual field that 
pointed to karma. Obviously this is a point where Theosophy and the purely 
mechanical view diverge.

But how to carefully delineate the exact point of divergence is a subtle 

For example, I don't think one would like to say that planetary spirits 
moved the erratics. I would say we should not put aside the laws of 
physics in this manner.

Similarly, I don't think one should, as you appear to me to be suggesting, 
say that planetary spirits moved the poles. Same reason as above.


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