Re: Theos-World re Leon's "occult understanding" and "reason"
Jul 03, 2004 01:45 AM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 07/01/04 7:26:22 PM, writes:
>Leon wrote: <<The depth of this occult
>understanding, which is dependent on
>one's own intuition tempered by reason,
>is far deeper than can be discussed in
>words alone. Leon >>
>But if the "tempering by reason" is
>"karmic/mayavic"... then while one might
>see some kind of "tempering" going on,
>seems to me that one's "occult
>understanding" might be, to some extent,
>in some sense, in some cases, more in
>charge re that "understanding" than
>might be one's "tempered reason," alone
>... though of course one might opt to
>define "reason" to include "occult
>understanding," I suppose, so ...
>^:-/ ...
According to the Master (anonymous) teacher of theosophical methods of
examining the true nature of reality; "Tempering intuition with reason" means, to
determine through rational thought -- using such techniques as hypothesis,
synthesis, logical analysis by deduction and induction, etc. -- whether or not a
particular "intuition" is a fantasy, an illusion, a hallucination, a hypnotic
suggestion, a telepathic projection, or a real direct perception of a truthful
ideation that is consistent with fundamental principles, and fits together like
a jigsaw puzzle with all other occult or esoteric metaphysical truths one has
discovered for oneself through serious, individually self devised and self
determined study and effort.
To discuss the nature of the essentially esoteric insights resulting from
these rationally examined intuitive determinations of absolute vs. relative
reality, is as futile as trying to explain the inner perception (qualia) or
conscious experience one has that recognizes and separates the taste of honey from
the color of a rose. The only help one can give to explain these insights
exoterically to others, is through symbolic representations of such truths either
graphically or as word pictures, mathematical equations, etc.
This is what HPB and the Masters have done in all their expositions of the e
soteric truths of theosophy through their books and articles... The whole
purpose behind them being to enable us to learn how to think for ourselves, and
find our own path to self realization, enlightenment and ultimate wisdom -- so as
to be better able to help and teach others the true basis and necessity of
Universal Brotherhood... And, ultimately, through such altruistic action, save
ourselves from ourselves, as well as restore the pristine purity of the world
we live in... (And, thereby, eliminate the poisons that our previous selfish
actions and mistaken materialism has surrounded us with.)
As a waffling speculative thinker who likes to coin and play with words and
their opposites, and with no definite theosophical ideas or metaphysical truths
to promulgate with positive assurance -- that might help others better
understand theosophy -- is it any wonder you are constantly scratching your head
over all this? </:-)>
Best wishes,
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