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matter through matter and other experiments

Jun 30, 2004 03:52 AM
by krishtar

I am telling reminiscences of books and occult magazines I read in the 70-80´s when I got interested in spiritualism, my first contact with the occult.
It is now more than 26 years and now i can only unfortunately remember the facts.
At that time I remember that I was reading books on Eusapia Paladino, Crookes, Richet, specially the book " Ecouton Les Morts " a very worn out and damaged book issue my wife was trying to translate to poruguese but could not because of the states of the leaves, completely torn in some chapters.
As you raised these pertiment questions I´ll try to find some sources.
In our country Spiritism has a strong influence, bearing high School, universities and large centers for investigations.
I used to read books on earlier mediums , pioneers of the modern investigations using complex objects in desmaterializations.
I know my comments were inmature in the sense of a lack of a timeline but Iwas not considereing the earlier mediums those at the time of HPB.
As you stated encyclopedically in the beginning of your post the chronological evolution of electronics as I am also aware of, I fear not to stabilishthe sources from my statements, but it may become a good task for challenge.
I was a member of Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Espíritas ( BrazilianSociety for Spiritist Studies ) at that time and there was a little museum of proofs and evidences taken during those experiments.( pictures, recordings, parts, rocks that ppered, falling down from "nothing" during experiences, and so on...)
One of them - that really impressed me - was the paraffin gloves experiments.I drove me crazy at that time because I had jusst come off out of a Catholic family with no higher belief than the Churche´s sermons and readings.
A psychic, "embodied" by a certain extraphysical personality started to show a little mistin his arm and hand and when it was the right moment , the medium introduced his arm inside a vase containing melted paraffin.
After a while he introduced the paraffin covered hand in a vase full of frosty waterin order to solidify it.
The medium did it many times as long as the hand was covered with a thick laayer of paraffin, looking like a glove.
Up to this moment it was impossible to extract the hand from the heavy glove, but the medium stood for a while and a mist started to form around the arm/hand covered with the paraffin and he pulled the hand gently out of the glove.
The people at the SBEE later made a positive mold by forcing gypsum into the aperture left in the glove and then after unmolding it, they compared thefingers digital pattern to the mediums and sometimes they were different.
Whatever or whomever impressed the paraffin , desmaterializing/deforming the man´s hand, it left physical impressions very convincing.
There was a case in which the man produced a female hand mould or even a case in which the Psychic produced a hand of "someone" with polidactilia ( showing 6 fingers ).
The fantastic side is that it is very hard to stand the high temperature from the melt paraffin, and the Psychic used in the experiments didn´t showany pain during the process of contact with the paraffin.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World another spiritist´s "passage of matter throughmatte r"

Well, you have me confused due to a lack of specific "timeline." Also I 
can't evaluate what you say about "early mediums" for the same reason.
Madame Blavatsky passed in 1891. The first Transistor wasn't invented until 
Dec. 16th, 1947 at Bell Labs by William Shockley. The Transistor Radio wasn't 
invented until Oct. 18th, 1954 by the Regency Div. of Texas Instruments and 
that wasn't compact and didn't market widely. Sony followed in the Springof 1955 
with the compact Transistor Radio the TR-55. 

>>What about those early experiences made with highly talented mediums that 
could carry a little device (that could emit a beep sound and a little 
transistor radio was also used) through a solid wall and "rematerialize" itself at the 
other side?<<

What specific Mediums are you citing? What is the source of your citation?  

>>The beep of the object just faded to zero at the moment that it "passes 
through" the wall and started beeping again when appears at the other room<<

What are you quoting from? When? Who? Where? 


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