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Re: Invasion of Iraq - The objective.

May 22, 2004 02:16 PM
by stevestubbs

--- In, "Dallas TenBroeck" <dalval14@e...> 
> May 21, 2004
> Dear Friends:
> Iraq has among its people some of the oldest Christian sects -- the
> Sabeans, Mendeans, Nabatheans, and St. John Christians (some 
> in the swamp and marshes near Basra).

None of thise groups are Christian. The Irai Christians are called 
Chaldaeans, and some of their churches claim to have been founded by 
the apostle Paul.

The CODEX NAARAEUS is not a Chhristian document. I have the French 
translation Blavatsky used and have read it, but it differs markedly 
from the English translation on the Internet. (Search "Ginza Rba" 
for the text.) The book ISIS UNVEILED quotes the Latin translation 
second hand from Dunlap's books, and the French is translated from 
the Latin. The Mandaeans were a sect of Jewish kabbalists run out of 
Palestine during the first century by the same intolerant current 
that persecuted early Christianity. They migrated from Jerusalem to 
Syria, then to Basra in southern Iraq.

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