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Re: Theos-World Neuralsurfer wants to know....

May 01, 2004 01:47 PM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 04/30/04 7:29:02 PM, writes:

>netemara888 wrote:
>> about HPB's influence on Einstein and other physicists. Does anybody
>> have any ready references for this. I know Sylvia Cranston is where I
>> read this. How reliable is this anyway?
> Not very (which is not to say that it is definitely a fiction).
> Bart

I wonder how you are so certain about that? How about some examples of its 
unreliability with some qualifying research data? I Don't know about the rest 
of that biography, but the information about Einstein as well as all of its 
reporting of contemporary scientific knowledge related the theosophical 
metaphysics is quite reliable. FYI, "Sylvia Cranston" is a pseudonym covering a 
number of consulting editors in various different fields. I was in close contact 
with these editors and called on several times for scientific verifications, 
along with other colleagues. The book was assembled over a ten year period and 
was culled from mountains of research gathered over the past century by 
various theosophical writers and historians. 


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