Love is Hate !
Apr 28, 2004 04:48 AM
by Raghu K
Cream Stationeryhi
What is love ? It is filling up one's esteem by praising / speaking good
words about him. What will happen, then ? The person's ego starts getting
filled up - it enlarges and by the time he leaves u, he is left feeling that
he is on top of the world and that everything is due to him - no criticism !
I would like to equate a good mind to a plane surface. Love / Hate is going
to be like Mercury - they will simply keep rolling without sticking on to
the surface. The real man simply keeps walking - love or hate !
Thermodynamics experts say that cold is a form of heat ! -5 degree celsius
is also heat - Cold is only a comparitive definition - not absolute.
Similarly, Love is a form of hate. Love / Hate create craters on the surface
and slowly enlarge them - necessitating it to be filled up. Those who are
affectionate, do this wrong - They make the person elated & overfed - they
make him expect more out of people & leave him depressed and disappointed,
in the end.
Any comments ??
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