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RE: SUN and its potential

Apr 25, 2004 04:51 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck



"Q. In what relation does the Sun, the highest form of Fire we can
recognize, stand to Fire as you have explained it? 

A. The Sun, as on our plane, is not even "Solar" fire. The Sun, we see,
gives nothing of itself, because it is a reflection; a bundle of
electro-magnetic forces, one of the countless milliards of "Knots of
Fohat." Fohat is called the "Thread of primeval Light," the "Ball of
thread" of Ariadne, indeed, in this labyrinth of chaotic matter. This
thread runs through the seven planes tying itself into knots. Every
plane being septenary, there are thus forty-nine mystical and physical
forces, larger knots forming stars, suns and systems, the smaller
planets, and so on. 

Q. In what respect is the Sun an illusion? 

A. The electro-magnetic knot of our Sun is neither tangible nor
dimensional, nor even as molecular as the electricity we know. The Sun
absorbs, "psychizes" and vampirizes its subjects within its system.
Further than this it gives out nothing of itself. It is an absurdity,
therefore, to say that the solar fires are being consumed and gradually
extinguished. The Sun has but one distinct function; it gives the
impulse of life to all that breathes and lives under its light. 

The sun is the throbbing heart of the system; each throb being an
impulse. But this heart is invisible: no astronomer will ever see it.
That which is concealed in this heart and that which we feel and see,
its apparent flame and fires, to use a simile, are the nerves governing
the muscles of the solar system, and nerves, moreover, outside of the
body. This impulse is not mechanical but a purely spiritual, nervous
impulse."	TRANSACTIONS 116-8


"Q. How is it that Horus and the other "Son-Gods" are said to be born
"through an immaculate Mother"? 

A. On the first plane of differentiation there is no sex—to use the term
for convenience' sake—but both sexes exist potentially in primordial
matter. Matter is the root of the word "mother" and therefore female;
but there are two kinds of matter. The undifferentiated, primordial
matter is not fecundated by some act in space and time, fertility and
productiveness being inherent in it. Therefore that which emanates or is
born out of that inherent virtue is not born from, but through, it. In
other words, that virtue or quality is the sole cause that this
something manifests through its vehicle; whereas on the physical plane,
Mother-matter is not the active cause but the passive means and
instrument of an independent cause. ...


Q. How does the Triangle become the Square, and the Square the six-faced

A. In occult and Pythagorean geometry the Tetrad is said to combine
within itself all the materials from which Kosmos is produced. The Point
or One, extends to a Line—the Two; a Line to a Superficies, Three; and
the Superficies, Triad or Triangle, is converted into a Solid, the
Tetrad or Four, by the point being placed over it. Kabalistically
Kether, or Sephira, the Point, emanates Chochmah and Binah, which two,
are the synonym of Mahat, in the Hindu Puranas, and this Triad,
descending into matter, produces the Tetragrammaton, Tetraktys, as also
the lower Tetrad. This number contains both the productive and produced
numbers. The Duad doubled makes a Tetrad and the Tetrad doubled forms a
Hebdomad. From another point of view it is the Spirit, Will, and
Intellect animating the four lower principles."

" Sloka (4). (Then) THE THREE (Triangle) FALL INTO THE FOUR
WHICH IN ITSELF IS THREE (the triple hypostases of Brahma, or 
Vishnu, the three Avasthas) CURDLES AND SPREADS

Q. Is the Radiant Essence the same as the luminous Egg? What is the Root
that grows in the ocean of life? 

A. The radiant essence, luminous egg or Golden Egg of Brahma, or again,
Hiranyagarbha, are identical. The Root that grows in the ocean of life
is the potentiality that transforms into objective differentiated matter
the universal, subjective, ubiquitous but homogeneous germ, or the
eternal essence which contains the potency of abstract nature. The Ocean
of Life is, according to a term of the Vedanta philosophy—if I mistake
not—the "One Life," Paramatma, when the transcendental supreme Soul is
meant; and Jivatma, when we speak of the physical and animal "breath of
life" or, so to speak, the differentiated soul, that life in short,
which gives being to the atom and the universe, the molecule and the
man, the animal, plant, and mineral. 

"The Radiant Essence curdled and spread through the depths of Space."
>From an astronomical point of view this is easy of explanation: it is
the Milky Way, the world-stuff, or primordial matter in its first form.

Q. Is the Radiant Essence, Milky Way, or world-stuff, resolvable into
atoms, or is it non-atomic? 

A. In its precosmic state it is of course, non-atomic, if by atoms you
mean molecules; for the hypothetical atom, a mere mathematical point, is
not material or applicable to matter, nor even to substance. The real
atom does not exist on the material plane. The definition of a point as
having position, must not, in Occultism, be taken in the ordinary sense
of location; as the real atom is beyond space and time. The word
molecular is really applicable to our globe and its plane, only: once
inside of it, even on the other globes of our planetary chain, matter is
in quite another condition, and non-molecular. The atom is in its
eternal state, invisible even to the eye of an Archangel; and becomes
visible to the latter only periodically, during the life cycle. The
particle, or molecule, is not, but exists periodically, and is therefore
regarded as an illusion. 

The world-stuff informs itself through various planes and cannot be said
to be resolved into stars or to have become molecular until it reaches
the plane of being of the visible or objective Universe. 

Q. Can ether be said to be molecular in Occultism? 

A. It entirely depends upon what is meant by the term. In its lowest
strata, where it merges with the astral light, it may be called
molecular on its own plane; but not for us. But the ether of which
science has a suspicion, is the grossest manifestation of Akasa, though
on our plane, for us mortals, it is the seventh principle of the astral
light, and three degrees higher than "radiant matter." When it
penetrates, or informs something, it may be molecular because it takes
on the form of the latter, and its atoms inform the particles of that
"something." We may perhaps call matter "crystallized ether."


Q. But what is an atom, in fact? 

A. An atom may be compared to (and is for the Occultist) the seventh
principle of a body or rather of a molecule. The physical or chemical
molecule is composed of an infinity of finer molecules and these in
their turn of innumerable and still finer molecules. Take for instance a
molecule of iron and so resolve it that it becomes non-molecular; it is
then, at once transformed into one of its seven principles, viz., its
astral body; the seventh of these is the atom. The analogy between a
molecule of iron, before it is broken up, and this same molecule after
resolution, is the same as that between a physical body before and after
death. The principles remain minus the body. Of course this is occult
alchemy, not modern chemistry. 


Q. What is the meaning of the allegorical "churning of the ocean," and
"cow of plenty" of the Hindus, and what correspondence is there between
them and the "war in heaven"? 

A. A process which begins in the state of "non-being," and ends with the
close of Maha-Pralaya, can hardly be given in a few words or even
volumes. It is simply an allegorical representation of the unseen and
unknown primeval intelligences, the atoms of occult science, Brahma
himself being called Anu or the Atom, fashioning and differentiating the
shoreless ocean of the primordial radiant essence. 

The relation and correspondence between the "churning of the ocean" and
the "war in heaven" is a very long and abstruse subject to handle. To
give it in its lowest symbolical aspect, this "war in heaven" is going
on eternally. Differentiation is contrast, the equilibrium of
contraries: and so long as this exists there will be "war" or fighting.
There are, of course, different stages and aspects of this war: such for
instance as the astronomical and physical. 

For everyone and everything that is born in a Manvantara, there is "war
in heaven" and also on the earth: for the fourteen Root and Seed-Manus
who preside over our Manvantaric cycle, and for the countless Forces,
human or otherwise, that proceed from them. There is a perpetual
struggle of adjustment, for everything tends to harmonize and
equilibrate; in fact it must do so before it can assume any shape. 

The elements of which we are formed, the particles of our bodies, are in
a continual war, one crowding out the other and changing with every
moment. At the "Churning of the Ocean" by the gods, the Nagas came and
some stole of the Amrita—the water of Immortality,—and thence arose war
between the gods and the Asuras, the no-gods, and the gods were worsted.

This refers to the formation of the Universe and the differentiation of
the primordial primeval matter. But you must remember, that this is only
the cosmogonical aspect—one out of the seven meanings. The war in heaven
had also immediate reference to the evolution of the intellectual
principle in mankind. This is the metaphysical key. 


" Q. Why is the radiant essence said to become seven inside and seven

A. Because it has seven principles on the plane of the manifested and
seven on that of the unmanifested. Always argue on analogy and apply the
old occult axiom "As above so below." 

Q. But are the planes of "non-being" also Septenary? 

A. Most undeniably. That which in the Secret Doctrine is referred to as
the unmanifested planes, are unmanifested or planes of non-being only
from the point of view of the finite intellect; to higher intelligences
they would be manifested planes and so on to infinity, analogy always
holding good.." TRANSACTIONS 112



Q. What are the various meanings of the term "fire" on the different
planes of Kosmos? 

A. Fire is the most mystic of all the five elements, as also the most
divine. Therefore to give an explanation of its various meanings on our
plane alone, leaving all the other planes entirely out of the question,
would be much too arduous, in addition to its being entirely
incomprehensible for the vast majority. 

Fire is the father of light, light the parent of heat and air (vital
air). If the absolute deity can be referred to as Darkness or the Dark
Fire, the light, its first progeny, is truly the first self-conscious
god. For what is light in its primordial root but the world-illuminating
and life-giving deity? 

Light is that, which from an abstraction has become a reality. No one
has ever seen real or primordial light; what we see is only its broken
rays or reflections, which become denser and less luminous as they
descend into form and matter. Fire, therefore, is a term which
comprehends ALL. 

Fire is the invisible deity, "the Father," and the manifesting light is
God "the Son," and also the Sun. Fire—in the occult sense—is æther, and
æther is born of motion, and motion is the eternal dark, invisible Fire.

Light sets in motion and controls all in nature, from that highest
primordial æther down to the tiniest molecule in Space. MOTION is
eternal per se, and in the manifested Kosmos it is the Alpha and Omega
of that which is called electricity, galvanism, magnetism,
sensation—moral and physical—thought, and even life, on this plane. Thus
fire, on our plane, is simply the manifestation of motion, or Life. 

All cosmic phenomena were referred to by the Rosicrucians as "animated
geometry." Every polar function is only a repetition of primeval
polarity, said the Fire-Philosophers. For motion begets heat, and æther
in motion is heat. When it slackens its motion, then cold is generated,
for "cold is æther, in a latent condition." 

Thus the principal states of nature are three positive and three
negative, synthesized by the primeval light. The three negative states
are (1) Darkness; (2) Cold; (3) Vacuum or Voidness. The three positive
are (1) Light (on our plane); (2) Heat; (3) All nature. Thus Fire may be
called the unity of the Universe.

Pure cosmic fire (without, so to speak, fuel) is Deity in its
universality; for cosmic fire, or heat which it calls forth, is every
atom of matter in manifested nature. There is not a thing or a particle
in the Universe which does not contain in it latent fire. 

Q. Fire, then, may be regarded as the first Element? 

A. When we say that fire is the first of the Elements, it is the first
only in the visible universe, the fire that we commonly know. Even on
the highest plane of our universe, the plane of Globe A or G, fire is in
one respect only the fourth. For the Occultist, the Rosecroix of the
Middle Ages, and even the mediaeval Kabalists, said that to our human
perception and even to that of the highest "angels," the universal Deity
is darkness, and from this Darkness issues the Logos in the following
aspects, (1) Weight (Chaos which becomes æther in its primordial state);
(2) Light; (3) Heat; (4) Fire."	Trans 115-6



Q. What is meant by saying that these remain? 

A. It means simply that whatever the plurality of manifestation may be,
still it is all one. In other words these are all different aspects of
the one element; it does not mean that they remain without

"The curds are the first differentiation, and probably refer also to
that cosmic matter which is supposed to be the origin of the 'Milky
Way'—the matter we know. This 'matter,' which, according to the
revelation received from the primeval Dhyani-Buddhas, is, during the
periodical sleep of the Universe, of the ultimate tenuity conceivable to
the eye of the perfect Bodhisatva—this matter, radical and cool,
becomes, at the first reawakening of cosmic motion, scattered through
Space; appearing, when seen from the Earth, in clusters and lumps, like
curds in thin milk. These are the seeds of the future worlds, the

Q. Is it to be supposed that the Milky Way is composed of matter in a
state of differentiation other than that with which we are acquainted? 

A. I thoroughly believe so. It is the store-house of the materials from
which the stars, planets and other celestial bodies are produced. Matter
in this state does not exist on earth; but that which is already
differentiated and found on earth is also found on other planets and
vice-versa. But, as I understand, before reaching the planets from its
condition in the Milky Way matter has first to pass through many stages
of differentiation. The matter, for instance, within the Solar system is
in an entirely different state from that which is outside or beyond the


Q. Is there a difference between the Nebulae and the Milky Way? 

A. The same, I should say, that there is between a highway road and the
stones and mud upon that road. There must be, of course, a difference
between the matter of the Milky Way and that of the various Nebulae, and
these again must differ among themselves. But in all your scientific
calculations and measurements it is necessary to consider that the light
by which the objects are seen is a reflected light, and the optical
illusion caused by the atmosphere of the earth renders it impossible
that calculations of distances, etc., should be absolutely correct, in
addition to the fact that it entirely alters observations of the matter
of which the celestial bodies are composed, as it is liable to impose
upon us a constitution similar to that of the earth. This is, at any
rate, what the MASTERS teach us." ( see S D I 142-3)
Trans 113 -4


The study and thinking that THEOSOPHY induces, causes us to probe our
own natures and develop our mental capacities and independence. (It is
really a high level of inter-dependence.

In that, they are aids to self-education without demanding any "belief."
They impose nothing and they rely on logic that is common sense.  

No 'Miracles," -- nor are there any abnormal "powers" exhibited. And
yet, the innate power we all have is revealed, slowly but surely to us.
It is an inner development, and not "extraordinary." What is potential
in us is now being revealed by our own will to practise and learn. 

Let me add this: mere attending a "meeting" does little for the
attendee, but the interest that may be aroused from what is discussed
might make it significant.  

Most people go to temples, meetings, visit "gurus," etc, in the hope
that they will receive -- actually if they go there to think about what
can be learned it would be better. The power of our "attitude" is also
to be considered as we give as well as take. It is sharing at its best.

As I see it, it is like attending a class. One goes there to acquire
additional learning. Then, thinking about that, we add to our store of
knowledge and memory, and if what comes in is TRUE, then our individual
store of accessible WISDOM grows. There are always universal
applications to be made from anything TRUE, that we learn and
understand. But we have to do independently and voluntarily, the

There has to be some active interaction as well as intelligent
selection, comparison and additions -- Take the position our universe
is a very sensitive and entirely INTELLIGENT and CONSCIOUS entirety (as
well as being the ONE UNIVERSAL GOD). We are a part of it. We either
"fit in" or, we make a stir and a disturbance because we "feel" we ought
to be unique and independent.  

What does NATURE (GOD) do? It continues to feed, cherish and support
us, but also it reacts to the extent of the disturbance we create in it.
It tries to restore its disturbed patterns so that all beings
(especially those we have disturbed) benefit. If we refuse to comply,
then we suffer. And this action / reaction is what is called KARMA.  

This is not becoming (or making us servilely subservient) or
subordinate to LAW, the UNIVERSE, or to a "GOD." It means that we (in
true humility) learn to appreciate the laws of brotherhood, supportive
interaction and cooperation that make each and every part harmonize with
all the rest. No even then, occurs around us that does not have
significance, and we need to become sensitive to this fact -- if we
desire to become true assistants to NATURE / GOD.

All good wishes,



Central Sun, 

Central Spiritual Sun I 231, 379. See also Sun, Sun-Abrasax

causes Fohat to collect dust I 201 
central body of Milky Way II 240n 
determines motions of bodies I 673 
dhyani-chohans have not penetrated beyond I 13 
electric fire of life II 114 
formless invisible fire in I 87 
our Sun emanates fr I 527n 
our Sun reflection of I 100, 639 
seven rays of I 574 
Sun-Abrasax of kabbalists II 214 
teachings re II 239-41 
uncreated beam reflection of I 275-6

Chaos-Theos-Kosmos I 342-9, 366

Churning of the Ocean

amrita, Rahu & II 381 
before Earth's formation I 67-8 
fourteen precious things fr I 67 
Lakshmi &, (Williams) I 379-80 &n 
Mandara (Mt) used for I 385 
nagas, asuras employed in I 348 
Soma born fr I 398

Curds (primordial matter)

become comets I 206 
cosmic matter or, & Fohat I 673 
in ocean of space I 97, 250 
origin of I 69 
radiant, in space I 66, 67, 97, 543 
Sea of, or Milky Way I 66-7; II 321 
seeds of future worlds I 69 
stage in globe evolution I 205-6n

Equatorial Sun

cements buddhi to atma, manas II 241 
third group of gods II 241

Sol (Lat) II 575. See also Sun

Sol alter, Sukra-Venus called II 31
Solar. See also Solar System, Sun
body & seven rays I 525n 
dynasty, Moru [Maru] will restore I 378 
extinctions of, fires I 84, 552 
fire & the gandharvas I 523 &n 
life part of universal life I 591 
lunar &, beliefs of Christians I 388, 395 
lunar &, cycles II 620-1 
lunar &, deities I 362, 397; II 427 
lunar &, influences & "Wind" II 105 
mythos I 303-4 
vortex of Kepler I 623 
year interpreted by St Germain II 583
Solar Boat
Osiris & seven rays enter II 141 
soul coeval & disappears w I 227 
Thoth, solar discus & II 529
Solar Devas. See also Pitris (Solar)
brought mind to humans I 181
Solar Lhas (spirits) II 105, 109-10. See also Lhas
Solar System(s) II 148. See also Manvantara, Pralaya
anima mundi of II 672n 
becomes ocean at pralaya I 371 
birth of I 110-11, 289 
central & other suns in I 13; II 240 
cosmic evolution refers to II 68 &n 
cosmic monads progenitors of II 311 
critique of evolution of I 501-2 
dhyan-chohans limited to I 13; II 700-1 &n 
elements differ in planets of I 142-3 
enormous age of, (Laing) II 72 
fabricated by Kosmocratores II 23 
failures born into new II 232-3n 
fire septenary in I 87 
formation out of nebular rings I 149-50n 
heart, brain, circulations of I 541 
Humboldt on other, like ours I 497n 
intelligences regulate laws of I 530-1 
invisible worlds of I 605-6 
is a monad I 21 
knowledge of previous I 369 
kosmos may refer to our I 199n 
lifetime of II 68 &n 
many planets in I 654n 
matter different outside I 601 
nebular theory of I 595-9 
other intellectual beings in I 133, 164 
pralaya of I 53 
rotations, revolutions in I 501 
science secure only within I 601 
Secret Doctrine deals mostly w our I 60 
seven conditions of matter in I 139; II 597n 
Sinnett's mistakes re I 163-5 
starts as nebula I 22 
sukshma form of I 138 
Sun-fluids impart motion to I 529 
Sun heart of I 540-2 
vital principle of I 530-1; II 311n 
young, old, dead planets in II 251

Sun(s). See also Central Sun, Solar, Solar Systems, Surya

Adonai or, (Gnostic) I 577; II 538n 
all Earth's elements in I 583 
Apollo, Phoebus or II 770 
born, grows, changes, dies I 609 
bright god of light I 479 
Brothers of the I 271n 
central mass of, gaseous I 530 &n 
chief of twelve constellations II 23 
-Christ lives in thee (Bernard) I 401 
combustion, not in I 149, 541, 591 
Commentary on I 289-92 
conjunction of, Moon, & Earth II 76, 435 
connection w cross II 559 
contains many unknown elements I 583 
contraction & expansion of I 541-2 
creation of, (Chald) II 145 
creation of life by I 294 
creation of seven new I 290 
crocodile & II 577 
deviated fr course, (Phaethon) II 535 
divine spirit symb by fire or II 113 
dragon symbol of II 380 
eclipses of, & allegories II 380 
eleven year cycle of I 541 &n 
evolution of I 101-2 
evolved fr primal matter I 625 
explosion of, & planets I 500 
eye of Odin or I 402 
"eye of Osiris" II 25 
Father II 462, 540 
father of man II 105, 109 
father of pneuma, human soul II 113 
Father of the seven fathers I 575n 
fed on "Mother's refuse & sweat" I 102 
feminine to Semites once I 397 
fire, air, &, three occult degrees of fire II 114 
first race under II 29 
-fluids awaken life, motion I 529 
focus, lens of primordial light I 580 
formation of, & stars I 595n, 602 
generation, Moon & I 229 
gives life to planets I 386; II 23 
glowing, not burning I 149, 541, 591 
gods called Archagetos II 463n 
guardian of Jupiter I 493 
has no nucleus (Williams) II 136n 
has no polar compression I 593 
heart of solar world I 540-2 
heat of I 102, 149, 484n, 528, 591 
highest god II 361, 538 
incandescent, a fallacy I 149, 591 
initiation of II 381 
inner man drawn to Parent- I 639 
jiva (soul) goes to I 132 
Joshua stopped II 535 
kama-rupa of akasa I 527n 
Kant's theories on I 602 
larger than Earth (1300 times) II 708 
legend of Rahu & II 381 
legend of Sanjna & II 174 
as the Logos I 134n, 428 
luminosity of, (science) I 528n 
as a magnet I 497-9, 501 
manas, kama-rupa fr II 241 
Mercury & II 28 
Mercury Messiah of II 541 
Messiah, Christos II 23 
Metcalf's caloric flows fr I 524 &n 
millions of I 576n 
Mithra, Iao & II 474 
Moon &, affect man's body I 229 
Moon &, cycles discussed II 620-1 
Moon &, Son & Father I 229 
Moon as eye of I 304-5 
neither rises nor sets I 290n; II 155 
not a planet but fixed star I 448 
not cause of light, heat I 580 
noumenon of electricity I 531 
occult influence on seven planets I 575n 
path of, called serpent II 356 
perturbing influence on planets I 503 
planets &, time measurers II 621 
planets brothers not sons I 101, 449, 588-9 
planets did not evolve fr I 101, 588-9 
at pralaya I 370, 376; II 69n, 611 
rebirth of northern, & Ankh II 547 
reflect concealed primaries I 289 
regulates manifested life II 595 
revolves round Alcyone (Madler) I 501 
rises & sets once a year, (Avesta) II 291 
rising, setting of, (Vishnu Purana) II 155 
rose in the south II 535 
rotates w the planets I 100 &n 
Sabasius, called II 419 
self-moving, queried I 670 
seven I 179 
sevenfold I 290 &n 
seven(fold) ray(s) I 290, 515 &n; II 25, 69n 
seventh planet, ancients called I 99-100n 
as seventh principle I 527n 
in ship on back of crocodile I 409-10 
solidity of, repudiated I 591 
source of vital force I 531 
spectroscope shows outer, only I 528 
spectrum of I 143n, 528, 595-6 
spheres of action of II 621 &n 
spirit of fire resides in, (Kepler) I 493 
spirit of light, life giver I 481 
spirits oversee, (Kepler) I 499 
spiritual, & avataras, saviors I 638 
spiritual, enlivens kosmos II 23 
spirit under the, (Zohar) II 553 
substance of all I 289 
substance of, immaterial I 499 
substitute for sacred planet I 575 &n 
surface described I 530, 531 
swallow comets I 204 
symbol became phallic II 584 
symbolizes resurrection II 459 
in Taurus (Druids, Magi) II 759 
Thomson on age of I 501; II 10n, 258n 
threatened younger brothers I 102 
understanding II 639n 
unknown rays in spectrum of I 143n 
Uranus, Neptune, & I 575 
various names for I 463; II 540 
vehicle of a god I 479 
Venus "the other" II 24, 31 
Vishnu becomes II 38 
visible, a maya or reflection I 179 
vital electricity of, & man II 105 
warmed sweat-born egg II 131 
zodiacs & II 431
Sun (Fourth World of Syrians), mightiest gods in I 435
Sun-Abrasax, central spiritual sun II 214
Sunda Island II 327
sank w 80,000 Malays II 787n
Sun-day should be Uranus-day (Ragon) I 99-100n
Sunday School, & astrology I 228-9n
Sun Fluids, or emanations I 529
"Sun Force and Earth Force." See Richardson
Sung-Ming-Shu (Chin), Tree of Knowledge, Life II 215

Sun-God(s). See also Avataras, Christ, Saviors

allegories of, agree II 381-3 
connected w Taurus I 656 
creative powers of II 386 
Dragon of Wisdom & II 507 
in Egyptian mysteries I 353, 366n, 379n, 385; II 462-4, 466, 633 
Horus-Apollo the I 367 
Krishna, the bright I xliii 
male gods first become II 43-4 
many names of II 379 
Phta later classed as I 353 
supreme deity everywhere II 139n 
turned into Satan II 507 
-worship fr India to Pharaohs II 379
Sung Period (China), sages of, used circle symbols II 554
Sun-Initiate, crucified II 543
Sunlight, tiny beings visible in I 608
"Sun like blood. . ." [Byron's Childe Harold] I xli
Suns of Life II 239-41
Suns of Righteousness, Sun-gods become II 43
Sun-Sons I 100, 103

Surya (Skt). See also Solar System, Sun

Asuramaya pupil of II 67 
cures Samba of leprosy II 323 
Fohat connected w, & Vishnu I 112 
Manu as son of II 141 
one of Vedic Trimurti I 90, 100-1 
reflection of spiritual sun I 100 
Sanjna wife of II 101 
seven rays of II 605 
Vedic god II 114 
visible expression of first principle I 289 
Visvakarman & II 559

Zodiac(s). See also Dendera Zodiac, Zodiac (Signs of)

ancient, discussed II 66, 431 
antiquity of, (Bailly) I 648-9 
Aryan initiates built II 750 
Bailly re Hindu II 332, 435 
Chinese, divided into twenty-four parts II 620-1 
clearly mentioned in 2 Kings I 649 
discussed I 647-8 
Egyptian & Hindu, immensely old I 650 
Egyptian, antiquity of II 332, 431-2, 435-6 
Egyptian, fr India II 435-6 
Greek, age of II 436 &n 
heirloom fr Atlantis II 431-3 
Hindu, fr Greeks (Muller) II 225, 332 
Hindu, older than Greeks I 657-8 
history contained in II 438 
Indian, fr Greeks (Weber) I 647; II 50 
Indian, not fr Greeks I 650; II 50 
lords of, now rebellious angels I 577 
Old Testament reference I 649 
reddened w solar blaze II 357 
sidereal prophecies of I 653 
traces to Argonauts (Newton) I 652 
universality of I 648-9 
Volney re origin of I 658; II 436n

Zodiac (Signs of)

animals of Genesis are II 112n 
archaic nations knew I 320 
on body of Karttikeya II 619 
descend, ascend (explained) I 658; II 357 
"Fiery Lions" & Leo I 213 
kumaras connected w II 576 
Makara (Capricorn) I 384; II 268n, 576-80 
man's past, future in II 431-3 
mentioned in Homer I 648 
Mother of God surrounded by I 400 
patriarchs connected w I 651 
reflected on Earth II 502-3 
regents of, minor gods II 358 
sacred animals of II 23, 181n 

Sacred Animals I 362

associated w Jehovah I 441-2n 
of Christians I 363, 440-2 &n 
emanated fr Divine Man I 89, 353 
of Genesis 1 zodiacal signs II 112n 
of Hebrews I 355 
meaning of I 442 
Mexican & Egyptian II 399n 
plants change into I 238 
refer to primordial forms I 442 

seven planets & twelve I 79 
ten, twelve, among ancients II 502 &n 
tribes of Israel & I 400, 651; II 200n 
twelve great orders & I 213 
twelve rulers, kings or I 651 
twelve, seven planets & races I 573 &n 
twelve, cakes, stones (Philo) I 649 
two mystery II 502 &n 
when, vertical to pole II 357 
world builders II 23 
worshiped (2 Kings) I 649


allegory is historical II 353 
Aryan, calculations II 436 &n 
records (Atlantean) cannot err II 49 
ring, relic in Gobi II 503

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