re exoteric/esoteric, Leon and ...
Apr 20, 2004 08:23 PM
by Mauri
Leon wrote (Apr 20/04): <<
One is "prone to dangers" only when one
does NOT transcend those things. How
can we transcend mind if we think it is
seeing things clearly? Therefore one
who thinks he has clarity of mind, is
caught in a dualistic illusion, and
whatever practices he is doing toward
attaining self realization, will fail...>>
Nice to hear from this particular Leon
once in a while! Of course that other
Leon's post are more of a challenge for
me, true, but ... Yes, Leon you seem to
be making relevant points there,
apparently. But inasmuchasif one's
"just being" transcends interpretations
(including interpretive/exoteric notions
about clarity) how could one be "caught
in a dualistic illusion"...
<<In this case, all that speculating
about the interpretation can do,
is prevent any further progress on the
path. If you were that student, you
would still be wallowing in your
indecision after the Master kicked you
out the door.:-) >>
^:-/ ... How one defines some of those
words, like "speculating,"
"interpretation," "progress,"
"indecision," "Master," might be
somewhat relevant here, don't you think ...
<<Just say that you haven't the faintest
idea what we are talking about, and
that we haven't the faintest idea what
you are talking about. You are right,
your conversation does seem to be
missing info -- whether "keyish"
(whatever that means) or not. The answer
to that would be for you to ask us to
explain a bit deeper whatever you are
interested in? And we should ask you
what does that "just being" mean? How
do you practice it? And what is its
I'm begining to think that people who
ask such questions wouldn't understand
the answers. But seems to me that there
are those who have made an attempt to be
somewhat applicable, nevertheless, a
case in point being the efforts of those
who brought Theosophy to the West, eg.
<<<Maybe then, your conversation with
us will stop "going over like a lead
balloon." As far as these conversations
with you go, mutual understanding seems
to be separated by a sea of aimless
speculation, undefined words with
multiple meanings, and useless self
deprecation. So, things are bad enough
not to wish them to get any worse. :-)
One persons "clarity" might be another
persons "confusion.">>
Seems like a relevant point.
<<And in the present case of talking
about progress on the path, both of them
are hindrances (or dangers, if you
will). To talk about "just being" with
all those indeterminate "whatever's,"
"not that's," "but, 'but's'," head
scratches, etc., doesn't make for any
sort of cogent communication about the
theosophical discussions or comments I
or anyone else make on these forums,
does it.>>
Interpretation is everything, the way I
see it (sort of "up to a point," at any
rate). Seems as if I may never succeed
in "successfully enough" communicating
with you and so many other people.
<<Is it any wonder that you don't seem
to be making much progress in coming to
any definite conclusions about theosophy
or any other esoteric subjects we like
to talk about here...>>
Seems like it. Seems as if my "deninite
conclusions" might be somewhat different
from your "definite conclusions"...
<<The assumption being that everyone
is a student of theosophy, and wishes to
learn more about it, or help others
learn what they may know. Maybe one
should just get back to understanding
the fundamental truths and focus on them
in an intuitive meditative mode while
trying to eliminate the modification of
the lower mind (i.e., the false "clarity
of mind" that comes from unconscious
thoughts based on previously conditioned
wrong views). Study of the subjects
discussed by Dallas in his recent letter
on "DIVINE, SPIRITUAL, WILL -- can it be
detected ?" might help. Of course, if
you continue to speculate, you'll "Just
be" whatever you are making yourself
out to be. Maybe, just a guy who likes
to talk about inconclusive speculation
-- so long as he doesn't have to take a
stand -- since he can't come to any
conclusions without getting caught in
the middle between esoteric and
exoteric. :-) Of course if you consider
the meaning of "speculate" is, "to use
the powers of the mind" or "meditating
on a subject" that's one thing. And, if
so, you'll have to start showing us, by
getting to the point without all the
indeterminateness. If, on the other
hand, you use it as meaning; "to
draw inferences without sufficient
evidence" -- that's not so useful for
getting into conversations with
theosophists, philosophers or
scientists, is it?>>
Excellent considerations, in their way.
I see "getting into conversations" with
whoever as a reference re how one can be
"more applicable," which, in turn, as I
see it, brings in all sorts of issues
that, in my opinion, can often get
somewhat tangential, to say the least,
so ... But my interest in Theosophy
seems to be somewhat "more direct," in a
way, and "just being" comes to mind. But
then if one doesn't have an
innate/intuitive understanding about how
"just being" can relate to life, in
general, and Theosophy, in particular, I
don't see how I can "directly enough"
explain and make up for such a lack,(ie,
because explaining is not where it's at,
and experiencing is).
<<So, if that's the case, don't expect
too many people interested in those
realms of thought to get in any
conversations with you -- or your
letters to get though any such
discussion group that is monitored for
content. Thoughtfully, Lenny >>>>
Yes I know. That's why I've been
participating mostly on the Theosophy
Study List.
<<P.S. Since most of my personal
theosophical friends are on BN-Study,
that's the name they (and all my other
personal friends and family) know me by.
Other groups know me by several other
names. Leon is simply an abbreviation of
Leonardo I got stuck with when the
doctor abbreviated my name on the birth
certificate (although I'm sometimes
called Len by business and professional
associates). I answer to all of them.
(I've also been called a lot of other
names -- which I don't answer to:-)
But, "what's in a name? A rose (or
skunk) by any other name would still
smell the same." </:-)> >>>>>>>>>>
I was thinking more in terms how some of
your posts seem to come across to me as
if they might've been written by some
different L person.
<<P.P.S. Maybe you should edit your mind
first, make a decision of what you
think is right and say it. But if you
can't think that way, then maybe you
should just put everything you say in
the form of a question. Then, Maybe,
someone will answer or question you, and
a decent and productive dialogue might
get underway between you and us someday. >>
I seem to be getting lots of "decent and
productive dialogue" on Theosophy Study
List. Anyway, nice to hear from you ...
er, Lenny, and Leon and ...
Incidentally, I read Dan Brown's DAVINCI
CODE and am working on an outline for a
new novel (about esoteric
topics/characters). Have you read
DaVinci Code? In a sense, it's kind of
simplistic, but, in a sense ... Of
course, on the other hand, one person's
"in a sense" could be another person's
whatever, so, what can I say ...
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