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Re: Violet flame of Saint Germain - Blavatsky, Kuthumi, El Morya, St. Germain together

Apr 17, 2004 07:58 AM
by ali_haq_hassan

--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> wrote:

> Paul


> Thanks for the tip.

> There is something that is still not clear to me.

> The picture with these masters are, this way, not an old photograph 
but an artistic painting ...right?

> It is not easy to analize in the internet due to the low know.

> Gonna search in the links you passed me.

> Thanks for the attention.

> It is interesting the posts on Saint Germain that Dallas sent. 

> In Brazil there was a spiritual movement in the 80-90īs called " 
Ponte para a Liberdade" ( means: Bridge for freedom) based in claimed 
chanellings of Saint is alleged that the so called "Violet 
Flame", an egregora created by the Masterīs efforts, in which Men can 
" burn" bad karma and the lower aspects of his character.

> It is said that through invocations of many mantras called " 
appellations" -( kind of litany) one can improve the spiritual status 
or accelerate the evolution of the soul...

> The ritual also included the burning of a bonfire in which everybody 
throwed sheets of paper where ones have written down the negative 
aspects he wanted to transform or the spiritual needs he wanted to be 
helped in.

> I donīt know if the explanation is clear enough ...


> Did anybody ever know it?


> Krishtar


Hi Krishtar-

I think that group was derivative or allied with the many iterations 
of the I Am movement, the Church Universal, the groups formed by a 
couple who took the name Prophet- one of whom has died, the other, the 
woman now reportedly in the latter stages of Alzheimers/dementia. It's 
the "Violet Flame" part that I think is similiar.

They were, [imo] self-appointed messengers who made a potpourri 
mainly of the voluminous information of Alice Bailey, then took their 
show on the road with much purported channellings, messages, etc- all 
in a (imo) simpery, contrived "language of the Masters". They 
attracted thousands who believed their 'message'. Their books were 
prettily illustrated with "portraits" of the Mahatmas, esoteric 
drawings derived from everyone that had preceded them, and filled with 
gibberish purporting to be authentic teachings, etc.

Personally, I think that Elizabeth Clare Prophet's ongoing 
diminishing due to Alzheimer's says all one needs to know about any 
authenticity of her movement. If one knows anything about the brain 
and meditation.....Alzheimer's should be the last thing a genuine 
"messenger of the Mahatmas" would die of, including leprosy, suicide, 
a piano falling on one's head...[imo] 

As to your question of burning karma in bonfires, that is an old 
tradition of physicalizing negative ideas or attitudes and then 
symbolically burning them. It depends on the concentration and level 
of belief, I'd say.




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