Re: MultiFerpectivalists Unite!
Apr 14, 2004 02:07 AM
by christinaleestemaker
-Thanks Leon,
That book I have seen earlier and your picture is in common with
mine, only the difference that I put it in flowering petals.
Yours explanates much more, it is realy perfect.I still use that in
my work if you don't mind.It is the whole world in a cell.A
wonderfull Hologram.
-- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> Hi Christina,
> Right on. Actually, there are 8 inner fields, and between them are
the 7
> Chakra points corresponding to the nerve plexus in the human body,
and the 7
> centers of consciousness in both the human body and,
correspondingly on the higher
> cosmic planes.
> To "picture it" check out the diagram (see it as a symbolic cross
> slice through the center of the spirally involved spherical
Universe) at:
> Hope it helps clarify your explanation a bit.
> Leon
> In a message dated 04/08/04 6:05:03 AM, christinaleestemaker@y...
> >-Hallo Dallis ,
> >
> >In my explanation I forgot to say that from the total 7
> >so the perfected level of 6 others
> >There will be a new level , made by a factor 8 = the UNITED
> >the ultra- atom of the next level make then the start of that
> >level and becomes, simpel said nr 1 with also taking 6 principels
> >develope in a perfect 7 .
> >The new developement take always a part of the perfected backward
> >with to the next.
> >I hope I made it clear
> >It should be better to picture it.
> >Greeting Christina
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