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Apr 12, 2004 02:59 AM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 03/31/04 2:49:00 PM, theo73@worldnet.att.net writes: > Leon > can you explain the string theory in metaphysical terms? > thank you > Dorothy Hi Dorothy, Not easily... Since string theory, being entirely physical, ignores consciousness and mind, and describes only the fields of matter that constitute the ten dimensions of the physical space-time continuum as if they were enfolded one inside the other like bubbles within bubbles (as in Superstring/M-brane theories). To describe it in a (possibly cracked:-) nutshell... These space "dimensions" consist of (a) the three spherical dimensions or spatial directions (NS, EW, Up-Down) of our physical space, plus (b) seven additional invisible hyperspace dimensions that (according to one speculation of string theory) are enfolded within the tiny spaces in the vacuum (the Planck distance, approx. 10^-33 meters) between the particles of our physical world. These inter-particle space dimensions each represent a spherical hyperspace empowered by the energy perturbing out of the zero-point that is everywhere in that so called "vacuum." (Although string theory is somewhat ambiguous about the zero-point itself since their mathematics kind of falls apart as it approaches zero or infinity.) They also include time as an added dimension, but it is not yet too clear about how time relates to the hyperspace dimensions. In these respects there are several different conflicting string theories -- although these discrepancies may soon be clarified in the still evolving Superstring/M-brane theories. >From a metaphysical point of view, these 10 dimensions might correspond with the Sephirothal Tree (but that's stretching it a bit.:-) Or, they could correspond to the 7, 10 or 14 "coadunate but not consubstantial" metaphysical divisions of the inner or higher planes of theosophy (i.e., if time is not considered as a dimension, but simply as a measure of change). String theory also postulates that the smallest matter that makes up the fundamental particles of quantum theory, are physical "strings" of pure mass-energy -- whose differing vibrations of both open and closed strings determine the physical properties of the individual particles they are associated with (starting with the smallest quarks, and theoretically possible sub quarks, etc.). They compare these energy strings to "guitar strings." This is a bit confusing, since a vibrating string has to be tied down at both ends, and vibrating open strings make little sense. But this may be a necessary simplification for public understanding -- since string theories are enormously complex in their mathematics. And, it's almost impossible to visualize how hyperspace fields look or enfold in each other, other than symbolically in 2 or 3 dimensional pictures (similar to those I use in describing my ABC theory). Unfortunately, from a metaphysical point of view, this interpretation actually is still totally materialistic, and sadly lacking any concept or explanation of mind and consciousness as being the fundamental nature of these fields in conjunction with to their interconnecting zero-points. Although it does recognize the zero-point-instant (of our space-time) as being the root off the strings themselves. Thus, string theories have only a superficial relationship to the theosophical metaphysics -- that speaks of an ultimate division of time (which is the duration of a single vibratory cycle of energy change in the primal cosmic field on the spiritual level) that is almost infinitely shorter (or faster) than the highest vibrational frequency of energy on the physical level (gamma rays at the top end of the measurable electromagnetic spectrum). Problem is, that if science can't find any way to measure or record a phenomena, it must not exist. From a theosophical point of view, this is nothing more than a non provable denial of a logical and subjectively experiential reality. But, conventional science, due its objective materialistic limitations cannot accept subjective, or non physical evidence. Thus, the impasse between physics and metaphysics. Although some physicists like Bohm, among a few others, have come pretty close to the theosophical metaphysics, and see the possibility of faster than light speeds. However, all these string and superstring theories have been postulated mathematically (using new multidimensional topological and fractal geometry's of sorts)... And, while they also describe the surfaces of the fields called Membranes (or M-branes in Superstring theory) which form bubbles within bubbles, etc., that are interpreted as the seven dimensions of their postulated hyperspace -- even the string theorists don't fully understand these concepts from a truly consistent metaphysical point of view... That, eventually, must include both consciousness and mind in their equations in order to be a true "Theory of everything" that they are seeking to attain. The closest this physical concept of "strings, with their ten spatial dimensions and their enfolded "M-branes" gets to metaphysics -- is its correlation's with the strictly geometric aspects of my ABC unified field theory -- (that also connects these fields to the zero-point of pure consciousness located everywhere throughout all of both hyperspace and physical space). This theoretical hypothesis is a scientific interpretation (in the sense of being completely logical) of the theosophical metaphysics of Cosmogenesis described in the "formulas" in the stanzas of the Book of Dzyan... And further explained in the commentaries on them in the Secret Doctrine. Not only does it exactly conform with the theosophical metaphysics, but it is also will be entirely consistent with the synthesis of both quantum and relativity physics -- when they are finally consolidated together by a truly metaphysical String theory. Unfortunately, ABC theory is not considered by conventional science as being "scientific" from a materialistic point of view or in a provable sense -- since it cannot be "falsified"... As, that, according to the "scientific method," requires physical observation and repeatable experimentation to serve as a final proof or disproof of any "predictive" theory. Thus, the "super strings" of Supersstring/M-brane theory would correspond to the "rays" of primal force that emanate from the "spinergy" (the Akasha or the "seven robes of the mother" in the Book of Dzyan) of the primal zero-point to form the first triune spherical Monadic fields (globes) that ("as above, so below") eventually reflects in Atma, Buddhi and Manas on the spiritual-astral plane, Kama (as the lower mind) along with Prana on the mental-astral plane, and Astral Body and Physical Body on the sensory-physical plane... As the first Monad continues to involve like bubbles within bubbles, within bubbles (since the energy rays spin over the field circumferences like winding balls of yarn)... Following the formula in the Book of Dzyan ("The three, the one, the four, the one, the five, the twice seven, the sum total")... While descending in progressively lower and lower orders of vibrational frequency-energy spectra through the four worlds or levels of consciousness (Physical, Astral, Mental, Spiritual) -- following the rules of harmony inherent in the fundamental law of cycles -- until our physical universe appears with all its analogous sentient beings. Since the rays that form the "membranes" of the coadunate but not consubstantial fields within fields within fields of consciousness are also vibrating, they carry all the information in their wave patterns that was stored during Pralaya in the spinergy or angular spin momentum (primal force) of the Cosmic laya point. These vibrations with their peaks and troughs that in turn can vibrate, correspond to the "strings" of the original string theories. What these scientific string and superstring theories miss is that these vibrations of light on the higher planes can travel faster than the limiting speed of physical light, and that they are the vehicle of all our inner sensations or experiences which we feel at the zero-point center of their origination or reflection on our Astral-mental planes. They also don't consider the information that can be carried as holographic interference patterns of waves on the surfaces of the spheres... Or, how that information can be coenergetically transferred from field to field and "received" either directly or reflectively at all their zero points of conjunction -- where both awareness and will function interdependently. Thus, the string or ray thickness can vary from plane to plane, as well as their order of vibrational frequency spectrums. Therefore, since the rays of primal light on all planes are analogous to the electromagnetic spectrum on the physical plane, all forces in the universe are electrical in nature and follow it's same fundamental laws. The only difference between the equations for electricity, electromagnetic, or "light" energy in any field, on any of the four metaphysical or hyperspatial planes or levels, is the numerical values of their constant terms. For example, if physical light, as the visible radiant energy of the electromagnetic spectrum, travels at "C" velocity on the physical plane, and astral light at C^2 on the astral plane, then astral energy or its substantiality could be calculated by the equation, E=MC^4 or, M=E/C^4. To sum it up, these four worlds (spiritual, mental, astral physical) consisting of fourteen primary globes, nested like Chinese boxes, in monadic groups, one within the other, and bounded by the "Ring Pass Not" of the surrounding Mahatma field, initially represents the first, second and third Logos. This globular involution of the Cosmic fields is graphically described symbolically (as cross sectional linear diagrams) at: http://users.aol.com/uniwldarts/uniworld.artisans.guild/chakrafield.html http://users.aol.com/leonmaurer/invlutionflddiagnotate.gif http://users.aol.com/leonmaurer/Invlutionfldmirror2.gif The underlying basis and rationale behind the theory of ABC, as well as its relationship to consciousness, mind and visual perception, is explained at: http://tellworld.com/Astro.Biological.Coenergetics. Note: While ABC theory is logically consistent with the metaphysical theories that begin with the zero-point, that is empty of any attributes other than inertia and spin (circular motion) in perfect harmony and perfect symmetry, it does not relate to any current materialistic scientific theory that does not consider the universe as infinitely divisible or infinitely expandable. Nevertheless, it is perfectly consistent with the limited action of forces related specifically to the physical universe on the lowest plane of mass-energy that are subject to measurement by physical instruments -- which is the realm of relativity and quantum physics and their synthesizing string theories along with their particular mathematics. You also may find further descriptive material on ABC and its relationship to Superstring/M-brane theory among my letters in the archives of this forum over the past few years. (I'm sorry but I have not yet compiled a list of these letters.) Further information on String theory explained for non physicists is at: http://superstringtheory.com/basics/basic4.html The Nova series of programs about string theory can be seen at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/ I hope this dissertation is clear enough to answer your question. Should you have any further questions about ABC theory, please feel free to contact me. Best wishes, Leon