RE: [bn-study] Re: April 6, 2004
Apr 09, 2004 05:32 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
March 9th 2004
Dear Friends and G C
Perhaps this might be of interest along the lines of ancient monuments:
Aspasia Papadomichelaki []
As for the Giants whose fossils (teeth) were found on the island of
Thera and who are referred to both in Odyssey and Iliad, the Cyclopean
Walls - or otherwise called "Cyclopean Mansions" are still to be seen
in the mainland of Greece , at places such as Mycaenae, Tyrintha and
Knossos. Similar relics have also been found in Italy ( Etruscan era),
in China, Japan and Peru.
Cyclopean is a name applied to a method of prehistoric masonry
construction. The term is derived from Cyclopes, the famous immense
beings with the "one eye", well known in Odysseia as Polyphemus. In
Iliada, reference is made by Homer, on "Aeas Telamonius", a gigantic
man, slow of thought and speech, but quick in battle and always showing
<Here reference is also made to the divine Dynasties, such as were
claimed by the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Greeks, etc., to have preceded
their human kings; they are still believed in by the modern Hindus, and
are enumerated in their sacred books.. who , under the guidance of their
divine Rulers, built large cities, cultivated arts and sciences, and
knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics to perfection.. Yet, we
find the Lemurians in their sixth sub-race building their first
rock-cities out of stone and lava.. The oldest remains of Cyclopean
buildings were all the handiwork of the Lemurians of the last
sub-races.. And that they are in the CYCLOPEAN STYLE." (S.D. II, 316-17)
"It is the pupils of those incarnated Rishis and Devas of the third
Root Race, who handed their knowledge from one generation to another, to
Egypt and Greece with its now lost canon of proportion; as it is the
Disciples of the Initiates of the 4th, the Atlanteans, who handed it
over to their Cyclopes, the "Sons of Cycles" or of the "Infinite", from
whom the name passed to the still later generations of Gnostic priests."
(S.D. I,208-fn)
"Mr. Fergusson regards the analogies between the ruins of 'Inca'
civilization and the Cyclopean remains of the Pelasgians in Italy and
Greece as a coincidence 'the most remarkable in the history of
architecture'. 'It is difficult to resist the conclusion that there may
be some relation between them.'" (S.D. II,745)
See also, "The giants of Genesis are the historical Atlanteans of
Lanka, and the Greek Titans." (S.D. II,236)
The giants of the Bible are called Gibborim and by Hindus, Rakshasas.
"While it is very probable that the Gibborim (the giants) of the Bible
are the Rakshasas of the Hindus, it is still more certain that both are
Atlanteans, and belong to the submerged races." (S.D. I, 415)
"The largest is made to represent the First Race of mankind, its
ethereal body being commemorated in hard, everlasting stone, for the
instruction of future generations, as its remembrance would otherwise
never have survived the Atlantean Deluge. The second - 120 feet high -
represents the sweat-born; and the third - measuring 60 feet -
immortalizes the race that fell, and thereby inaugurated the first
physical race, born of father and mother, the last descendants of which
are represented in the Statues found on Easter Isle; but they were only
from 20 to 25 feet in stature at the epoch when Lemuria was submerged,
after it had been nearly destroyed by volcanic fire . The Fourth Face
was still smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our present Fifth
Race, and the series culminated finally in the latter... These are,
then, the 'Giants' of antiquity, the ante- and post-diluvian Gibborim of
the Bible. They lived and flourished one million rather than between
three and four thousand years ago." II, 340
At this point, it is appropriate to make this clear: We have the Giants
who built the Cyclopean Walls from stone and lava and belonged to the
very latest Lemurian sub-races but we also have the Atlantean Race
<Here we recognise the Atlantean giants and the Aryans, or the
Rakshasas of the Ramayana and the children of Bharata Varsha, or India;
the ante- and post-diluvians of the Bible. Gyan (or rathen Gnan, true or
occult Wisdom and knowledge), also called Gian-ben-Gian (or Wisdom, son
of Wisdom), was the king of the Peris. (Pars, Persia) He had a shield as
famous as that of Achilles, only instead of serving against an enemy in
war, it served as a protection against black magic, the sorcery of the
Devs.." II, 394
"Just, as in the palmy days of the Atlantean giants, the sons of the
'giants from the East', a pilgrim could perform a journey from what in
our days is termed the Sahara desert, to the lands which now rest in
dreamless sleep at the bottom of the waters of the Fulf of Mexico and
the Caribbean Sea." (S.D. II,424)
"Thus the first Atlantean races, born on the Lemurian Continent,
separated from their earliest tribes into the righteous and the
unrighteous; into those who worshipped the one unseen Spirit of Nature,
the ray of which man feels within himself - or the Pantheists, and those
who offered fanatical worship to the Spirits of the Earth, the dark
Cosmic, anthropomorphic Powers, with whom they made alliance. These were
the earliest Gibborim, 'the mighty men of renown in those days'
(; who become with the Fifth Race the Kabirim: Kabiri with the
Egyptians and the Phoenicians, Titans with the Greeks, and Rakshasas and
Daityas with the Indian races." II, 273-4
If you wish to get a full-fledged picture of the races' migration you
can refer to chapter <The oldest records about Atlantis" II,
In the two great epic poems by Homer, the historical facts intermingle
with the esoteric tradition, mythological, religious and cultural one so
that the prehistoric status of human beings and the region becomes
obvious to those who wish to indulge in it. The kings and heroes of
Homer's epic poems are the representative types of previous races and
civilizations which Homer -not being a historian but an initiator-
deliberately mixes up.
"The foregoing teachings of the SECRET DOCTRINE, supplemented by
universal traditions, must now have demonstrated that the Brahmanas and
Puranas, the Yathas and other Mazdean Scriptures, down to the Egyptian,
Greek, and Roman, and finally to the Jewish Sacred records, all have the
same origin... all are allegories intended to convey, under a more or
less fantastic veil, the great truths gathered in the same field of
pre-historic tradition." (S.D. II,410)
Here are some extracts giving the geological formation of the era
depicted by Plato about Possidonia.
"It is not on the banks of the Nile, but on the coasts of Western
Africa, south of where now lies Morocco, that these battles took place.
There was a time when the whole of the Sahara desert was a sea, then a
continent as fertile as the Delta, and then, only arfer another
temporary submersion, it became a desert similar to that other
wilderness, the desert of Shamo of Gobi. This is shown in Puranic
tradition, for on the same page as above cited, it is said: "The people
were between two fires;.... both armies. thus changed the most fertile
regions into a savage desert.".. The claim is corroborated by Indian
Puranas, Greek writers, and Asiatic, Persian, and Mahommedan
traditions." (S.D. II, 405)
In the following text we get a fully explanatory reference to the
Atlantean- Aryans mixture and to their migration over the areas that
outlived the great flood.
"But the history of the Past was never entrirely lost, for the sages of
old Egypt had preserved it, and 'it is so preserved to this day
elsewhere.' 'You do not know which was the best and most handsome
generation of men which has ever lived on this earth,' said the priests
of Sais to Solon, according to Plato. 'Only a weak seed of it, of which
you (Greeks) were but the dwarfed and weak remnant of that once glorious
"What was this nation? The secret doctrine teaches that it was the
latest, seventh sub-race of the Atlanteans, already swallowed up in one
of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock, one that had been gradually
spreading over the continent and islands of Europe, as soon as they had
begun to emerge from the seas. Descending from the high plateaux of
Asia, where the two Races had sought refuge in the days of the agony of
Atlantis, it had been slowly settling and colonizing the freshly emerged
lands. The emigrant sub-race had rapidly increased and multiplied on
that virgin soil; had divided into many families, which in their turn
divided into nations. Egypt and Greece, the Phoenicians, and the
Northern stocks, had thus proceeded from that one sub-race. Thousands of
years later, other races - the remnants of the Atlanteans - "yellow and
red, brown and black," began to invade the new continent. There were
wars in which the new comers were defeated; and they fled, some to
Africa, others to remote countries. Some of these lands became in course
of time - owing to new geological convulsions-islands." (S.D. II, 743)
"The Hermes of Oriental tradition, worshipped at Phineata and said to
have fled after the death of Argus into Egypt, civilized it under the
name of Thoth. But under whichever of these characters, he is always
credited with having transferred all the sciences from latent to active
potency, i.e. with having been the first to teach magic to Egypt and to
Greece, before the days of Magna Graecia, and when the Greeks were not
even Hellenes." II, 367
"Diodorus Siculus asserts that in the days of Isis, all men were of a
vast stature, who were denominated by the Hellenes Giants." II, 344 fn.
As for the affinity between the Vedas and the Aryans it is proven by
the similar beliefs, the relative texts and the zodiacs existing in
Egypt, Greece and India.
Concerning the writings of the Vedas connected to those of
Aryan-Atlanteans, we could find plenty of quotations in the S.D.
"Thus, from the Seven Creations, seven Rishis, Zones, Continents,
Principles, etc., in the Aryan Scriptures, the number has passed through
Indian, Egytian, Chaldaic, Greek, Jewish, Roman, and finally Christian
mystic thought." II, 612
"But another calculation and proof may be adduced of the great antiquity
of these Hindu Aryans who knew of (because they had once dwelt in it)
and described the last surviving island of Atlantis - or rather of that
remnant of the Eastern portion of that continent which had perished soon
after the upheaval of the two Americas - the two Varshas of Pushkara."
II, 406-7
"It was just remarked that since, in the Puranic accounts, the island
is still existing, then those accounts must be older than the 11,000
years elapsed since Sancha dwipa, or the Poseidonis of Atlantis,
disappeared." II, 407
"This explains, perhaps, why the Singhalese, the heirs of the Rakshasas
and Giants of Lanka, and the direct descendants of Singha, or Leo,
became connected with Sancha dwipa or Poseidonis (Plato's Atlantis)" II,
<The Egyptian priests had the Zodiacs of the Atlantean Asura-Maya, as
the modern Hindus still have. As stated in "Esoteric Buddhism", the
Egyptians, as well as the Greeks and "Romans" some thousand years ago,
were 'remnants of the Atlanto-Aryans'... The human dynasty of the older
Egyptians, beginning with Menes, had all the knowledge of the
Atlanteans, though there was no more Atlantean blood in their veins.
Nevertheless, they had preserved all their Archaic records." II,436
"Now, on the Zodiac of a certain temple in far Northern India, as on
the Dendera Zodiac, the same characteristics of the signs are found.
Those who know well the Hindu symbols and constellations, will be able
to find out by the description of the Egyptian, whether the indications
of the chronological time are correct or not. On the Dendera Zodiac as
preserved by the modern Egytian Coptic and Greek adepts, .." (S.D.
"We learn from Plutarch that this was the theme of one of the hymns of
Orpheus, so celebrated in the fabulous ages of Greece. It was brought by
him from the banks of the Nile; and we even find in his verses, as in
the Indian systems, a defintite period assigned for the duration of
every successive World.The returns of great catastrophes were determined
by the present period of the Magnus Annus, or great year - a cycle
composed of the revolutions of the sun, moon, and planets, and
terminating when these return together to the sign whence they were
supposed at some remote epoch to set out.. We learn particularly from
the Timaeus of Plato that the Egyptians believed the world to be subject
to occasional conflagrations and deluges. The sect of the Stoics adopted
most fully the system of catastrophies destined at intervals to destroy
the world. From the Egyptians they derived the doctrine of the gradual
debasement of man from a state of innocence." (S.D.II,784)
About the Aborigines of Australia, the Secret Doctrine mentions: "It is
said that some of the Australian tribes are the last remnants of the
last descendants of the Third Race." I
Draconcia was a popular religion based on the belief of the doctrine
of a succession of worlds, in seven creations, in transformations of the
earth and in a seven-fold night and day for each earth. Hindus, Greeks,
Romans, Chaldean and Egyptians, Druids, Mazdeans, Jews and early
Christians had this belief and if we seek in their various religions, we
will discover it in all.
It was the religion of the seven-headed serpent, called Draco, "each of
whose heads is a star of the Lesser Bear; but it was also, and
pri-eminently, the Serpent of Darkness.. Whose seven heads were the
seven Logoi, the reflections of the one and first manifested Light - the
Universal Logos." (S.D. I,410)
The word Dravidian is derived from the same root 'dra' and 'vidya', and
means the one who has the knowledge-wisdom of the Draco.
I hope that all this is giving you satisfactory hints on pre-historic
Aspasia (Athens)
The theory that the remains of ancient cities exist under those of the
present is not a new one. Dr. Schliemann held it, and working upon the
clues found in Homer unearthed the buried Troy. Some have held it in
respect to London, asserting that St. Paul's stands over the ruins of an
old Pagan temple, and Roman ruins have been excavated in different parts
of England. In India there is a mass of traditions telling of many
modern cities said to stand over ancient ones that lie buried intact
many feet below the present level. Lucifer for September noticed the
"find" of an Amorite fortress sixty feet below the surface, with walls
twenty-eight feet thick. It is well known to those who enjoyed intimate
conversations with H. P. Blavatsky that she frequently gave more
detailed and precise statements about great cities being built on the
exact spots where others had stood long ages ago, and also about those
over which only villages stand now. And as the constant explorations of
the present day - reaching almost to the North Pole - give promise that
perhaps soon the prophecies about revelations from mother Earth made by
her will be fulfilled, I am emboldened to give the old theory, very
likely known to many other students, to account for this building and
rebuilding of cities over each other after such intervals that there can
be no suspicion of communication between present and past inhabitants.
As man's civilization has traveled around the globe many times, filling
now one country and now another with populous places, creating an
enormous metropolis here and another there, his influence has been left
on nearly every spot upon the earth, and that as well upon lands now
beneath the seas as on those above them. If we can imagine the first
coming of a population to a place never before inhabited, the old theory
asks us to believe that certain classes of elementals - called devas
generically by the Hindus - are gathered over the place and present
pictures of houses, of occupations of busy life on every hand, and, as
it were, beckon to the men to stay and build. These "fairies," as the
Irish call them, at last prevail, and habitations are erected until a
city springs up. During its occupation the pictures in the astral light
are increased and deepened until the day of desertion arrives, when the
genii, demons, elementals, or fairies have the store of naturally
impressed pictures in the ether to add to their own. These remain during
the abandonment of the place, and when man comes that way again the
process is repeated. The pictures of buildings and human activity act
telepathically upon the new brains, and the first settlers think they
have been independent thinkers in selecting a place to remain. So they
build again and again. Nature's processes of distributing earth and
accumulating it hide from view the traces of old habitations, giving the
spot a virgin appearance to the new coming people. And thus are not only
cities built in advantageous positions, but also in places less
Evidence is accessible and plentiful in every country to show that the
winds, the trees, birds, and beasts can in time cover over completely,
while leaving them intact, the remains of roads and buildings once used
and occupied by men. In Central America there are vast masses of ruins
among which trees of considerable girth are now growing. In other
districts the remains of well-made roads are sometimes found creeping
out from tangled underbrush and disappearing under a covering of earth.
At Elephanta near Bombay, and in other places in India, the earth has
been blown gradually under pillars and gateways, rendering entrance
impossible. On the Pacific Coast, in one of the Mexican States, there is
old and new San Blas, the one on the hill, deserted and almost covered
with trees and debris of all sorts which is surely constructing a
covering that will ere long be some feet in thickness. So without regard
to volcanic eruptions or landslides, which of course suddenly and
forcibly overlay a city, it is quite possible for Nature through her
slower processes to add to thickness of earthy covering at any place
abandoned by man, and the very best illustration of this is in the coral
islands which rise out of the ocean to be soon covered with earth and
But, our ancient theory says, no process of a mechanical or physical
kind has any power over the pictures impressed in the retentive ether,
nor over those classes of elementals which find their natural work in
presenting pictures of cities and buildings to the receptive brain of
man. if he is materialistic he will recognize these pictures only
subconsciously. But the subconscious impressions will translate
themselves into acts just as hypnotized subjects respond to a suggestion
they have no memory of. When, however, these elementals encounter a race
of men who are psychically developed enough to see not only the pictures
but also those entities which present them, it will then result that a
conscious choice will be made, leading to a deliberate selection of one
place for building on and the rejection of another.
I present this interesting old theory without proof except such as can
be obtained by those few persons who are themselves able to see the
devas at work on their own plane.
Path, November, 1892
CHRONOLOGY (from Theosophical literature)
400,000 BC to 500 A D
800,000 Angkor Wat built (2nd most Occult Edifice) Glos 223
Is I 239 561-8 271-2
500,000 - 250,000 B C
470,000 Babylon's astronomical observations said to go back to
this period
Nebo or Birs Nimrud, BCW 13-274 Isis I 533
400,000 Egypt was settled by the Atlanteans and the Eastern
AEtheopeans SD II 750
250,000 + Last Glaciation of Europe Isis I 3
Pyramids were 3 times submerged SD I 313 424 617
S D II 462-6 575 435 749-50 351-3 351-2 93 276fn
429 462; GL 223 300; IS I 154 239 296-7 517-21
THY Vol. 67-p.54
Sphinx (Harmachus) SD II 124 618 Glos 135-6 Is I 573
200,000 Chaldean Astronomical Observations extended back at the
time of Alexander's invasion Berosus SD I xxvi
78,000 + Denderah Zodiac [Egyptians brought from Lanka - Menes ]
SD II 374fn 431-6 456 577 580; IS I 440-1
49,186 Egyptian Records go back to ( Diogenes Laertius )
by 8,863 yrs. in 323 BC IS I 33
34,300 Sumerian Tablet gives 32,234 yrs between Deluge
and last king of Isin c.200 BC Thy 16, p.195
29,217 Alpha Polaris (Dhruva) (as Pole Star) (in 1888)
31,105 yrs ago Glos. 17
15,194 Zodiac Originated 1st degree of Aries ( Ram )
15,086 Vernal Equinox and 1st degree of Libra coincided
( 16,984 yrs ago in 1888 ) S D I 658
12,300 Vyasa - Uttara Mimansa and Vedanta taught Isis II 621
"Bhadarayana" SD I 50 269 451 Glos 361
9,566 Deluge of Deucalion. Last Island of Atlantis ML p. 155
submerged. Last war between the 5 YRS OF THY 99fn
9,500 Atlantis - Last Island sank Timaeus"- Plato as narrated
by Priests of Sais to Solon TM 46-469
8,000 Hindu Initiates had same Secret Philosophy then
as now (estimate) SD II 406 IS II 535
8,000 Tchandalas (Semites) begin to emigrate from India to Chaldea
SD II 200 Glos 323 165 IS I 135 551-2 578
Isis II 438-9 SD I 313fn
7,975 End of the last Sidereal Year Ocean 129 SD I 649-50
(9,868 yrs. before 1893) SD II 314 331 432 470
6,500 c Zarathustra (6,000 yrs. before Plato c 400 BC) Gl 384-5
IS I 19 II 141 SD I 464 II 323 Theos't I-135
Thy 14-97
6,000/5,000 Trojan War nearer 6,000 than 5,000 BC S D II 37fn
Thy 27-103 IS I 520 598 Glos 96 (Dardanus)
SD II 101 236 440
5,100 Neith (1st Dynasty) Egypt Lucif 2-465 SD I 399
Glos 77 227 234
4,100 c Manu-Vina (Menes) to Masra (Cairo) IS I 627 516
SD II 335 374 431-2 436 746; Thy 15, 317
3,700 Local Deluge in Middle East S D II 691
3,080 c Arjuna to Patala ( marries Ulupi ) SD II 214fn
[ Orphean Mysteries ] Glos 29
("Patala" = Mexico ) Thy 15, 546 IS II 561fn
3,102 Kali Yuga began Feb. 16, AM: 2 Hrs, 27 Min, 30 Sec.
[only precise time given in S D]
SD I 662 SD II 147 fn
3,102 Hindu Zodiac Begins at sunrise Feb 18th SD I 662
( origin of present Hindu era: "Vikram Samvat"
and Zodiac, Tiravalour, So.India )
3,000 c Gilgamesh epic "Flood" of Jewish Bible Thy 16, 307
2,875 c Akkadians (Semites) overrun Sumer Sargon IS I 576-78
2,800 c Yi-King (Chinese Kabala in dialect of Akkadians)
Thy 25-444
2,253 Chaldean Astronomical Observations for past 1903 years
Calliosthenes to Aristotle (c 350 BC) IS I 21
Hammurabi (Code) Babylon Thy 16-196
2,000 c Sumeria old texts with interlinear Semitic Thy 16-194
translations Thy 21-414
1,925 c Hittites capture Babylon IS I 567-8
1,700 c Knossos (Crete) at its height ISIS I 264 545
[ c 3,000 BC - 1,400 BC ]
1,628 Thera (Santorini) Volcano Erupts (Tree Ring Dating)
[ L A Times, Aug 29 1996 ]
[ End of Minoan Civilization, and tidal waves
overwhelm coasts of Eastern Mediterranean.]
1,600 c Achaeans to Crete destruction of Knossos dynasty
Thera-Santorini volcano explodes
1,600 c Hyksos ( Semites ) overran Egypt IS I 569-70
1,500 c Arameans over-ran Mesopotamia IS I 579
1,350 c Tutankhamen XVIII Dynasty (son-in-law of Ikhnaton)
Aton replaced Amon-Ra -- Thebes-capital of Egypt
1,225 c Rameses II ( restored Karnak & many monuments )
1,250 Sanchoniathon compiled religious writings SD II 440fn
IS I 234 341-2 577-8 II 260 275
SD II 129 440 Glos 289
1,000 c Aztecs to Central America S D II 445 Thy 16, 70-1
970-936 Hiram I at Tyre (Phoenician Jews ) IS I 19 135 566-8
945 Conjunction of all the Planets except Saturn SD II 63
(Note: also great conj. in 1957, 1965-7 & Sun's
Eclipse )
900 c Inca Kings records begin Thy 16-25 Glos 154
HPB Art III 428 IS I 595-8
814 Founding of Carthage by Phoenicians in flight from Joshua,
son of Nun IS I 520 560 567 II 546
8 Cent c Hesiod Poet - no certainty on, later than Homer
Ascribed to him: Theogony
Shield of Heracles
Preserved Myths
SD I 425 648 II 450 603 764fn 775 IS I 558 567
636c-546c Thales (Greece) Glos 326 IS I 24 512 526
Hermetic Philosophy & Mysteries transferred
from Egypt to Greece Glos 140 219 Thy 27 196
MYSTERIES OF GREECE [ General Survey ]
Mysteries moved to Greece from Egypt Glos 219 140
Pythoness IS I xxxv-viii 358 531; II 590; Glos 266
Delphos (Mysteries of Apollo) Glos 267 295
Eleusis Thy 27, 149-152 532; Glos 112
IS II 44 98 131 138 145 IS I xii HPB Art I 18
Mod Pan 134-5
Ephesus Glos 114 27; IS II 155; Thy 28, 7
Samothrace IS I 132 234 302 570 23 Glos
Sodales (and Sodalean Oath) IS I 301 555
IS II 131 SD II 212; Glos 302
3,100 Orpheus (see 3,100 B C) IS II 35 129;
THY 25-58, 27-148; GLOS 242 219
SD I 336 fn II 756; T M 18-181;
677 Phoenicia destroyed by Assyrians and Macedonians
Sea-faring Jews/Semites -founded Carthage,
emigrated to Spain, and North African Sea-Ports
639-559c Solon SD II 263 743 THY 27, 104 530
{Re: Atlantis from Egyptian Saitic priests-- see
Plato's Timaeus ]
c Mahavira (Jain Saint) Ths't 6-95 SD II 423 IS II 322
Last of 24 Tirthankaras HPB TO APS 242 Glos 335
673 BC Assurbanipal Great Library in Babylon Glos 37
Nineveh and Babylon at their height SD II 692 IS I 403
Western Europe overran by Celts, Germans, Slavs
Glos 105 239
Druids (Bhrigu) Glos 57 IS I 18 576
628-551c Zoroaster (latest) Thy 6-23 Thy 14-97 149 212 264
621-543 Buddha: Gautama Sidartha Glos 65-6 126 286
ML 43 96 78 SD II 423 I 161-2 THS'T 5-39
HPB TO APS 242-3 T M 15-105 VOICE 78fn
T M 7-27
611c-547c Anaximander b. Miletus - pupil of Thales
Detailed explanation of all Nature - wrote
604- c Lao Tse Glos 186 320 SD I xxv Thy 15-18 70 Thy 20-51
586-500 Pythagoras (Crotona) Thy 27-244 70-365 71- 16 Glos 266
IS I 12 532 347fn xvi 7 9 291 181 338 Lucif IV
IS II 144-5 338 452 491fn HPB ART I 431 439
BCW 13-283 Path 1 39 Trans. 106 T M 37-467
550-478 Confucius Glos 82 186 SD Ixxv 162 186 320 440
Thy 14, 395 351 Thy 14-395 Mod Pen 43
535c-475c Heraclitus of Ephesus (a Milesian) Thy 27 196
514c- Parminedes (Eleatic School materialism) IS I 24
521- Cambyses of Persia - conquered Egypt Thy 27, 244
(took Pythagoras to Babylon, Assyria)
Aryasangha ( Disciple of Buddha ) Glos 32
(Mahayana School)
-4th Cent. Druids of Gaul, Britain [ till conversion of
- Edict issued to forcibly convert all in
Roman empire to Christianity ]
521-485 Darius I invaded Greece
510 Mysteries opened to those who could pay a fee forcing
degradation. (Neo-Platonists restored 200 AD)
Thy 27-147 Thy 28-3
500-432 c Phidias (Sculpture - Jupiter Athena, Parthenon )
510- Shankaracharya (Reincarn of Buddha Gautama to reform
4th c Serapis ( worship of, in Egypt) Thy 25- 203
428-348 Plato Glos 256; SD II 395 554; Thu 27, 434 483
IS II 100 338; SD I 162;
Platonic Academy started
469-399 Socrates HPB ART I 17f THY 27-387; IS II 117-8
460 c Ezra (compiled Pentateuch) SD II 143 IS I 568 578
IS II 128 HPB Art III 245 Thy 25-10 Glos 117
460-357 Hippocrates (healer) IS I xxxvii 425-6; GLOS 142
Thy 22, 101; Thy 39, 405
331 Alexandria founded Thy 25-6; Thy 27-33; Glos 54
356-323 Berosus (Chaldean) Glos 54-5
356-323 Alexander "The Great" Conquests frontiers of India -
to Indus
384-322 Aristotle IS I xv 16 320 429-30 615; II 34;
Thy 25-10-11 HPB Art II 159-60; I 16 19;
Glos 73 256 227 384
SD II 153; SD I 615;
( Pupil of Plato, Tutor of Alexander )
340-265 Zeno (founded Stoic Philosophers)
300 c Euclid (systematic geometry )
323-283 Ptolemy I (Soter) Glos 16; Thy 25 p 6
Alexandrian Library -- 700,000 Rolls
SD I 353 659-60 664 IS I 21
"Shu-King" (china) Thy 14,
"Chinese Libraries Burnt" Thy 15, 21
264-228 Asoka ( After his death Brahmins Thy 26, 103
persecuted Buddhists. Initiates Glos 35-6
retreated to Tibetan refuges )
14 - c Celsus Thy 26, 243
-280 Seleucus (King of Syria - conquest of Middle East to
106- 43 Cicero (Orator, philosopher) Thy 30, 515
167 Nagarjuna (took Buddhism to China ) Glos 223
48 Alexandrian Library burned by Julius Caesar SD II 692
390 Alexandrian Library destroyed 2nd time SD II 692
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