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Apr 09, 2004 05:09 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

March 8th 2004


Dear Friend:

ISIS UNVEILED was HPB's first book. 

She opened the door to an important representation of THEOSOPHY.
Apparently the cycle was a most important one for us and for humanity as
a whole.

Hidden in its pages are a number of cogent statements - mind awakeners !

I found a few and thought you might be interested in reviewing them

Perhaps in your own study you have discovered some such "mind awakeners"
- trumpet blasts from the past ! 

If so, would you care to share them with all of us? Let all share in
such thoughts, and perhaps more "doors" and "windows" will be opened for

Best wishes,





HPB declares: "We are laboring for the brighter morrow." ISIS
I 613

She states: "Theosophy is a signal fire from antiquity." ISIS
II 571 
and, again: "The essential is forever the same."

Of her mission and work, HPB wrote to a Russian prince in 1883:

"I speak to you solemnly and without joking, I say to you that on my
shoulders rests the responsibility of millions of souls...And why?
Because we teach only ethics, moral principles and sincerity and do not
meddle with their personal beliefs. Ethics are the same in all the
ancient religions and the Christ did not teach anything that had not
already been said by Confucius and the Buddha, and by even still earlier
teachers, by the sages of ancient Egypt...I have sown seeds that already
are beginning to sprout, and soon will cover the whole country with a
wonderful harvest."	HPB Speaks II 118-9, 122

There are some who mistakenly believe that HPB is "dead." Yet Mr. Judge
states that she is very much alive. Writing after 1891 to a friend, he
said that HPB was busy perfecting a new body. We may assume that HPB
has been using it in the recent days of the Theosophical Movement, and
we, unaware of the power in use and the work going on. 

In the Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, pp. 275, 280-1 a hint is given to us
concerning the undying race, to which She belongs.

On II p. 307 of Isis, HPB makes a unique statement; she declares that
she has been given permission to reveal certain truths at this cycle: 

"...the present writer, who states a few facts
concerning them, 
[the mysterious brotherhood] by the special permission
of one who 
has the right to give it." 

One of the most important truths is the fact of the existence of the
Ancient and Great Lodge, of the Mahatmas and their disciples of many
grades which compose it. (ISIS II pp. 98-103) And, that this Lodge and
its Adepts may be approached. We have to prepared and make the effort.

Mr. Judge states emphatically in Letters, p. 110 that "the way for all
Western Theosophists is through HPB." We owe her for this incarnation
the awakening of our spiritual sight and aspiration. We sense the
reverence and gratitude due to her, is that of a child for its Parent,
of a pupil for its Teacher. We all are in fact her "children," and her
pupils. In an occult sense we belong to her . 

HPB's last words are a request of her students, perhaps it reminds them
of an ancient vow they have made: to "keep the link unbroken," and
avoid the disappointment that her last incarnation prove a "failure."
It is a trust passed on to us.

Mr. Judge, Mr. Crosbie, and others did this through the work they
initiated and supported. Mr. Judge's last words to his friends were:
"There must be calmness. Hold fast. Go slow." These are key ideas. 

Mr. Judge also states that " the Master would manage results." (LETTERS,
p. 84) We need only practice brotherhood as best we can, and know.
They know what is best under Karma. We have still to learn.

A study of ISIS shows that in history cycles of knowledge follow those
of relative ignorance. It is a study of the ability of the Great Lodge
to turn seeming "evils" into opportunities for "good." We can try to
emulate them in our personal attitudes. Control and discipline of the
personality is our present responsibility.

In ISIS, Vol. II, 452-3, HPB gives us ancient symbolic pictures used to
represent the concepts of Adonai and Ada-Nari. There the Superior Man
is seen to surmount various animals--symbols for the qualities that can
be perfected in the personal man: 

1. The Lion, symbol of the kshatria power of dauntless
courage, is developed to fight the selfish tendencies of our lower
nature by a knowledge of its capabilities and of the Spiritual Self that
dominates it. 
2. The Eagle, implying sure and powerful vision into
cause and effect. 

3. The Bull, symbol of perseverance, strength and
docility. And, 

4. The "Angel" or the embodied "God," the man on the
road to "perfection," and the development and control of the lower mind

HPB should be considered the Incarnate Spiritual Soul of the
Theosophical Movement. That this "soul" is not limited to the
"Theosophical Society" she made plainly clear in her articles: A Puzzle
from Adyar, in the collation "She Being Dead yet Speaketh," and in her
letter to Indian Theosophists: "Why I do not Return to India." Mr.
Crosbie makes this plain in the 1st Letter in The Spirit in the Body
series in The Friendly Philosopher.

ISIS UNVEILED was used to review and assemble scattered testimonials
from the historical and classical past of the "West," which could lead
critical scholars and students to understand the origin, width and
fundaments of that base. It is then but a step to see how such a body
of wise men, would as a body preserve the wisdom acquired, and would be
using it to provide a School for those of mankind who force themselves
into that magic "circle." The make available those records on the
physical and other planes of achievements and knowledge in arts, science
and philosophy which all mankind can inherit.

The knowledge and work of the wise transcends the frail, temporary
barriers of political frontiers, ideologies, religions, national and
educational concepts and cultural mores. They work for the "brighter
morrow." (ISIS I viii) Theosophy is the expression of that wisdom and a
putting of it into action. HPB wrote to A.P.Sinnett (see her Letters to
APS, p. 88) that she "does the will of Master," in her work.

We find her making some startling declarations: in ISIS, p. II-292 at
the bottom she says one of the purposes of the book is 

"the analysis of religious beliefs, and the definition
of the 
their descent from the past to the present." All
"western" religions
and philosophies are shown to be the progeny of
Atlanto-Arian knowledge. ( see also: S D
I 272)

In ISIS, Vol. II p. 142 HPB indicates that the Secret Doctrine is:

"...the secret doctrines of the Magi, of the pre-Vedic Buddhists, of the
hierophants of the Egyptian Thoth or Hermes, and of the adepts of
whatever age and nationality, including the Chaldean kabalists and the
Jewish nazars, were identical from the beginning. When we use the term
Buddhists, we do...mean...the secret philosophy of Sakyamuni, which in
its essence is certainly identical with the ancient wisdom-religion of
the sanctuary, the pre-Vedic Brahmanism." 

[This is found also referred to in ISIS II 91 fn 99 123

148 169; and ISIS I 580.]

HPB's mission was to make these facts available to the whole world. She
was empowered to touch a far wider and more comprehensive area that any
historically known "savior." 

HPB revealed:

1.	the existence of the LODGE OF ADEPTS


3.	the existence of the ASTRAL LIGHT and its

4.	KARMA and REINCARNATION (The immortality of
the human Spirit.)

5.	from the oneness of All [Universal Unity] comes
Brotherhood in practice .

Mr. Crosbie ( FP, p. 348 top) wrote:-- 

"They [HPB, Adepts] came again in our time; and greater than Those who
so came there has not been. Why should anyone say that? Because other
Saviours came to separate and distinct peoples, but the Message of
Theosophy is not to any one nation, not to any one class of beings, but
to the whole world."

A single statement found on ISIS II. 126, stands out in the whole
section considered:--

The Only Thing Absolutely Necessary for Man is Truth.

She declares: 

"...we desire to prove that underlying every ancient popular religion
was the same ancient wisdom doctrine, one and identical, professed and
practiced by the initiates of every country, who alone were aware of its
existence...A philosophy so profound, a moral code so ennobling, and
practical results so conclusive and so uniformly demonstrable is not the
outgrowth of a generation, or even a single epoch...The proofs of this
identity of fundamental doctrine in the old religions are found in the
prevalence of a system of initiation; in the secret sacerdotal castes
who had the guardian ship of mystical words of power, and a public
display of a phenomenal control over natural forces, indicating
association with preterhuman beings." ISIS II 99

"Mystery is unscientific," she states ISIS I p. 3

In trying to sum up this work it is found that it is not possible to do
it justice. It is full of statement and hints that enlighten one's mind
and inspire an earnest student to more careful and more frequent
reference and study of its contents.

HPB teaches us that as immortal pupils, we should:

1.	Listen to the inner voice of Conscience and Intuition.
It will serve to warn us of the dangers of personal selfishness.

2.	ISIS is the fruit of an "intimate acquaintance with
Eastern Adepts," and it carries a message from them for the World, not
the geo graphical "West," or "East," but for all those who fallen under
the spell of western culture and are adopting its finite material goals.

3.	It is an "Encyclopedia of Occult subjects, generally
sketched and not complete," and it evokes "an attitude of attention and
expectancy." (ISIS II-p. 4) Many subjects are outlined or illustrated.

4.	It underlines vital principles of fact, truth and law in
our Universe of matter. It declares that there exists inner, invisible
and powerful worlds of substance and intelligence. These energizes the
material one. It assists the Human-Soul (Manas) to perceive its
potentials, its Ideal Self, and the limitations of matter.

5.	It is designed to do "even justice." It clears the
ground of the mind of many theological and scientific "weeds" and "dead

6.	It draws together for comparison the vital principles
which underlie the philosophical systems of old, and shows their unity.

7.	It encourages liberalism, which is the present trend of
thought. It preaches a practical and just Universal Brotherhood. This
is based on man's immortality as a fact.

8.	God-Spirit is proved by Man-Spirit. Man's Soul (Manas)
is demonstrated by its wonderful powers. It demonstrates how the will

9.	Blind faith has to be supplanted by knowledge. It warns
about the "sickness of Spiritualism." Apathy is dangerous.

10.	Free-will, universal intelligence, and the potential
perfectibility of all beings is the substratum of law in the Universe.

11.	"Evil can only arise from an extreme in good"
ISIS I 157

12.	All emotional moods are accompanied by
alterations in the magnetic atmosphere and condition of the
personality. "The magnetism of pure love is the originator of
every created thing."	ISIS I 210. 

13.	" unmutilated record of all that was, that
is, or ever will be" is kept in the akasa.	ISIS I 178



Here are some extracts from ISIS which appear significant.

The Purpose of Isis

"What we desire to prove is, that underlying every ancient
popular religion was the same ancient wisdom doctrine, one and
identical, professed and practiced by the initiates of every country,
who alone were aware of its existence and could not have
attained its marvelous perfection...except after a succession of ages.
A philosophy so profound. a moral code so ennobling, and practical
results so conclusive and so uniformly demonstrable is not the growth of
a generation or even a single epoch. Fact must be piled upon fact,
deduction upon deduction, science have begotten science, and myriads of
the brightest human intellects have reflected upon the laws of nature,
before this ancient doctrine had taken concrete shape. The proofs of
this identity of fundamental doctrine in the old religions are found in
the prevalence of a system of initiation; in the secret sacerdotal
caste who had the guardianship of mystical words of power, and a public
display of a phenomenal control over natural forces, indicating
association with preternatural beings. Every approach to the Mysteries
of all these nations was guarded with the same jealous care, and in all,
the penalty of death was inflicted upon initiates of any degree who
divulged the secrets entrusted to them... [RULE]:-- "Every initiate, to
whatever degree he may belong, who reveals the great sacred formula,
must be put to death." 

The Masters

HPB almost reveals the existence of the MASTERS ISIS II p. 153 

The One Secret Doctrine -- Lodges of Adepts

ISIS II p.143, HPB speaks of the One Secret Doctrine that underlies all
the antique philosophical systems and sects. She also speaks of
periodical Adept meetings, then, their breaking up into smaller bodies,
more scattered. On II p. 140 she speaks of the International Pagan
Mysteries. Throughout she speaks of the exoteric serving as a shell of
concealment for the esoteric.

Writing about the College of the Adepts at Ephesus -- A focus of the
Universal Secret Doctrines -- she probably indicates what must have
been a center for the "Ancient and Eternal School for Chelas [I U II
98-104]." Modern Theosophy has the same kind of mix: Oriental wisdom
with Platonism and the wisdom of every system that carries the Universal
Secret Doctrines at its core is seen to be derived from there. It is
Universal Truth and its applications in may climes and tongues.


She opens the question of Reincarnation (II p. 152) already spoken of as
taught by Jesus (II p. 145-6) [ NOTE: HPB was accused, after ISIS UN
VEILED was published, of not saying anything about this subject.]

Evil -- its Origin

She identifies EVIL (p. 154) as originating with matter. As this is
co-eternal with "Spirit"--it might be called "chaos, confused
turbulence." It has intelligence in potential, but has not the
experience that develops into self-consciousness and ultimately into
Universal Consciousness. 

Mr. Judge in GITA NOTES, on p. 133 wrote of "inferior nature" as an
aspect of the SELF which had chosen "to assume the phenomenal and
transient position, but is, in essence, as great as the superior
nature." HPB's comments on "substance" seem to say this.
Shankaracharya hints about this in his The Crest Jewel of Wisdom.

Gnostic System -- Source of Christianity

ISIS II p. 156 HPB offers the 5 essential principles underlying the
Gnostic (Basilidean) system. These can be compared with the AEons under
Simon Magus's system, details of the cycle of involution from "Spirit"
of intelligence into "matter" and its return. [see Instructions II.]

Brahmins -- Source of their Knowledge

The footnote on p. 156 speaks of the original Brahmins :-- They were
invaders of India a million or so years ago. They studied under the
indigenous Raj-rishis, adopted their pre-Vedic Bodhism, and have
preserved it.

This is an additional warning about "caste" bound Brahmins, who are
versed in the remnants of ancient wisdom, and may be applying the
tantrika (Left Hand) versions because of selfish use for domination and

HPB said that only devotion and renunciation comparable to
Damodar's could bring a Brahmin, or anyone, to the notice of the
Masters. (see Masters' letter to the Allahabad Brahmins -- ML 461-2.)
She called the Brahmins, as a caste, "The Jesuits of India."
(FP, p.35; C & J 61 (n e 65)

Pre-historic Buddhism [ BODHISM] is the Mother-Source. This is the
work of the ever-living Brotherhood. (SD II 275, 281 the "Undying

HPB traces its work from India through the Zoro-Ishtars ( Zoroasters) of
Persia and Chaldea to Babylon, (College of Rabbis), to Syria, and to
Buddhist monks, established on the banks of the Dead Sea for many

Jesus - Mission and Work

HPB gives a sketch of the record made by Jesus in his work -- from the
secret records: 
IS II pp. 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, 154,

Future Buddha

In the foot note on p. 156, HPB gives some hints on the future Buddha.
( developed in the Glossary and the SECRET DOCTRINE and some of her
articles in LUCIFER under:-- King Messiah - Soshiosh - Maitreya Buddha
- Kalki Avatara.

Divisions Among Early Christians

ISIS II 124, HPB surveys Christian sects believing in Christos, the
Anointed One. This appellation is used in ancient religious system and
comes from the Initiation rites of Egypt.)

Duality of the Religion Among the Jews 

1. The Nazars - Initiates and ascetics, preservers of
Occultism, to whom the Jewish Rabbis went to learn, and some of which
returned as prophets to their people, including the reforms of Jesus and
John the Baptist; and 

2.	the popular worship encouraged by the priests of the debased
remnants of the ancient Mysteries of the Sun: -- Adonis, Tammuz.
Bacchus, Baal, El-El, as performed in the exoteric Sod of the
"Groves"--sacred to Ishtar, Astarte, Venus. These had gradually been
vitiated by the priests for power, into rites, including licentious
debauchery--which gave them "a profitable living" (ISIS II p.

On page ISIS II-131 HPB states that the "One and Supreme God of the
Christians" is derived directly from the 2nd category given by her --
the exoteric and debased -- all supported by "that stupendous compound
of unintelligible termed Christianity." (ISIS II p. 123)

On ISIS II p 128, speaking of these, she says that at times Truth seems
to retire and relinquish its exoteric popularity, just as the Gnostics
did later. She there calls it a "prudent policy." A policy which
allowed the exoteric religion, including aspects of black magic, to
prevail openly, even tyrannically, while the true was preserved secretly
under the surface. 

This could be viewed as waves on a time-graph, periods when the esoteric
philosophy shines forth publicly (as the "THEOSOPHY" of an age), then is
obscured. Then the "powers of evil" who enforce the "letter of their
law" hold sway until Karma makes it possible for the esoteric to re
surface, and for a "door" to be reopened--such as HPB did for us.

On ISIS II p. 123, HPB indicates that "fate alone was propitious " for
"that stupendous compound of unintelligible dogmas enforced by Irenaeus,
Tertullian, [Eusebius] and termed Christianity " to rule.
One wonders: "what fate" perhaps; and thinking of Karma, one realizes
that if Jesus came at a descending cycle to conceal, rather than reveal
the esoteric science, (F.P., p. 201-2 ) then a worse "fate" may have
been deferred, or prevented from manifesting. HPB mentions elsewhere
that "The Karma of Israel" now looms over us.(SD I 390) What could this
signify ?

Testing Occult Efforts

At the top of ISIS II p. 124 she gives us 3 fundamental principles from
Buddhism common to occult efforts, and which can serve as touchstones:

1.	Everything exists from natural causes.

2.	Virtue brings its own reward, and vice and sin their own

3.	The state of man in this world is probationary -- he can
win his own immortality.

Early Pure Christian Sects

On ISIS II p. 127 she lists early undebased Christian sects : -- 

1.	Nazarenes
2.	Ebionites
3.	Essenes
4.	Therapeutae (also among the Essenes)
5.	Nabatheans 
6.	Mendeans [ On II p. 130 HPB mentions John the
Baptist led
a branch of dissenting Essenes. In the
GLOSSARY, these are called the Mendeans
or Saint John 
Christians (p. 212).]. In MAHATMA
LETTERS, p. 415, it 
is indicated that John never heard of
Jesus ! ("a spir-	
itual abstraction and no living man.")

7.	Gnostics ( mentioned II p. 123.)

HPB names Irenaeus and Tertullian chiefly as responsible for this
debasing, and later, Eusebius.

On ISIS UNVEILED Vol. II-2 she writes: "Every Christian dogma has origin
in heathen rites."

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