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Re: Theos-World re Paul on "Multiperspectivalist Society" and "original ...

Apr 05, 2004 08:58 AM
by Mauri wrote:
<<Mauri, Stop! I'm trying to quit! My sides are hurting too much! Lol! "multiperspectivalistisistic" John>>>

Sorry, John, it seemed like a perfectly good word, sort of. Not that I can pronounce it, but ... Anyway, to get back to that multiper topic (re your other letter, John, and Paul's letter), seems to me that the Theosophical Movement has been sort of eating its cake and keeping it in the fridge or freezer at the same time, in that, in a sense, as I tend to see it, while there might be whatever kinds of interpretations out there about ES or esotericy interpretations in general (I'm thinking there might be some keyish aspects of Theosophy involved per ES, in some ways or senses) , at the same time the Movement, per it's "b/Broader" objectives, would seem to be saying, in a sense, as I tend to see it , that one need only have, first, "good-enough basic" intentions (more about that "sense" shortly) in order to become a Theosophist, basically, (and not just a "student of Theosophy"), as if such "basic good-enough" (to be a Theosophist) could be somehow "good enough" if it could be somehow Theosophically translated or modeled (ie, in significant contrast to modeling by way of direct experiences of "higher planes," seems to me) into a behaviour and language that would be seen to at least have the potential of creating "brotherhood" among other things (to use a somewhat 19th century term), and somehow Theosophically translated into some kind of "collective wisdom" or some kind of "collective sense of wisdom," (per whatever "Theosophic" perspective, as if that name, alone, made some difference) that might be (at least potentially ...) appreciated sort of multiperspectivilistically. (Thanks, Paul, for that interesting word.)

I guess I'm saying that some student's of Theosophy might tend to sort of "intuitively know," for a start, something or other about the kind of differences in people that might tend to have some effect on how Theosophy might be perceived collectively vs. individually, or just individually, and so might tend to voice their opinions (as in Paul's case, as in my case, as in so many cases), thought the "voicing," itself, might come out, in turn, in various ways, needing more interpretation, and ... Seems like a never-ending story ...

I'm tending to speculate about how Theosophical literature might be somewhat generally seen as portraying the "successes and failures" (among other things) of collective vs individual interpretations. And I suppose there might be a kind of somewhat objectified bottom line in such multi interpretations in keeping with how one might interpret broader meanings in whatever "more specific" senses, as John has just demonstrated in that other post of his. Thanks, John, for all those intermediating, conciliating comments---which kinds of comments might often enough seem applicable enough even without much assessing/evaluating the relevance of whatever "other hands" there may be, per whoever---"applicable" especially among those taking an interest in Theosophy, seems to me. Not that that kind of perceived applicability might not be a "good" thing even in its bare-boned form (and even without quotes, I guess ...), sort of basically ...

After all, in as much as reality content on this plane might often tend to be seen, interpreted as kind of varied, basically, in keeping with various interpretive contexts, seems to me that the Theosophical Movement might benefit from some efforts to find common denominators that might have the effect, or that might be seen as having the effect, of creating whatever "real enough" bridges there might be seen to be (in whatever "applicable" sense) that might at least keep us humans from killing each other off, more or less, among other things, for a while longer, and ... who knows ... Not to mention whatever other possibilities there may be in a "more positive" vein, even, maybe, as per Theosophy.

In other words, in as much as Theosophy is seen to offer Wisdom, and not just small w wisdom, how could it miss ... ! That is, not that "Wisdom" might not often tend to get defined in so many ways, but, as per John's comments, maybe there's hope by way of some approaches, attitudes, ways that might, at times, be seen to have the effect of promoting "some sort of Theosophical perspective" (that might subsequently be refined, as one might tend to hope, possibly, in some cases ...).

I seem to be under the impression that many students of Theosophy might tend to generally see themselves as somewhat wisely offering interpretive leeway in various senses. So while the outcomes might be seen to vary, to say the least, wouldn't there be or mightn't there be something in Theosophy that might be seen to have a somewhat transdending effect over all the usual conflicting opinions ... ie, I wonder if there might be some kind of somewhat generally perceived or multi-something perception or evaluativeness that might have some kind of real enough "tanscending effect" over typical human conflicts, but without having the effect of erasing or tending to erase some aspects (or "some perceived aspects," maybe) of the Esoteric Tradition (and thereby some perceived aspects of its Theosophical variant) off some of the maps of "general availability" to such (ie, not that the keyish aspects of such Traditions will ever get wiped off karmic maps entirely by even "worst case scenarios," seems to me, at least "exoterically speaking"). I tend to suspect that any kind of move to put Theosophy under any kind of thumb, real enough or imagined, might tend to generally have the effect of strengthening it in the short or long run, per karmic backlashing. But if that kind of timing is seen to be out of the picture "for all practical purposes," in whatever sense, then ...


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