Re: Dion Fortune
Apr 03, 2004 08:14 PM
by stevestubbs
--- In, "John Plummer" <jplummer@b...>
> While DF was definitely a hermetic qabalist, she was also for many
years a
> member of the TS
Many thanks for the information. There is no discernable Blavatsy
inbfluence un her books, which are all GD stuff, so I did not see her
as a theosophist.
> The promotion of Krishnamurti as the vehicle of the
> Maitreya Buddha was the focus of her departure from the TS.
Good for her. I am liking her better allk the time.
> Steve also wrote:
> >Her best book was PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENCE, which has to
> >be one of the weirdest books ever written. I have not read it
> If you haven't read it, how do you know?
You are th one who did not read - my -email. I said I did not read
Stanislas de Guaita's CLEF DE LA MAGIE NOIRE, not that I did not read
PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENCE. I have Guaita's book but have not go into it
> Most of DF's students, then and
> now, would disagree that Psychic Self-Defense is her best book.
Well, that is a subective judgement. We must distinguish here
between fact and opinion. I found the book enormously entertaining
and weird. It made me downright paranoid for awhile, the same as
King's novel SALEM'S LOT.
> In my own
> opinion, Psychic Self-Defense is an interesting book, and still
> reading, although it has suffered from being rather sensationally
The title is positively bland compared to the contents.
> I don't find it particularly weird.
A book that deals with demons, werewolves, exorcisms, poisons and
curses and suggests that all this is to be taken as fact does not
strike you as a little different from the norm?
> If you want DF at her weirdest -- go
> for something like Secrets of Doctor Taverner.
Thanks for the tip. If it is weirder than SSD I will surely put it
on my reading list.
If you are an Hermetic Kabbalist, your opinion please on the
following comments from Paul Foster Case, which I found on a web site
a year or so ago. This is from my notebook. The original comments
are in a PDF file found on the Internet. Reference is made here to
the GD material, which DF essentially purloined:
"The magical ceremonials, aside from the pseudo-Egyptian
interpretation of [the neophyte ceremony and the Vault ceremony]
revolved largely around Dee's and Kelly's tablets. Now I am far from
denying that one gets results of a kind by the use of these
tablets. ... My criticism of this part of the GD work is ... that I
have personal knowledge of more than twenty-five instances where the
performance of magical operations based on Order formulae led to
serious disintegrations of mind or body. ... Perhaps the most
conspicuous example of the unfortunate consequences of the use of
these formulas is A.C. himself; but there are plenty of others that I
know personally whose shipwreck has been just as complete. ... Let me
say again, then, that I do not question at all the magical efficacy
of some of the formulas. S.R.M.D. [Mathers] knew a lot about magic
(more than he did about Qabalah, it seems to me), but there was a
twist in his makeup that made him a most dangerous guide, as many
have found to their cost. The Enochian procedure is indubitably
potent. ... Even as ... it is not necessary to burn down a house to
roast a pig, so, I fear, will those who rely on G.D. formulas for
magic learn to their cost, perhaps too late, that there is far more
to magic than getting results. ... There are actually true formulas
among the hotch potch of good and bad and indifferent which one finds
in the 'esoteric' literature of the G.D. ... What I object to in the
G.D. is the subtle mixture of really poisonous material with so much
that is of value. And to get rid of the poison has been my principal
undertaking for more than ten years. The consequence has been that I
have been obliged ... to formulate the rituals anew."
Someone on another list represented to me that Mathers was a good
dude or some such thing as that. However, the following quote from
that Case was not far off. This also is from my notebook but I
believe the quotes are good:
"Abraham the Jew it appears to me, in his anxiety to save his son
from dangerous errors in magical working, has preferred to endeavour
to fill him with contempt for any other systems and methods of
operation than the one here laid down. For also besides the
unintentional perversions of magical symbols I have above mentioned,
there was further the circumstance not only possible but probable of
the many black magic grimoires falling into his hands, as they
evidently had into Abraham's, the symbols in which are in many cases
intentional perversions of Divine Names and seals, so as to attract
the evil spirits and repel the good."
It should be said that Mathers' copy of ABRA MELIN did not show the
correct construction of the magic squares avvording to more complete
copies. Nonetheless, in his historical book RITUAL MAGIC IN ENGLAND,
Francis King says that the squares are quite powerful and have caused
considerable trouble to everyone who has worked with them. He also
repeats a long story from THE OCCULT REVIEW by some fellow who worked
with the magic squares and had some really striking and alarming
It appears that later the ABRA MELIN system was replaced by
the "Invocation of the Bornless" ritual, which is intended to invoke
one's "genius" (Higher Self). The only problem being, some of the
barbarous names employed are suspect. Aleister Crowley "corrected"
this ritual and filled it with references to satanism, some of them
Exceot for the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, which is
extraordinarily powerful, by the way, I do not work with this system,
since the whole thing seems to have been assembled by people with
questionable motives.
I am not suggesting that I have the answers (only questions.) I am
curious what your take on all this is?
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