From: "Dallas TenBroeck" <>
To: <>
Subject: Theos-World RE: [bn-study] Re: Karma & recapitulation etc
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 17:29:46 -0800
April 2 2004
Dear Peter and friends:
Re: Karma, Skandhas, Monads,
The interlacing of concepts here is important but also a vast one.
As I see it, we can start with a basic given: the MONAD and the MONADS
-- an incalculable vast host of most diversified beings, each one
engaged on a self-induced and self-regulated pilgrimage towards an
indefinable goal which some have named: "Perfection." [To try to
describe that "perfection" would be difficult as it implies a universal
SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. That would take a very long time. But, being
immortals, there is "time" in which this can be achieved.].
All MONADS (ATMA-BUDDHI or: SPIRIT, and Spiritually refined MATTER)
are "immortals." They are defined as ever self-perfecting points of
LIFE, and each is based on the all pervasive "rays" of the universal ONE
ATMAN -- and, further, the whole evolutionary progress anywhere, in
and on any "word," epitomizes the cooperative aspect of such hosts
working individually and collectively together.
The MONADS survive any Pralaya great or small and always return to the
point where rest and sleep intervened, interrupting their pilgrimage.
{We humans are said to have been evolving our own individual
intelligence out of the stage of "Kama-desire and emotion" on the
"Moon-chain," as preliminary to our present work -- evolving on this
'earth' the free Higher Mind intelligence or that which is described as
Buddhi-Manas. [The WISE MIND].
Reincarnation of the " undying MONAD" is also a given. But where and
into what does it incarnate? Matter? And what is matter? What does a
form (together with its innate intelligence) imply?
As I see it, there are a host of Monads of a lesser level of experience
that taken together at various stages and levels, provide that "matter."
We are to them superior MONADS -- superior in terms of experience and in
the general program of evolutionary development -- as "mind" is superior
to unregulated emotion and desire.
As each "earth" provides a limited capacity or field for evolution,
there is a stage where it can accept no more MONADS in its "school".
Similarly, towards the end of an evolutionary period there is a kind of
examination to see which of the many MONADS has reached a level of
self-guidance where it can only do cooperative and benevolent
"brotherly" work.
I wonder if this is of help.
Best wishes,
Someone referred to a letter by Master Morya where he describes a certain
'winnowing' or destruction of monads from the Earth cycle...a soon-to-be
event at the time the letter was 'written'.