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Re: where are the "Masters"?

Apr 02, 2004 10:52 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, "stevestubbs" <stevestubbs@y...> 

> Well, you have me confused there. I am not a chela, and therefore 
> not claim to "know the truth about this subject." Those who are 
> certainly know more about it than I do, and possibly even more than 
> you do. That seems to be implied in your first statements. I do 
> believe Paul is right when he says the TS is completely out of 
> with the GWB. Regrettably I do not know who they are currently 
> as a channel, but it does appear they have selected channels since 
> the death of Blavatsky.

When you say "TS" I presume you refer to the different "Theosophical 
Societies" existing today. I am not aware of any public claim of 
contact with the Masters on the part of the current leadership of 
these organisations, but I wouldn't rush into believing that they 
are "completely out of touch". I simply don't know.

You say you aren't a chela, but in view of your "I want
Angst. I want Sturm und Drang" statements, you could be closer to it 
than you think:

"Like the "true man" of Carlyle who is not to be seduced by ease �
"difficulty, abnegation, martyrdom, death are the allurements that 
act" during the hours of trial on the heart of a true chela."
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series)


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