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RE: Theos-World expecting others to be perfect / right !

Apr 02, 2004 05:30 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck

April 2 2004

Dear Raghu:

There are two "Egos" in man according to theosophical teachings. The

The Lower is the Personality (LOWER Manas joined to KAMA, PRANA, ASTRAL

The concept is (as I understand it) that by making correct moral choices
(brotherhood in action) the living germs (Monads or ATMA-BUDDHI units)
that are forever progressing towards "the ultimate perfection of
self-consciousness" are hastened or delayed by the quality and nature of
our choices when (under Karma), we come into contact with them and use

Best wishes,



PS The following may prove of some use in grasping the concept better:


"...The Host of Dhyanis, whose turn it was to incarnate as the Egos of
the immortal, but, on this plane, senseless monads--that some "obeyed"
(the law of evolution) immediately when the men of the 3rd Race became
physiologically and physically ready, i.e., when they had separated into
sexes. These were those early conscious Beings who, now adding
conscious knowledge and will to their inherent Divine purity, created by
Kriyasakti the semi-Divine man, who became the seed on earth for future
adepts. Those, on the other hand, who, jealous of their intellectual
freedom (unfettered as it then was by the bonds of matter), said:--"We
can choose...we have wisdom,"...and incarnated far later--these had
their first Karmic punishment prepared for them. They got bodies
(physiologically) inferior to their astral models, because their chhayas
had belonged to progenitors of an inferior degree in the 7 classes. As
to those "Sons of Wisdom" who had "deferred" their incarnation till the
4th Race, which was already tainted (physiologically) with sin and
impurity, they produced a terrible cause, the Karmic result of which
weighs on them to this day...the bodies they had to inform had become
defiled through their own procrastination...This was the "Fall of the
angels," because of their rebellion against Karmic Law. The "fall of
man" was no fall, for he was irresponsible..."	SD II 228


"...the true esoteric meaning is that most of them (the Agnishwatta
Pitris) were destined to incarnate as the Egos of the forthcoming crop
of Mankind. The human Ego is neither Atman nor Buddhi, but the higher
Manas; the intellectual fruition and the efflorescence of the
intellectual self-conscious Egotism--in the higher spiritual sense. The
ancient works refer to it as Karana Sarira on the plane of the Sutratma,
which is the golden thread on which, like beads, the various
personalities of this higher Ego are strung...these beings were
returning Nirvanees, from preceding Maha-Manvantaras--ages of
incalculable duration..."	SD II 79

"...from the Sun to the vital heat of the meanest organic being--the
world of Form and Existence is an immense chain, whose links are all
connected."	SD I 604


"It is the Spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal man that forms the
fundamental tenet in the Occult Sciences...the ONE Universal Life,
independent of matter...and...the individual intelligences that animate
the various manifestations of this Principle...The ONE Life is closely
related to the one law which governs the World of Being--KARMA."
SD I 634


"The essential faculty possessed by all the cosmic and terrestrial
elements, of generating within themselves a regular and harmonious
series of results, a concatenation of causes and effects is an
irrefutable proof that they are either animated by an extra or intra
INTELLIGENCE, or conceal such within or behind the manifested
veil...Newton...recognized fully the limits that separate the action of
natural Forces from that of the INTELLIGENCES that set the innumerable
laws into order and action... To become complete and comprehensible, a
cosmological theory has to start with a primordial Substance diffused
throughout boundless Space, of an intellectual and divine Nature. That
substance must be the Soul and Spirit, the Synthesis and 7th Principle
of the manifested Kosmos, and to serve as a spiritual Upadhi to this,
there must be the 6th, its vehicle--primordial physical matter...though
its nature must for ever escape our limited normal senses."	SD I


"The philosophy of that law in Nature, which implants in man as well as
in every beast a passionate, inherent, and instinctive desire for
freedom and self-guidance, pertains to psychology...	Perhaps the best
synthesis of this feeling is found in three lines of Milton's Paradise
Lost. Says the "Fallen One":--

"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell !
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven ..."

Better be man, the crown of terrestrial production and king over its
opus operatum, than be lost among the will-less spiritual Hosts in
Heaven...the dogma of the first Fall rested on a few verses in
Revelation...about the seven-headed dragon with his 10 horns and 7
crowns, whose tail (485) "drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth," and whose place, with that of his
angels, "was found no more in heaven." ... The "Dragon" is simply the
symbol of the cycle and of the "Sons of Manvantaric Eternity," who had
descended on earth during a certain epoch of its formative period...The
"third part of the stars of heaven" cast down to earth--refers to the
divine Monads, (the Spirits of the Stars in Astrology) that
circumambulate our globe; i.e., the human Egos destined to perform the
whole cycle of incarnations...In all ancient cosmogonies light comes
from darkness. (486) In Egypt...Pymander, the "Thought divine," issues
as light from Darkness." SD II 484-6


"Matter or substance is septenary within our World, as it is so beyond
it. Moreover, each of its states or principles is graduated into seven
degrees of density."	S D I 289

"It is that LIGHT which condenses into the forms of the "Lords of
Being"--the first and highest of which are, collectively JIVATMA or
Pratyagatma (GLOS. 261 - ALAYA)...From these downwards--formed from the
ever consolidating waves of that light, which becomes on the objective
plane gross matter--proceed the numerous hierarchies of the Creative
Forces, some formless, others having their own distinctive form."
SD II 33-4

"Having sprung into being under the quickening influence of the
uncreated beam, the reflection of the great Central Sun that radiates on
the shores of the river of Life, it is the inner principle in them [the
Beings of Hierarchies] which belong to the waters of immortality, while
its differentiated clothing is as perishable as man's body."
SD I 275-6

"The hosts of these Sons of Light and "Mind-born Sons" of the first
manifested Ray of the UNKNOWN ALL, are the very root of spiritual man."
SD I 106

" absolute consciousness, "Adi-Buddhi"; and the Buddhist
philosopher knows that there are Planetary Spirits, the "Dhyan
Chohans."... If the Dhyan Chohans and all the invisible Beings--the
Seven Centres and their direct Emanations, the minor centres of
Energy--are the direct reflex of the ONE LIGHT, yet men are far removed
from these, since the whole of the visible Kosmos consists of
"self-produced beings, the creatures of Karma." ... they teach that only
"two things are (objectively) eternal, namely Akasa and Nirvana;" and
that these are ONE in reality, and but a maya when divided."
SD I 635-6


"Every Buddha meets at his last initiation all the great adepts who
reached Buddhahood during the preceding ages...every class of adepts has
its own bond of spiritual communion which knits them together...The only
possible and effectual way of entering into such by
bringing oneself within the influence of the Spiritual light which
radiates from one's own Logos...such communion is only possible between
persons whose souls derive their life and sustenance from the same
divine RAY, and that, as seven distinct rays radiate from the 'Central
Spiritual Sun,' all adepts and Dhyan Chohans are divisible into 7
classes, each of which is guided, controlled, and overshadowed by one of
the 7 forms or manifestations of the divine wisdom."
(S. Rao quoted - THEOSOPHIST, AUG. 1886) SD I 574

AVATARA (Sk.)	Divine incarnation. The descent of a god or
some exalted Being, who has progressed beyond the necessity of Rebirths,
into the body of a simple mortal. Krishna was an avatar of
Vishnu...There are two kinds of avatars: those born from woman, and the
parentless, the anupadaka."

ANUPADAKA (Sk.)	"parentless," "self-existing"...A term applied
to certain self-created gods, and the Dhyani Buddhas."	GLOS 25

BUDDHA (Sk.)	"The Enlightened." The highest degree of knowledge. To
become a Buddha one has to break through the bondage of sense and
personality; to acquire a complete perception of the REAL SELF and
learn not to separate it from all other selves; to learn (65) by
experience the utter unreality of all phenomena of the visible Kosmos
foremost of all; to reach a complete detachment from all that is
evanescent and finite, and live while yet on Earth in the immortal and
the everlasting alone, in a supreme state of holiness."
GLOS 64-5


"The real Mahatma is then not his physical body but that higher Manas
which is inseparably linked to the Atma and its vehicle (6th principle)
-- a union effected by him in a comparatively very short period by
passing through the self-evolution laid down by the Occult Philosophy."


"There are scattered throughout the world, a handful of thoughtful and
solitary students, who pass their lives in obscurity, far from the
rumors of the world, studying the great problems of the physical and
spiritual universes. They have their secret records in which are
preserved the fruits of the scholastic labors of the long line of
recluses whose successors they are. The knowledge of their early
ancestors, the sages of India, Babylon, Nineveh, and the imperial
Thebes; the legends and traditions commented upon by the masters of
Solon, Pythagoras, and Plato, in the (558) marble halls of Heliopolis
and Sais; traditions which in their days, already seemed to hardly
glimmer from behind the foggy curtain of the past;--all this, and much
more, is recorded on indestructible parchment, and passed with jealous
care from one adept to another. These men believe the story of Atlantis
to be no fable...In those submerged temples and libraries the
archaeologist would find, could he but explore them, the materials for
filling the gaps that now exist in what we imagine is history."
ISIS I 557-558;


"Alone a handful of primitive men -- in whom the spark of divine Wisdom
burnt bright, and only strengthened in its intensity as it got dimmer
and dimmer with every age in those who turned it to bad
purposes--remained the elect custodians of the Mysteries revealed to
mankind by the divine Teachers. There were those among them, who
remained in their Kumaric condition from the beginning; and tradition
whispers, what the secret teachings affirm, namely, that these Elect
were the germs of a Hierarchy which never died since that period:--

"The inner man of the first * * * only changes his body from time to
time; he is ever the same, knowing neither rest nor Nirvana, spurning
Devachan and remaining constantly on Earth for the salvation of mankind
..." "Out of the seven virgin-men (Kumara) four sacrificed themselves
for the sins of the world and the instruction of (282) the ignorant, to
remain till the end of the present Manvantara. Though unseen, they are
ever present. When people say of one of them, "He is dead;" behold,
he is alive and under another form. These are the Head, the Heart, the
Soul, and the Seed of undying knowledge (Gnyana). Thou shalt never
speak, O Lanoo, of these great ones (Maha...) before a multitude,
mentioning them by their names. The wise alone will understand."
(Catechism of the Inner Schools.)	SD II 281-2


"...the doctrine, well-known in India, of the reappearance of
Avatars...all admit that the true doctrine is stated by Krishna [see
above]. These appearances among men for the purpose of restoring the
equilibrium are not the same as the rule of Vivaswata and Manu first
spoken of, but are the coming to earth of Avatars or Saviors. That
there is a periodicity to them is stated in the words "from age to age."
He is here speaking of the great cycles about which hitherto the Masters
have been silent except to say that there are such great cycles. It is
very generally admitted now that the cyclic law is of the highest
importance in (107) the consideration of evolution and Man's destiny.
But the coming of an Avatar must be strictly in accordance with natural
law,--and that law demands that at the time of such an event there also
appears a being who represents the other pole--, for, as Krishna says,
the great law of the two opposites is eternally present it the world.
So we find in the history of India that, when Krishna appeared so long
ago, there was also a great tyrant, a black magician named Kansa, whose
wickedness has reached a maximum development. The real meaning of this
is that the bad Karma of the world goes on increasing with the lapse of
ages, producing at last a creature who is, so to say, the very flower of
all the wickedness of the past, counting from the last preceding Avatar.
He is not only wicked, but also wise, with magic powers of awful scope,
for magic is not alone the heritage of the good. The number of
magicians developed among the nations at such a time is very great, but
one towers above them all, making the rest pay tribute...[this is] a
sober truth, and the present prevalence of self-seeking (108) and
money-getting is exactly the sort of training of certain qualities that
black magicians will exemplify in ages to come. The Krishna--or
howsoever named--appears "in visible shape, a man with men." His power
is as great as the evil one, but he has on his side what the others have
not--spirit, preservative, conservative forces. With these he is able
to engage in conflict with the black magicians, and in it he is assisted
by all of us who are really devoted to Brotherhood. The result is a
victory for the good and destruction for the wicked. The latter lose
all chance of salvation in that Manwantara, and are precipitated to the
lower planes, on which they emerge at the beginning of the next new
creation...He also declares that the right and full comprehension of the
mystery of his births and work on earth confers upon us Nirvana, so that
rebirth occurs no more. This is because it is not possible for a man to
understand the (109) mystery unless he has completely liberated himself
from the chains of passion and acquired entire concentration. He has
learned to look beneath the shell of appearances that deceives the
unthinking mind."	
WQJ -- GITA NOTES, pp. 106-109


"This 3rd Race is sometimes called collectively "the Sons of Passive
Yoga," i.e., it was produced unconsciously by the 2nd Race...In the
first or earlier portion of the existence of this 3rd race, while it was
yet in its state of purity, the "Sons of Wisdom," who, as will be seen,
incarnated in this 3rd Race, produced by Kriyasakti a progeny called the
"Sons of Ad" or "of the Fire-Mist," the "sons of Will and Yoga," etc.
They were a conscious production, as a portion of the race was already
animated with the divine spark of spiritual, superior intelligence. It
was not a Race, this progeny. It was at first a wondrous Being, called
the "Initiator," and after him a group of semi-divine and semi-human
beings. "Set apart" in Archaic genesis for certain purposes, they are
those in whom are said to have incarnated the highest Dhyanis, "Munis
and Rishis from previous Manvantaras"--to form the nursery for future
human adepts, on this earth and during the present cycle. These "Sons
of Will and Yoga" born, so to speak, in an immaculate way, remained, it
is explained, entirely apart from the rest of mankind."	SD I


"...divine man dwelt in his animal--though externally human --form;
and, if there was instinct in him, no self-consciousness came to
enlighten the darkness of the latent 5th principle [Manas]. When moved
by the law of Evolution, the Lords of Wisdom infused into him the spark
of consciousness, the first feeling it awoke to life and activity was a
sense of solidarity, of one-ness with his spiritual creators. As the
child's first feeling is for its mother and nurse, so the first
aspirations of the awakening consciousness in primitive man were for
those whose element he felt within himself, and who yet were outside,
and independent of him. Devotion arose out of that feeling, and became
the first and foremost motor in his nature; for it is the only one
which is natural in our heart, which is innate in us, and which we find
alike in human babe and the young of the animal. This feeling of
irrepressible, instinctive aspiration in primitive man ...(211) It
lives undeniably, and has settled in all its ineradicable strength and
power in the Asiatic Aryan heart from the 3rd Race direct through it
first "mind-born" sons,--the fruits of Kriyasakti. As time rolled on
the holy caste of Initiates produced but rarely, and from age to age,
such perfect creatures: beings apart, inwardly, though the same as
those who produced them, outwardly...the 3rd primitive race...was called
into being, a ready and perfect vehicle for the incarnating denizens of
higher spheres, who took forthwith their abodes in these forms born of
Spiritual WILL and the natural divine power in man. Its physical frame
alone was of time and of life, as it drew its intelligence direct from
above. It was the living tree of divine wisdom; and may therefore be
likened to the Mundane Tree of the Norse Legend, which cannot wither and
die until the last battle of life shall be fought, and while its roots
are gnawed all the time by the dragon Niddhogg; for even so, the first
and holy son of Kriyasakti had his body gnawed by the tooth of time, but
the roots of his inner being remained for ever undecaying and strong,
because they grew and expanded in heaven not on earth. He was the first
of the FIRST, and he was the seed of all the others. There were other
"Sons of Kriyasakti" produced by a second spiritual effort, but the
first one has remained to this day the Seed of divine Knowledge, the One
and the Supreme among the terrestrial "Sons of Wisdom."
SD I 210-211


"...human consciousness" is but a Ray of the Divine. Our Manas, or Ego,
proceeds from, and is the Son (figuratively) of Mahat. Vaivaswatta Manu
(the Manu of our fifth race and Humanity in general) is the chief
personified representative of the thinking Humanity of the fifth
Root-race; and therefore he is represented as the eldest Son of the Sun
and an Agnishwatta Ancestor...Thought in its action on human brains is
endless. Thus Manu is, and contains the potentiality of all the
thinking forms which will be developed on earth from this particular
source. In the esoteric teaching he is the beginning of this earth ,
and from him and his daughter Ila humanity is born; he is a unity which
contains all the pluralities and their modifications. Every manvantara
has its own Manu, and from this Manu the various Manus or rather all the
Manasa of the Kalpas will proceed...he may be compared to the white
light which contains all the other rays, giving birth to them by passing
through the prism of differentiation and evolution."	TRAN. 99


"Whoever...wants to see the real Mahatma, must use his intellectual
sight. He must so elevate his Manas that its perceptions will be clear
and all mists created by Maya must be dispelled. His vision will then
be bright and he will see the MAHATMAS wherever he may be, for, being
merged into the 6th and the 7th principles, which are ubiquitous and
omnipresent, the MAHATMAS may be said to be everywhere." HPB ART
I 294


"Bodha means the innate possession of divine intellect or
"understanding;" "Buddha," the acquirement of it by personal efforts and
merit; while Buddhi is the faculty of cognizing the channel through
which divine knowledge reaches the "Ego," the discernment of good and
evil, "divine conscience" also; and "Spiritual Soul," which is the
vehicle of Atma. "When Buddhi absorbs our EGO-tism (destroys it) with
all its Vikara, Avalokiteshvara becomes manifested to us, and Nirvana,
or Mukti, is reached," "Mukti" being the same as Nirvana, i.e., freedom
from the trammels of "Maya" or illusion.

"Bodhi" is likewise the name of a particular state of trance condition,
called Samadhi, during which the subject reaches the culmination of
spiritual knowledge."	SD I xix

"Most of us believe in the survival of the Spiritual Ego, in Planetary
Spirits and Nirmanakayas, those great Adepts of the past ages, who,
renouncing their right to Nirvana, remain in our spheres of being, not
as "spirits" but as complete spiritual human Beings. Save their
corporeal, visible envelope, which they leave behind, they remain as
they were, in order to help poor humanity, as far as can be done without
sinning against Karmic law. This is the "Great Renunciation," indeed;
an incessant, conscious self-sacrifice throughout aeons and ages till
that day when the eyes of blind mankind will open and, instead of the
few, all will see the universal truth. These Beings may well be
regarded as God and Gods--if they would but allow the fire in our
hearts, at the thought of that purest of all sacrifices, to be fanned
into the flame of adoration, or the smallest altar in their honor. But
they will not. Verily, "the secret heart is fair Devotion's (only)
temple," and any other in this case, would be no better than profane
ostentation."	HPB ARTICLES III 204


"Remember, thou that fightest for man's liberation,* each failure is
success and each sincere attempt wins its reward in time." * This is an
allusion to a well-known belief in the East...that every additional
Buddha or Saint is a new soldier in the army of those who work for the
liberation, or salvation of mankind. In Northern Buddhist countries,
where the doctrine of the Nirmanakayas--those Bodhisattvas who renounce
well-earned Nirvana or the Dharmakaya vesture (both of which shut them
out forever from the world of men) in order to invisibly assist mankind
and lead it finally to Paranirvana--is taught, every new Bodhisattva, or
initiated great Adept, is called the "liberator of mankind."

"A Bodhisattva is, in the hierarchy, less than a "perfect Buddha." In
the exoteric parlance these two are very much confused. Yet the innate
and right popular perception, owing to that self-sacrifice has placed a
Bodhisattva higher in its reverence than a Buddha.

This same popular reverence calls "Buddhas of Compassion" those
Bodhisattvas who, having reached the rank of an Arhat (i.e., have
completed the fourth or seventh Path), refuse to pass into the Nirvanic
state or "don the Dharmakaya robe and cross to the other shore," as it
would then become beyond their power to assist men even so little as
Karma permits. They prefer to remain invisibly (in Spirit, so to speak)
in the world, and contribute towards man's salvation by influencing them
to follow the Good Law, i.e., lead them on the Path of Righteousness..."

"...those EGOS of great Adepts who have passed away, and are also known
as Nirmanakayas;...for whom--since they are beyond illusion--there is no
Devachan, and who, having either voluntarily renounced it for the good
of mankind, or not yet reached Nirvana, remain invisible on earth...they
are re-born over and over again...Who they are, "on earth"--every
student of Occult science knows..."
SD II 615

" that ethereal form which one would assume when leaving
his physical he would appear in his astral body--having in addition all
the knowledge of an Adept. The Bodhisattva develops it in himself as he
proceeds on the Path. Having reached the goal and refused its fruition,
he remains on Earth, as an Adept; and when he dies, instead of going
into Nirvana, he remains in that glorious body he has woven for himself,
invisible to uninitiated mankind, to watch over and protect it...Thus,
to be enabled to help humanity, an Arhat who has won the right to
Nirvana, "renounces the Dharmakaya body" in mystic parlance; keeps, of
the Sambhogakaya, only the great and complete knowledge, and remains in
his Nirmanakaya body. The Esoteric School teaches that Gautama Buddha,
with several of his Arhats, is such a Nirmanakaya higher than whom, on
account of the great renunciation and sacrifice for mankind, there is
none known."
VOICE 77-8


"...I maintain as an occultist on the authority of the Secret Doctrine,
that though merged entirely into Parabrahm, man's spirit while not
individual per se, yet preserves its distinct individuality in
Paranirvana, owing to the accumulation in it of the aggregates, or
skandhas that have survived after each death, from the highest faculties
of the Manas. The most spiritual--i.e., the highest and divinest
aspirations of every personality follow Buddhi and the Seventh Principle
into Devachan (Swarga) after the death of the Monad...the individuality
of the preserved to the end of the great cycle
(Maha-Manwantara) when each Ego enters Paranirvana, or is merged in
Parabrahm...however long the "night of Brahma" or even the Universal
Pralaya...yet, when it ends, the same individual Divine Monad resumes
its majestic path of evolution, though on a higher, hundredfold
perfected and more pure chain of earths (266) than before, and brings
with it all the essence of compound spiritualities from its previous
countless rebirths."	HPB ARTICLES III 265-6


"We should remember that we were self-conscious beings when this planet
began; some even were self-conscious when this solar system began; for
there is a difference in degree of development among human beings. If
the planet or solar system began in a state of primordial substance or
nebulous matter ... then we must have had bodies of that state of
substance, In that finest substance there are all the possibilities of
every grade of matter, and hence it is that within the true body of
primordial matter all the changes of coarser and coarser substance have
been brought about; and within that body is all experience. Our birth
is within that body--a body of a nature which does not change throughout
the whole Manvantara. Each one has such a body of finest substance, of
the inner nature, which is the real container for the individual. In it
he lives and moves and has his being, and yet even the great glory and
fineness of that body is not the man; it is merely the highest vesture
of the Soul. The Real Man we are is the Man that was, that is, and that
ever shall be, for whom the hour will never strike--Man, the thinker;
Man, the perceiver--always thinking, continually acting...We are that
One Spirit, each standing in a vast assemblage of beings in this great
universe, seeing and knowing what he can through the instrument he has.
We are the Trinity--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; or, in
theosophical parlance, we are Atma, Buddhi, and Manas. Atma is the One
Spirit, not belonging to any one, but to all. Buddhi is the sublimated
experience of all the past. Manas is the thinking power, the thinker,
the man, the immortal man. There is no man without the Spirit..."
RC -- FP p. 237


-----Original Message-----
From: Raghu 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:47 PM
Subject :expecting others to be perfect / right !

is it ego to expect people to be perfect ?

Anybody please clarify.



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