Re: where are the "Masters"?
Apr 01, 2004 06:03 PM
by kpauljohnson
--- In, Pedro Oliveira <prmoliveira@y...>
> If HPB was not a hypocrite, if it is true that almost
> two dozens of individuals around that time (1880s),
> and independently of her, either saw or corresponded
> with her Teachers, then what she wrote on the subject
> of their existence could be considered, objectively,
> as a testimony of someone who knew.
Dear Pedro,
So far, I have appreciated your contributions here, and don't wish
to be antagonistic. But I feel obliged to point out that you are
conflating two issues here:
1. Evidence that others saw or corresponded with individuals who
were teachers of H. P. Blavatsky.
2. Evidence that anyone ever saw or corresponded with individuals
who bore all the stigmata attributed to "Mahatmas" in Theosophical
Affiliation to
> outer organisations, whatever they are, imo, does not
> necessarily entitles one to know the truth about this
> subject.
> "A MAHATMA is a personage, who, by special training
> and education, has evolved those higher faculties and
> has attained that spiritual knowledge, which ordinary
> humanity will acquire after passing through numberless
> series of re-incarnations during the process of cosmic
> evolution, provided, of course, that they do not go,
> in the meanwhile, against the purposes of Nature and
> thus bring on their own annihilation... The real
> MAHATMA is then not his physical body but that higher
> Manas which is inseparably linked to the Atma and its
> vehicle (the 6th principle) — a union effected by him
> in a comparatively very short period by passing
> through the process of self-evolution laid down by the
> Occult Philosophy. When, therefore, people express a
> desire to "see a MAHATMA," they really do not seem to
> understand what it is they ask for. How can they, by
> their physical eyes, hope to see that which transcends
> that sight? Is it the body—a mere shell or mask—they
> crave or hunt after? And supposing they see the body
> of a MAHATMA, how can they know that behind that mask
> is concealed an exalted entity? By what standard are
> they to judge whether the Maya before them reflects
> the image of a true MAHATMA or not? And who will say
> that the physical is not a Maya? Higher things can be
> perceived only by a sense pertaining to those higher
> things. And whoever therefore wants to see the real
> MAHATMA, must use his intellectual sight. He must so
> elevate his Manas that its perception will be clear
> and all mists created by Maya must be dispelled. His
> vision will then be bright and he will see the MAHATMA
> wherever he may be, for, being merged into the sixth
> and the seventh principles, which are ubiquitous and
> omnipresent, the MAHATMAS may be said to be
> everywhere." ("Mahatmas and Chelas", BCW, vol. 6)
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