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Re: Theos-World Krishnamurti on himself

Mar 31, 2004 05:09 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hallo all,

My views are:

As I said.
Compare Krishnamurti to Sai Baba then you will understand.

Rajagopal his dear friend did not follow him.
He supported Sai Baba for many years.

M. Sufilight with peacer and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "prmoliveira" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:39 AM
Subject: Theos-World Krishnamurti on himself

> --- In, samblo@c... wrote:
> > But let us do a thought experiment and imagine that 
> Krishnamurti had
> > not repudiated the status they placed upon him and had indeed 
> > Declared that he was the awaited personage they claimed he was.
> > What then would have been the effects created for Theosophy? 
> And
> > what consequences though imaginary here would have taken place?
> > Would there then be a complement to Alice Baileys 
> origination's?
> > Would Alice Bailey's works have been pre-empted? What had 
> Besant
> > and leadbeater planned to take place as the continued 
> augmentation
> > after a successful declaration at Madison Square Garden and 
> what
> > would have been the form, context and teachings they must have
> > spent time well planning to implement around Krishnamurti had 
> he
> > carried out their will and purpose.
> An interesting exercise, John. Are you familiar with the following 
> statement by Krishnamurti, made by him nine days before he died on 17 
> February 1986? The source is "Life and Death of Krishnamurti" by Mary 
> Lutyens:
> "I was telling them this morning - for seventy years that super-
> energy - no - that immense energy, immense intelligence, has been 
> using this body. I don't think people realise what tremendous energy 
> and intelligence went through this body - there's twelve-cylinder 
> engine. And for seventy years - was a pretty long time - and now the 
> body can't stand it any more. Nobody, unless the body has been 
> prepared, very carefully, protected and so on - nobody can understand 
> what went through this body. Nobody. Don't anybody pretend. Nobody. I 
> repeat this: nobody amongst us or the public, know what went on. I 
> know they don't. And now for seventy years it has come to an end. Not 
> that intelligence and energy - it's somewhat here, every day, and 
> especially at night. And after seventy years the body can't stand it -
> can't stand it anymore. It can't. The Indians have a lot of damned 
> superstitions about this - that you will and the body goes - and all 
> that kind of nonsense. You won't find another body like this, or that 
> supreme intelligence, operating in a body for many hundred years. You 
> won't see it again. When he goes, it goes. There is no consciousness 
> left behind of that consciousness, of that state. They'll all pretend 
> or try to iamgine they can get in touch with that. Perhaps they will 
> somewhat if they live the teachings. But nobody has done it. Nobody. 
> And so that's that."
> Pedro
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