Morten: "Baileys books...can be said to be WELL-INTENTIONED."
Mar 30, 2004 07:23 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
You write:
"So the DANGEROUS ones in the quote given by Daniel
are those who do not have --- the proper intentions ---
with what they theosophically do. That is what I read
from all this. Not true ?"
Again you write:
"Baileys books as such are not necessarily DANGEROUS,
because they can be said to be well-intentioned."
Morten, it is interesting that in both paragraphs
you wrote above, you place the emphasis on "the proper
intentions" and "well-intentioned."
But unless I am missing something here, the quotes
from H.P.B. and K.H. are talking about FALSE ideas.
Carefully notice H.P.B.'s words:
"By pandering to the prejudices of people, and
especially by adopting the false ideas...."
Again pay attention to H.P.B.'s words:
"Nothing is more dangerous to Esoteric Truth than the
garbled and distorted versions disfigured to suit
the prejudices and tastes of men in general."
Again the emphasis is on ....
What does "the proper intentions" or being
"well-intentioned" have to do with it?
Notice in the message at
K.H. writes:
"I cannot permit our sacred philosophy to be so
DISFIGURED....nothing here about "the proper intentions."
And K.H. even admits the SINCERITY of Mrs. Holloway:
"Her [Holloway's] surexcited fancy, putting a mask on
every stray spook, created the 'Student' and made
him serve her purpose and desire. She believed in
it sincerely. . . . Try to save 'Man' [a Theosophical
book finally published in 1885] by looking it over
with Mohini, and by erasing from it the alleged
inspirations and dictation by 'Student'."
"She believed in it sincerely...."
So Mrs. Holloway may have been "well-intentioned" but
what of that?
KH was concerned with the FALSE IDEAS that may have
crept into the book.
ERASE "from it the alleged inspirations and dictation...."
So when you write that:
"Baileys books as such are not necessarily DANGEROUS,
because they can be said to be well-intentioned."
I believe this is off the subject of what both HPB
and KH write.
Bailey's books are DANGEROUS because they contain
disfigured.....garbled....distorted versions of the
Esoteric Truths.
Her books emphasize the FALSE IDEA of a "personal,
carnalized Saviour...."
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