Re: Theos-World Re: a short question
Mar 28, 2004 04:52 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hallo Pedro and all of you,
My views are:
I friendly ask: Yes, and then what ?
The Masters are always very close to humanity as such.
We are all connected with each other - are we not ?
You misunderstood me I think:
This does not explain what motive you have by asking the question ?
In what manner will my answer help you, no matter what answer i gave you ?
Allright then.
Bailey's friend known as D.K. was as far as I and others understand it the
same as the by Blavatsky mentioned Djual Khool.
But, I will say this, that Bailey were not in contact with Djual Khool all
the time when she was writing. Not all the books has been 100% dictaed by
Djual Khool.
There was a certain overlap between Bailey's D.K. and Blavatsky's version
called Djual Khool.
To what extend this happended is irrelevant to know in a physical email like
Did this help you - spiritually ?
M. Sufilight with peace and love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "prmoliveira" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:26 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: a short question
> --- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
> theosophy@a...> wrote:
> > Why do you ask about this ?
> > Have your question spiritual motive ?
> Because you have posted a number of messages on Alice Bailey and her
> teachings, and because almost every Bailey book contains an "Extract
> from a statement by the Tibetan", published in August 1934, which
> contains the following assertion:
> "I seek to help the Master M. and the Master K.H. whenever
> opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and
> Their work."
> Pedro
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