Re: Theos-World Re: The Mahatmas and Buddhism
Mar 28, 2004 07:09 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hallo all of you,
My views are:
The following might be of help:
"PS The rejection of self, the anatma doctrine of Buddhism, seems on the
surface to be diametrically opposed to Theosophy, which posits a spiritual
Self. But Blavatsky clearly says that this spiritual Self is a ray or
emanation into our planetary chain from something she calls a "divine
Monad", and so seeing this spiritual Self as maya is not anti-Theosophy at
all. And the divine Monad is not a self, so there is really no problem at
M. Sufilight with peace and love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "arielaretziel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: The Mahatmas and Buddhism
> > Pedro
> >
> >I am sorry for another long posting. It is the
> > last one!
> I certainly hope not! Pedro, I think you started one of the most
> interesting discussions we've had in this group in a long time.
> The Mahatmas seem to be talking about an esoteric science that is
> about Budhi, something that is lower than Atman. Meanwhile, Buddhism
> is the most scientific religion talks of anatman. Perhaps Buddhism is
> talking of a higher state? Maybe it's the Ain Soph of the Kabbalists
> and Atman is correspondant to Kether?
> I found Koshek's posts about history quite fascinating, especially
> about Buddhism in connection to Brahmanism, yet we also find HPB
> talking about a pre-Vedic Buddhism. This would suggest that Buddhism
> did not start with the Buddha. So for any question of what Buddhism
> was like at the time of the Buddha, a Theosophist would have to ask
> the added question- what was Buddhism like before the Buddha?
> Daniel has given many interesting links and I find it interesting
> that there are so many schools of Buddhism and trying to unravel
> which school was the one of our Theosophical Masters seem to be a
> heavy task. I certainly hope we find the Stanzas of Dyzan in it's
> purity.
> Ariel
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