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the good in all things

Mar 26, 2004 01:28 PM
by krishtar

Hi everybody

Sometimes there are true jewels among many messages of this group.
One, in particular impressed me by its simplicity.
Written, if I am not mistaked, by John Plummer" <jplummer@b...> 
Who wrote, among other things about sometheosophical writers:

" Just like all of us, these folks had both great strengths and 
significant personal failings. I think we have to learn from 
their good work, while not avoiding an honest, but compassionate, 
awareness of the less edifying parts of the story."

We sometimes are very fierce with mistakes of many writers, most of them are searchers like us , who decided to write down their thoughts in the forn of a book or pamphlet..
We must see, check and choose what is edifying for us.
We must be very critical with ourselves first.
It is a buddhist concept.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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