Re: Theos-World Talk directly with the Master Maitreya in real time on the chat site in private!
Mar 26, 2004 03:25 AM
by krishtar
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel H. Caldwell
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: Theos-World Talk directly with the Master Maitreya in real time on the chat site in private!
So you wonder why the Masters hated to assign a name to themselves.
Irresposible mediumship is not a recent occurence.
HPB somehow foresaw these creatures who, in the name of certain Masters, tell a lot of rubbish in charge of money.
Kama Loka is a huge restaurant from which many psychic people, conscious or unconsiously, serve.
What Allan Kardek called "spirits" many should be read "kamarupas" , " eidolons" , " Elementaries"...
Thinking the other side of it, it there are people charging this services through Visa and Amex, is because there are some who pay for it!
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