Re: Theos-World Part 2 --- "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and homosexuals. ....
Mar 25, 2004 12:49 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
netemara888 wrote:
--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
netemara888 wrote:
The Jews do
not believe in "creation out of nihil"; read the first chapter of
Genesis; Creation is clearly described as taking undifferentiated
substance and turning it into differentiated substance.
Creation was THE WORD. There is no substance in the Word.
Show me where in Jewish literature it says that, please,
because I
cannot find it.
Well maybe yes or no in Jewish literature as you call it, but what
about the Old Testament? DOes that count? What about the Kaballah the
Jewish one, and I know it does not say it in the Torah because that
is about how much they hated Jesus and other people too.
Sure. Show me in the Old Testament. I am not sure which book you are
referring to by "The Kaballah"; I assume you mean the Zohar?
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