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Re: Maitreya and Steiner

Mar 25, 2004 08:37 AM
by christinaleestemaker

-Hallo John,
That is the same picture they use in the Free Catholic chuch I see.

On the channeled (www. they give all kinds of 
pictures of the other masters like DK, KH, Jezus etc.


-- In, "John Plummer" <jplummer@b...> 
> Hi folks -
> Thanks for the help with the Maitreya image. I think this is the 
one that was
> used by the LCC:
> Can anyone confirm?
> As to Steiner and the preparation of the World Teacher -- Steiner 
believed in
> the immanent return of the Christ, but he taught that this return 
would be in
> the etheric realm, and not through a physical vehicle. So he had 
big problems
> with Krishnamurti. There are a bunch of Steiner lectures on this - 
I think
> some are collected under the title: The Reapppearance of Christ in 
the Etheric.
> As someone pointed out, RS was not exactly tolerant toward those 
who did not
> share his views. It is interesting to look at some of his lectures 
from 1912/13,
> when the separation from the TS happened. For example, the lecture 
series published
> as Life Between Death and Rebirth spans this period. He doesn't 
tackle the
> TS head-on, but makes many statements about Christianity and 
Eastern religions
> which are clearly aimed at the conflict. 
> John

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