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Re: Theos-World Re: re Steve S's" ancient documents" re JC/MM etc

Mar 19, 2004 11:32 PM
by samblo

Thanks, you'll have to forgive a banal habit I have, I tend to think in
Triads at times. Punicus is Sophia Achamoth. Here is another Church
Father railing against the Gnostics, I will post the link below. But 
down to paragraph #8 and you will read:

"They further declare that these are the seven mundane demons, who always 
oppose and resist the human race, because it was on their account that their 
father was cast down to this lower world"

These seems at least to me to be what Mary Magdalene refers to when
she gives discourse about the "Seven Spirits of Wrath." 

Your mention of the Mandaeans confuses me and I am not sure of the
statement, The Mandaeans were the B.C. Baptizers, John the Baptist
was their Elder at the time of Jesus. In the winter they moved from the 
Shat Al Arab to the Jordan where Jesus meets John and received the
Baptism of Water. They existed before the Catholic Church and they 
exist today, or at least their continuers. On the Mandaean Websites
Online there are translated their original Baptism Rite, and also the 
Ginza Rba or westernized, Rabba Ginza. When Saddam drained the
swamps I was dismayed because I remembered the 800 or so 
Mandaeans that remained there all these centuries living on their reed
float islands and still wearing the seamless white garments, so-called.
A web search on Google will reveal several Mandaean Websites which
have the translated repository of the same. They also have very unique
Graphical representations that are integral to their religious system. 
The Web is amazing! I searched rare book dealers for decades trying
to find englished translations and never found any even from Samuel
Weisner Rare Antiquarian Dept. Now in seconds it is before your eyes
even translated and you can save a full copy to your H.D. with zero

Well, Valentinus impressed me, it was an esthetically pleasing system
with the 33 Aeons, and apparently quite popular for centuries to the
chagrin of the Catholic Church, but then again everything displeased


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