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Re: Theos-World Mary Magdalene

Mar 18, 2004 06:54 AM
by Ali Hassan

From: "stevestubbs" <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Mary Magdalene
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 01:21:05 -0000

--- In, Erica Letzerich <eletzerich@y...>
> I am trying to find out is if there is
> anything deeper on the subject.

Well, yes, but it uiis too complex to describe in an e-mail. Think
Blavatsly's metrological or arithetic key (one of the seven keys.) In
early Christianity many things came in threes, which invariably
corresponded to the three parts of the trichotomy, the body, soul,
and [Holy] Spirit. Bapism was described as an "initiation" in
ancient writings,
I think it definitely was an initiation. Baptism by water would correspond to the astral body, baptism by fire would correspond possibly to the etheric or maybe to the mental body.

but what was only vaguely told to catechumens
and "babes" (which is what members of the first degree were called(
was that there were two other degrees. The second was
called "aspiring to perfection" and the third "rgw pwefwcr degree,"
the Greek word for perfect meaning :of full age" as ditinguished
from :babes/"

Anyway, these mystics thought, right or wrong, that man iis really
not an intrinsically evil being, but that he is made so by evil
eexternal entities which attached themselves to his heart (thinking
principle) for the purpose of vicariously experienving sensual
pleasures. The worl of the second degree consisted of srudying
esoteric theories and going through a series of exorcisms (consisting
mainly of prayer and fasting) which were believed to expel these evil
entities and "purify" the heart. When the process was comp;eted the
ystic was initiated into the third degree and taught the technique of
Merkabah mysticism, one purpose of which was to attain the Beatific
Vision. This is the esoteric meaning of the beatitude that the pure
of heart shall see God.

It was believed that these evil entities could conceal their presence
so as not to be expelled, so that seemingly normal people could have
these entities attached to their hearts. The esoteruic meaning of
the statement that Mary had seven devils cast out of her is therefore
not that she was crazy but that she completed the wok of the second
degree under the direct supervision of her teacher, Jesus. None of
Do tell? So she and the others whom Jesus cast devils out of weren't plagued with earthbounds as is commonly supposed?
Although the specific number '7' does make one pause.

this is supposition, there are ancient documents ine existece which
support all these statements but the general public is unaware of
them. That is furthermore only the uppermost tip of the esoteriuc
Christian iceberg, the content of which is known to only a few people
in the world and which has never been written plainly in book form,
despite ghastly productions like the book by A Besant. There is no
book worth reading on the subject that I know of. The secret
teachings are still secret after two millenia.
"only a few people in the world"? I love such statements.

No comment on whether these theories were true in a scientific sense.

> In general lines what researches mention on the
> subject, is that there was an antagonism between Peter
> and Mary

I have never seen evidence of that, but there was a three way
antagonism between Peter, Paul, and James. The edoteric schools
which descended from the three were in rivalry with each other.

> everything indicates that Mary indeed
> was one of the greatest disciples of Jesus, not a
> lover as some say.

Not everything. THE GOSPEL OF PHILIP makes it quite clear Mary was
Jesus' lover. So there was a tradition to that effect in ancient
Makes it quite clear after 2 millenium untouched, unexpurgated, perfectly translated. Nice.



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