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Re: [bn-study] Re: UNIVERSAL KARMA & CYCLIC EVOLUTION ... continued

Mar 16, 2004 06:23 PM
by leonmaurer

Perhaps, we might understand this better (looking at it from the more 
scientific aspect of the theosophical synthesis) if we considered karma as the action 
and reaction of cause and effect due to the vibrations of energy we apply 
that coenergetically reverberates through the seven fold "coadunate but not 
consubstantial" globular fields of consciousness... 

While, on the other hand, we might consider the "laws of periodicity" as 
inherent in governing the cyclic action of such vibrations (on the surface of such 
spheres) -- based on the circular spinning of the zero-point origin of all 
primal force as it steps down through those fields -- starting from the primal 
beginning of the first and second logos, to the fields of physical matter (our 
space time continuum)... [See this symbolic illustration to visualize how the 
spherical fields of consciousness, analogous to both human and universal 
fields from spirit to matter, originate and step down in frequency energy order as 
they involve like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles:

Thus, the periodicity laws govern the fundamental forces underlying the 
action of karma. But, such laws are not in the same category as that action 
itself. One, being based on induced information related to external actions imposed 
on and "carried" by the vibrations of the forces or energies in each 
successive field. And the other, being the fundamental laws governing the propagation 
and potential properties of that energy... 

"Energy" being material (in varying degrees of substantiality) whose 
superficial modifications are changeable in each stage... While the unchanging 
fundamental "laws" governing its "properties" remains purely ideational... With 
"Karma" itself being the causes and effects that we induce on top of the vibrations 
of that energy, due to our thoughts, words, and actions... While the 
transformation and transfer of that karma through the coadunate fields, and the 
reaction or response, is governed by those fundamental laws. 

Therefore, we can change those actions and divert or modify those reactions, 
but not the laws of periodicity and cycles that govern them.

This is analogous to a vibrating (AC) electromagnetic force (EMF) -- 
consisting of electrons flowing in a wire (such as in a telephone conversation 
modulating a DC current) that has both a forward and an induced backward EMF (when it 
meets a resistance and rebounds) -- sending the original voice signals back 
as echoic interference's. This process then continues to reverberate 
periodically, back and forth, until the initial vibrational force is ultimately 
dissipated by transfer to another (slower, lower level) form of energy, such as heat, 
sound, etc.... Incidentally, that is why HPB said that the universe of 
"wheels within wheels within wheels" is fundamentally "electrical" in nature. 

To mitigate our personal karma -- just as these electrical interference's can 
be filtered out by diverting them into less resistant channels, karmic 
interference's can be analogously filtered out and diverted by controlling and 
changing the root ideas and consequent root thoughts in our mind. The ideal being 
to impress the mind only with those ideas that represent the true nature of 
reality gained through direct experience -- that displaces all wrong views. 
This can be accomplished by proper meditation over a period of time, such as 
practicing Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms. Thus, we can eventually stand aside in the 
present and observe our individual karma in action, while determining and 
taking correct measures to change its causes and effects and reduce the 
disharmonies that we have unknowingly created in the past. This, presumedly, is the 
path of the self chosen initiate... That appears easy to start on, but may be 
very difficult to stay on... Since, it requires continuous concentration on pure 
thoughts and constant vigilance to avoid wrong thoughts or wrong actions that 
add to our karma. 

We can also see this process of karmic causes and effect analogously as the 
rings of ripples that extend outward around a stone dropped in the center of a 
calm pond -- along with the returning of the ripples when they arrive at the 
shore and reflect back to the center of disturbance. The resultant 
interference patterns of inward ripples rolling over outward ripples record a hologram of 
the original displacement. 

We might imagine this cause and effect continuing to reverberate until the 
initial impact force is dissipated and the surface returns to calmness again -- 
when all the initial ripple's motional or kinetic energy is transferred and 
spread out to the individual molecules of water throughout the pond. (This is a 
relatively simplified picture, since gravitational as well as molecular weak 
forces also have an influence.)

In the multidimensional fields of consciousness, the initial karmic effects 
become additional causes periodically reverberating back and forth, ad 
infinitum, that continue to transform and travel from field to field by inductive 
resonance processes. And, since all fields are analogous with respect to their 
energy rays and vibrational frequencies (although not of the same order or 
substantiality) -- the Akashic field is at the highest order of frequencies. (This 
is the field that retains the memory of all karma through indefinite periods 
of time.)

Therefore, with consequently shorter time between vibrations at these higher 
frequencies, and their near infinite velocities, the karmic patterns remain 
for longer and longer time periods -- which could extend over many, many 
lifetimes depending on the force of the initial impulse. 

This accounts for the relative eternality of karma that can return lifetime 
after lifetime through similar reverberating causes and effects that continue 
to generate additional causes and effects -- until the initial cause is 
reversed or transcended by one means or another. This is why they say that "karma 
works in mysterious ways." And, why only the Adept can fully visualize this 
process and comprehend its intricacies, as one karmic wave overlaps and, in turn, 
modifies another, and eventually ends up as an intricate hologram in the 
Akashic field that inures to both the sender and the receiver of the original 
karmic action... That is, until reversed or transcended by the originator of the 

The above outline covers only the most simple aspects of karma -- that is 
almost impossible to explain in full detail in writing... But, it's important to 
be contemplated intuitively, and fully understood eventually -- without 
confusing the superficially induced working (action and reaction) of karma with the 
underlying immutable laws (cycles and periodicity) governing the energy that 
mutable karma rides on.

Hope this clarifies this subject a bit further. All questions, comments, 
corrections or correlation's welcome. (One day this may be part of the new Secret 
Doctrine we are all writing together. :-)

Best wishes,


In a message dated 03/14/04 7:37:40 PM, writes:

>----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lyris ListManager" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: [bn-study] UNIVERSAL KARMA & CYCLIC EVOLUTION ...
> Peter-I shall throw my 2 cents in here, regarding The Law of
> Periodicity and karma.
> As HPB is want to say regarding many things Theosophical:
> "They are the same and the other". By that I mean, (I think) that Karma
> is the motive cause or neccesity behind all manifestation, while the The
> Law of Periodicity is another of its characteristics. I feel as if this
> modus operandi will bring the Logos into existence periodically, as a
> requirement for the manifestation which will follow. It is like the
> Logos is the underpining or metaphysical basis for Manvantara to
> continue, and Karma will describe its characteristics or attribute.
> If I understand this, the 1st Logos is the highest nature of
> the AHHI or Dhyan Chohanic Body (as Atman: Universal consciousness,
> God), while the second corresponds to Buddhi, the "first" Vehicle and
> therefore containing the Karma and Archetypes (Law) and then the Third
> is Being-Mahat or Universal Mind or Manifest Logos-Adam Kadmon-the Son
> (of necessity).
> From another point of view they are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
> Shiva containing the psychological suggestion of the third Fundemental
> or choice and regeneration. That is why Shiva or the Son of neccessity
> is Man as that, which is the Hierarches that will light up manas in the
> "earthy Man").
> If there is anything to this then we might see the 2nd Logos
> as the inherent karma or cause of the third Logos (causal in the sense
> of the Law which will describe its being). All which, as a unified
> "body" is the inner being (beings) within all of Great nature, but being
> made of or being a compound of Hierarches, they are the One in the many.
> The rest of Manifest nature and all of the beings in it being its
> reflection in more and more material prakriti.
> It is the Light of the Logos (The First Logos) which is the
> Light in and looks out of every eye, but is restrained or circumscribed
> by the karma of the being "out" of which those eyes look.
> Just some thoughts. Such a provocative subject.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Bernin
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 2:41 AM
> Subject: [bn-study] UNIVERSAL KARMA & CYCLIC EVOLUTION ... continued
> Mars 14 2004,
> Dear Dallas,
> Many thanks for your interesting reply.
> A further thought along the lines of UNIVERSAL KARMA & CYCLIC
> EVOLUTION comes to mind:
> You wrote:
> MANAS is one of the imperishable principles, as UNIVERSAL MIND
> (MAHAT). As I see it, - it is a logical bridge (of understanding and
> of intelligent consciousness) between SPIRIT and MATTER (or ATMA and
> BUDDHI). The UNMANIFESTED LOGOS could not act unless KARMA and MAHAT
> were equally "there." The develops action in the MANIFESTING LOGOS, and
> finally we have in full operation the present: the MANIFESTED LOGOS in
> all its complexity and universality.
> I ask:
> Is the LOGOS manifested through KARMA or through the LAW OF
> PERIODICITY? And what is the difference, if any?
> Peter Bernin

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