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RE: Who is a Theosophist?

Mar 15, 2004 05:14 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Mar 15 2003

Re: "Theosophist is who THEOSOPHY does." --- H P B

Dear Friend:

"Theosophist" is a label, and is easily applied. But it does not fully
cover any actual person. We are all individuals. Each deserves his or
her own "label."

A "Theosophist" may be ignorant or learned, tall or short, man or woman,
child or aged, and of any race, religion or designation, sick or well,
and so on. It really tells us NOTHING

Racial and credal LABELS and DESIGNATIONS are equally fallacious. 

To use them offers us no "short cuts" and would seem to indicate a
reluctance to think and consider the needs and welfare of others -- just
plain, brotherly consideration.



-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Oliveira [] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Theos-World Who is a Theosophist?

As the word "Theosophist" is used in this list very
regularly (and at times with a self-conceived
latitude), it may be relevant to remember how HPB
understood it: 

"It is easy to become a Theosophist. Any person of
average intellectual capacities, and a leaning toward
the metaphysical; of pure, unselfish life, who finds
more joy in helping his neighbour than in receiving
help himself; one who is ever ready to sacrifice his
own pleasures for the sake of other people; and who
loves Truth, Goodness and Wisdom for their own sake,
not for the benefit they may confer-is a Theosophist."

>From "Practical Occultism - Important to Students"
[Lucifer, Vol. II, No. 8, April, 1888, pp. 150-154]

Pedro Oliveira

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