Re: Theos-World Re: Hitler, Nazism, the Holocaust, Holocaust Denial, Anti-Semitism, and Neo-Nazism
Mar 13, 2004 07:58 PM
by Ali Hassan
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Hitler, Nazism, the Holocaust, Holocaust
Denial, Anti-Semitism, and Neo-Nazism
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 16:19:33 EST
--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> So, where is it written that, once you die, you come back immediately
> into a new body?
The Tulku Lamas such as the Dalai and Panchen, do it every time.
They have an entire system in place, don't they? Makes a difference.
I'm sure HPB knew all about that and how they do it. Being a Bodhisattva,
I'm also sure
she's still around. I wouldn't figure who, though... Since, she may be a
now -- unless she decided to do a "walk-in" to a grown up body. She could
either a watcher or a doer, but also might just be just hanging around in
Astral body. It's anybody's guess. What would you choose if you were she?
Her birthday would be May 9, her Sun sign Taurus, Ascendant late Virgo.
Female again.
Since you mention the Tibetan tulkus, are you or anyone involved in
Theosophy advanced enough that if you had a 'Blavatsky candidate', you'd be
able to "see" enough in, say a photo to make judgement? I understand Besant,
Olcott, Sinnett, some of those folks were pretty clairvoyant.
And what would you do if you were convinced you had found her "in the body"?
It could get almost as bad as other religions, couldn't it?
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