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Theos-World RE: Re: "Well, hell

Mar 13, 2004 05:13 PM
by stevestubbs

--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> stevestubbs wrote:
> > The Theosophical Society was instrumental in promoting
> > the infamous PROTOCOLS and other racist propaganda. 

That statement was made on this list some time ago but not by me. If 
I remember correctly, the poster gave the reference then.

One thing that has to be borne in mind in the interest of fairness is 
that the PROTOCOLS is really a pretty bland document. Those of us 
who have read the thing are mystified that it has incited so much 
hatred. It is quite certain that at the moment you are reading this 
some group somewhere in the world is meting and discussing the 
possibility of doing the very things described in the book, except 
that they may be of any nationality and ethnicity. We know there are 
Saudi billionaires plotting these things and funding them with our 
own money which we paid them for oil and yet the response seems 
rational and measured. If someone alleges the very same thing is 
being done by a group of Jews the response is hysterical. I have 
read scores of books o European history and this is an aspect that 
continues to baffle me.

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