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Re: Theos-World Conspiracy Theories

Mar 12, 2004 06:02 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Wrong. The highest degree in pukka FM is the 3rd degree (as the Theosophical
Movement consists of three sections).
The 33 degree sheme is a Jesuitic conspiracy as every student of HPB's Isis
But since the good humans have decided once for all that there are no bad
people and no evil exists in the world they obviously will soon proclaim the
paradise on Earth. Is it but a chance that both you Theo and Daniel belong
to the Adyar TS where positive thinking is a duty?
It seems that such strange guys as I who are sceptic about what Bush and
Blair lie have received their - BAD KARMA.
That's the Adyar logic, is it?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Theo Paijmans" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Conspiracy Theories

Oh, should I have added that the two 3's of the months make for a nice
33, the highest degree in masonry and the geographical degree (latitude)
where Trinity site is located in New Mexico on the Journada del Muerto
trail, where the worlds first atomic bomb was detonated... Dealy Plaza
where Kennedy was assassinated, lies near the Trinity River, and Dallas
is located south of the 33 degree of latitude... The whiskey brand was
established though in 1894.

Theo Paijmans wrote:

>Yes yes... and as we figuered out yesterdaynight; the horrible Madrid
>blast happened on 11-3, March being the 3rd month from December, as is
>September (9) in the 9-11 New York blast. By the way, the Single
>Highland Malt we drank while construing all this was 12 years old.
>All very coincidental, I suppose.
>Frank Reitemeyer wrote:
>>This is the more interesting that - as BILD (the biggest newspaper in
>>Europe, at least in quantity) headlines today - the bomb terror in Madrid
>>the other day happened exactly 911 days after 9-11. It's no conspiracy,
>>just a chance!
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