Re: Theos-World Flight 77
Mar 12, 2004 05:06 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer
>Ha, ha... This predjudiced joker who loves to spill out anything that makes
>America, Jews, believers in the Holocaust, and Hitler haters look bad --
Hoo, Hoo, this prejudiced troll, who hates Europe, Germany, Germans and the
Holocaust since years does not grasp the difference between attacking the
lie/the hypocrisy/the Pharisees and - a Jew.
Obviously this antisemitic troll believes that all Jews are liars by birth.
What a luck for him that he never heard how leading Jews in Germany over
Fritjof Meyer, the Leading Editor of DER SPIEGEL, Germany's and Europes
biggest news magazine (at least in quantity) try now to write the Holocaust
away and that Jews are beginning now to get the leaders now fo the
revisionists and top them.
Obviously this troll does not know the secret conspiracy which at this
moment is taking place in Tel Aviv.
What a luck for him - he can sleep further on with the sure conviction that
he is on the WHITE side.
Good night Israel!
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