RE: Theos-World Re: High esteem or arrogance ??
Mar 11, 2004 10:35 PM
by Raghu K
seems there is a lot of misconceptions about sankaracharya !
there were times, when people who claimed to be rational started spitting
venom, on him, his ashram and his followers - There were times, in my school
days, when I was called '...' by the so called rational people - people with
the sixth sense, according to them, conveniently, for political gains, b'cos
i followed the teachings of sankaracharya !
These 'rational scholars' were atheists - but, without understanding what
spirituality was all about, they said it was wrong & persons like
sankaracharya were using it to deceive people ! One guy even ventured to
ask 'c'mon, buddy, show me Lord Vishnu, I will start believing in God - till
then, I will not & nor will I allow anyone else to'.
This was the time, when Sankaracharya spoke out that it was absolutely at
the discretion of the people whether or not to believe in God & one has not
ought to make comments about something, without understanding the essence of
it, if at all, he is rational. Nothing like - pouring hot molten metal into
the mouth...' , as put by someone.
Please understand the life of the saint, before making such sweeping
Raghu Seshadri.
-----Original Message-----
From: arielaretziel []
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:09 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: High esteem or arrogance ??
--- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 03/08/04 5:28:01 PM, stevestubbs@y... writes:
> >I never did like Sankara much. I have studied and worked with his
> >sadhana catustaya for many years, but he said things such as
> >should have molten lead poured down their throats if they heard
> >anyone sing the Vedas and stuff like that.
I would like to have the exact reference and quote where Sankara
actually say this. Sounds like another crazy "internet story" like
the ones we here from Netenara and Frank all the time.
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