re "yoga practices" and "just being"
Mar 11, 2004 06:56 AM
by Mauri
Leon wrote: <<The idea being that if
the mind can hold only one thought at a
time, the best way to stop the
modifications of the miond or
uncontrolled discursive thinking, is to
concentrate and hold a single thought or
idea in the mind. That is the basis of
meditation in any yoga practice. >>
There may be yoga practices along those
lines, but if such yoga practices are
seen as "best way," seems to me that
such ways might amount to building
bridges by which one might by-pass or
find excuses for by-passing even notions
about, or efforts toward, "just being."
I've been under the impression that
HPB, for one, might have seen "just
being" as a form of "meditation" that
might be, in some cases, "more to the
point," say, than meditation by way of
"holding a single thought." On the
other hand, whatever seems to "make
sense" ...
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