Re: Theos-World It's in the (e) mail
Mar 06, 2004 09:56 AM
by Ali Hassan
From: "stevestubbs" <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World It's in the (e) mail
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 17:15:56 -0000
--- In, "Ali Hassan" <ananda_hotai@h...>
> Maybe you should study the sutras of Dhzyan? I have studied just a
> enough programming to maybe understand a bit of that mentality.
Actually they are stanzas and not sutras. Two different literary
As for viuses, you are entitled to your opinion, nut software is what
I do for a living, and to refer to a bunch of antisocial losers
"nut software"?
you're not being a tad judgemental here? <grin>
as "superb" is to me nonsense. It takes about 2000 hours of effort
to write a single virus. The clowns who spend their time that way
need to get a life.
2000. or maybe 1, depending on all the variables, no? I don't know where you
get your figure, but I hope there aren't many out there that have that much
work in them.
Possibly they are losers and clowns, I can't judge. Some of them could be
rich, from all that effort, I'd agree. What "other artists" in this day do
you know of that have that dedication to their craft? Possibly we are the
losers and clowns.
I know they have to know the api's like the back of their hand to create
some sophisticated ones, while others are toss-off scripts in VB, or Word
macros, as Bart was mentioning.
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