Re: Theos-World It's in the (e) mail
Mar 06, 2004 08:24 AM
by Ali Hassan
From: "stevestubbs" <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World It's in the (e) mail
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 00:22:19 -0000
--- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
theosophy@a...> wrote:
> Hallo all,
> My views are:
> I think that is good.
> We aught not to be too attached to virus and computers of any
Hallo to you, roo.
My views are:
The next time someone sends me a virus I can forward it to you if you
Somehow I see nothing good im viruses and wonder at the mentality of
people who spoend all their waking hours inventing them. I am just
completely mystified why anyone would want to invest so much time in
something like that.
Maybe you should study the sutras of Dhzyan? I have studied just a tad
enough programming to maybe understand a bit of that mentality.
It is that of the Leonine "creator". Viruses, worms, trojans are the most
efficient programs written, period.
Iow, they get the most "bang for the buck", by far, and are the closest to
true artificial intelligence.
We may judge them as horrible, destructive and disruptive in view of our
notions of "productivity" and the usefulness of computers at the moment,
because they infect and are parasitic. Well-written ones evolve and adapt.
It is wondrous. Their writers are often superb programmers.
Keep in mind that we too, are parasitic, but extremely evolved and complex,
and therefore vulnerable. Perhaps we resemble Windows more than we'd care to
admit? A constant battle of survival and upgrading, no?
In a successful program,(not virus, any 'purposeful' program) there is a
mini-cosmos created, a rudimentary Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva process- poorly
written programs do not have balance- somewhere, one of these processes has
a "hole" in the whole.
Even if we can't see any usefulness in virus-writing at this point in time,
we shouldn't dismiss them out of hand. They force utterly kludged-together
frankenstein-monster O.S.'es like Windows to evolve.
Anyway, you should take them seriously because some of them are
apparently pretty nasty if they get in your machine.
I'll likely not forget seeing the Chernobyl virus in action, when I was a
relative newbie to Windows.
It had infected my father's Win95 right past McAfee like it wasn't there.
You could almost hear Windows' screams being choked off. You could
definitely see its death throes.
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