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HPB not an adept?

Feb 26, 2004 11:03 AM
by krishtar

Bart wrote:

(...)A) Blavatsky was not an Adept. She wasn't even a particularly good 
choice for the projects the Adepts had in mind. She was just the best 
available at the time....(...)

My view is:
It is not true.
HPB although in a female human body and subject to certain limitations ofan incarnated ego showed many signs of her cosmic origins.
Although Master Kut Hoo Mi, in ML´s, referred this way about her, it is not difficult to see that an Adept is a human being who´s reached his highest point concerning to a top terrestrial evolution.
Between the lines it is possible to notice a little chauvinism in MasterKH sections.
We never conceive a master with human imperfections, it is our biggest mistake.
If she supposed got less merit, why would they choose her?


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